ZoZo's 5* must read Guide to un-noobing your noob... noob.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by ZoZo, January 10, 2011.

  1. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Support is probably the worst. Assault is sweet at killing turrets. The grenade launcher gets them at a long distance. Support needs to get close for air strikes. Tank is the best at killing turrets fast because of the product grenade. It's a sweet skill.
  2. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    The tank is pretty good, but against a 3.3 RockIt, he just doesn't cut it. I'd say the Gunner is the prime counter to turrets, because he can do it from any range and even from behind cover.
  3. Mocky55

    Mocky55 New Member

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    This was a real good read Zozo. And i agree with all of it.
    But I do tend to build lvl 3 Lazer Blazers next to the money ball simply cause i hate getting owned by Assassins, it always seemed to me to be the only thing that can stop them from running into a base, taking out a pro and running back out.
    I'll see to it that i try building freeze turrets more often, i never really used them before.

    Also, Assault is my favorite class. They are strong in melee and mid range, and with the air charge can overcome obstacles no other class can over come.
    You can close the distance between you and another pro instantly and own him with your melee attacks. They can use their air charge to even escape a deployed Gunner. They are also the only class i know that can defend themselves equally against Snipers and Assassins. As Gunner and Support i get sniped a lot and as Sniper, Tank, I get assassinated a lot. With him I rarely get sniped cause u just never stop moving, and if the Assassin hasn't maxed her sword you can survive one of her melees after which u can ring her out usually. Charging at cloaked Assassins is fun too, they r squishy.

    But what can he do Strategically you might ask, with his Granade Launcher he can take out lines of Robots in few shots, and can use it against turrets too effectively. I think 12 shots or so can destroy a lvl 3 Rockit Turret, (i know, much weaker than the Gunner's Mortar but it does shoot a bit faster.)
    When the Annihilator is ready he i believe is the fastest class that can race there to push it. Assassins my run faster but they don't have charge or jetpack.

    I really enjoyed your post, i hope you enjoy mine :D
  4. ZoZo

    ZoZo New Member

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    Confused me with a few things there mocky. assassins have the bomb jump+dash, if that doesn't clear obstacles or map as fastest i dunno what will. if your getting assassinated as sniper your simply not suing your traps right. if you getting beat by assassins as tank then your REALLY doing something wrong, a tank should rarely ever lose to an assassin. an assassin getting rolled by LB turrets is a bad assassin, end of story. and assasins CAN charge, there's is just different in nature, and lacks throw to it, but frankly is just as effective, if not more so considering you can put a stab at the end of it.

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