Your best crossfire match?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bootuh, August 16, 2010.

  1. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    My best game doesn't really have KD in it all I can remember is that I grapple killed 14 assassins in one game, as a gunner. Happy days!
  2. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I'd say my best would be 31-0 as assassin.
  3. Veras Gunn

    Veras Gunn New Member

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    The one Crossfire match that sticks out in my mind as my most impressive is also one that baffles me a bit. The game starts and with in the first 5 minutes the enemy team is in my team's base attacking the money ball. No defenses, barely any money to speak of. I'm playing as a gunner and I notice a longshot next to the money ball. The problem with this is that they're doing nothing but hitting the walkway surrounding the money ball, and nothing else. The turret gets destroyed in the blink of an eye when the enemy team's second wave comes in.

    I get killed due to a few spawn campers sitting on the doorway from our spawn point. I respawn