Your most humiliating kill/death?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Zeromus EG, September 7, 2010.

  1. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Most humiliating Kill was definitely today. Playing against a level 90 player who was a bit of a firebase ho. We're talking the sort of Support who goes up to you, bunny hops around and when you start to attack properly, runs back to his firebase and just heals it while it shoots you (you can argue that's clever all you like, but it's just as cheap).

    Anyway that's not an issue because next round he takes Sniper - he was actually pretty good at it. Good shots on me that I commended and got a lot of kills on my team using Ice traps and the like and seemed near unbeatable in his position.


    Then, while he was taunting another player I flew on over his Ice Trap, Head Crabbed him while in mid air, waited for him to finish his taunt then blew me up and got a kill, only to also get a Ring Out on an invisible Assassin as well as she ran to help him out.

    Got to love those greedy assassins :D
  2. Show me the Bacon

    Show me the Bacon New Member

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    My absolutely most humiliating death was self-inflicted.

    On grenade III, I had gotten Bacon for the first time, and had a pretty good streak going. I also experienced Juice+Bacon winnage. So I was heading back up to my base to upgrade skills in the spawn room(I was super-paranoid about getting killed), and promptly walked right off of the arena, missing the lift. Adding even more insult, I had hit the jets just too late, and was hovering perfectly level with the floor, but couldn't get up. SUPERFAIL.
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Any time I get a product grenade kill or a railgun grapple ringout there is a rage quit.
  4. Chaotic Phil

    Chaotic Phil New Member

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    I decided in one game to play assassin with only my Shuriken Launcher out. I slapped people and run away but i would get kills sometimes. lol :p
    In that same game toward the end there was a sniper in the other base and i would continuously slap him to death over and over again. A couple times i would go uncloaked so he could see me coming and he'd throw a freeze trap down. I'd run away for a couple seconds then run back cloaked jump over his freeze trap then slap him to death. :lol:
    Surprised I didn't get hate mail or something... :?
    Also had a game that a sniper would lay freeze traps next to him and stay in one spot. I walk all the way from my base to their killing bots along the way and turrets(I was a tank that time). Finally i would get behind him and his freeze trap caught me! (i had no idea about it until that first time) So i start struggling like crazy to move when i finally got free I accidently fell into the next one! I'm still freaking out cause i didn't want him to turn around and kill me! (I don't know if jumping like crazy does anything for being frozen but oh well :p) Turns out the whole time he didn't even bother to turn around so I grappled him and ringed him out. :lol: What got me was wouldn't the freeze noise alarm him of my presence? I guess not apparently :?
  5. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    not sure if it was humiliating, but i was definatly mad
    I was going after this sniper, i had lunged at him once then cloaked and was coming around to finish him off. i lunged at him again and all of a sudden he interrupted my lunge by playing a round of over powered golf/baseball >_>

    one of my fav kills was on a tank who had deployed so i started shurikining him. he started undeploying so i smokebomb jumped over him right when he was turning and finished him off with a back grapple :D i like to think he exploded into confetti when i turned my back to his corpse
  6. StargazingGarou

    StargazingGarou New Member

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    I can't remember my most humiliating death, thankfully, but I remember a couple of kills that wound up that way. Only because it was more than one. I ran into an overzealous sniper while I was playing Tank on Ammo Mule and was headed to go up the right corridor. Forgot to check the floor and ran into a freeze trap. Instead of lining up the easy head shot, they decided to try to run in to grapple me, getting flamed all the way. Until they fell a pile of ash at my feet. I figured I'd give them a chance to redeem themselves, of sorts, and let myself trigger another one after my next respawn. And, no, nearly an exact duplicate of the first run-through. Except that the second time, I started shooting before they even started turning towards me. I have no idea why they thought it would work when I didn't even start shooting until they were running for me the first time. heh
  7. MassaYoda

    MassaYoda New Member

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    I don't normally play assassin, but I like to mix things up now and then. I was on Grenade III going up the left lane and got the drop an an assault near the edge of the arena. Unfortunately I had my throwing star launcher out when I grappled him (whoops) so I just did a few measly smacks to the face. I switched to my dagger and starting getting all ginsu on his face. He probably would have had me, but in a panic to get away from my slashings he just backed up off the edge of the arena. Buh-bye.

    My best personal "D'oh" death was on steel peel (I think, I often get map names confused) where there is the hole in the center with the annihilator on the floating platform up high. I didn't realize there was actually a hole there and just screwed up the jump and plummeted to my death.

    I'm also a big fan of anytime I get a grapple kill with support, just because their grapple is so weak. Especially against a class with an actual good grapple.
  8. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Scathis killed me. :oops:
  9. EnLight

    EnLight New Member

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    I got mine this morning actually, I was in the enemies base shooting at the money ball as an Assault. Out of nowhere a gunner came up behind me so I did a 180 and hit B as fast as possible because he was doing serious damage - fast. Cool part about it was there was 2 cloaked assassins behind him and I got a Triple :D Ringed out the gunner and smashed through the assassins. I had no idea what was going on until I looked at the top-right of the screen and saw 3 Charge icons with my name next to them ;)
  10. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    Most humiliating death was Grenade III during overtime. Had about 2500 leftover from the killing spree i'd just been on, so I went to buy juice in the middle. bought it then used a gravlift to launch myself into the enemy base. Landed RIGHT next to a jackbot as it slammed the floor and flew off the level.

    I've also been assault charged as tank on lazerazor. Flew so far that i went /through/ the grandstand in the backround.

    The most humiliating kills are usually during the enemy money ball being down. Deployed as a tank, assassins often like to sword you from behind. Hold A for a few seconds and they burn and die <3 Get a lot of hate mail from doing that.
  11. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    My most humiliating kill went like this:

    Killed a Failsassin - announced to the stadium that when my fists talk, no-one would b-

    Her Failsassin buddy front-grappled me before I could finish my announcement. Sent her flying over the edge. Began making my announcement for the second time.

    ANOTHER FAILSASSIN!? I rofld my a off.

    Any death involving the no-aim gun or walking into traps makes me wear the cone of shame.
  12. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Being part of an enemy's Ejector tripple ringout.
    It was a long fall, to say the least. But at least we were together.
  13. ChaRaa

    ChaRaa New Member

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    My most humiliatiing kill is when I saw an Assasin just finish off her target, went into a tunnel and taunt while still cloaked (but her cloak still flicker a bit). I run behind and stick airstrike right on her back and after she exploded, I taunted.

    Another one is when I stick one on Assasin right when she finish an assasination. She proceed to smokebomb-> jump routine and I got myself a firework.
  14. Silentblade4289

    Silentblade4289 New Member

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    I got killed by a scrambler, yea those useless things spawned by snipers. It was on grenade III and I was getting swarmed by enemy blackjacks and pros so I didn't notice the damn thing behind me.
  15. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    i think we have a winner! lol
  16. Silentblade4289

    Silentblade4289 New Member

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    Yea, thanks for rubbing it in. :evil:
  17. ev_baw

    ev_baw New Member

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    Whenever I leave the spawn room I usually go either left or right...and way too many times this happens where I walk off the bridge to drop down into my base but it was as soon as I left the room and I just casually fall off the map. I just sorta bow my head in embarrassment and wait patiently for my respawn. It only happens when a match starts too, so everybody can see what I've done.

    Feels bad man. :oops:
  18. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I'm on Grenade III. I'm hopping down to the middle platform as tank to buy some juice. I grab it and take the middle lift up, and then immediately fall off the map. I think "What the hell?" and the game is following an assassin on the middle platform. She had jumped down, and landed on my head as I was heading up.

    Once I figured out what had happened, I just stared at my screen in disbelief.
  19. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    It's always pretty humiliating when I'm trying to escape from a sticky situation as an Assassin using a smokebomb jump, but then die from fall damage. (By the way, that needs fixing, UberEnt. I shouldn't take damage, or have my cloak flicker as though I did, from falls with level 3 passive.)

    Another winner is when I lunge right over an edge and fall to my death. I'm usually too cheap to activate jump pads, so I'll try to get from one platform to another by lunging. Doesn't always work out.

    Getting killed while stuck in a damned ice trap is always infuriating.

    As for kills, I love the ejector. On LazeRazor, I've launched pros right up beside me, making a finishing grapple quite convenient. A real WTF? moment.

    I also like ejecting assaults, watching them jet their little hineys back onto the map, just to be chopped up while they're still dizzy. :twisted:
  20. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    playing as the tank for the first time ever. no clue what the x button did, had low health and hit the damm thing hopeing to realse mythical powers only to shot a bomb off the wall and straight back into my face. did this right in front of both teams. WIN

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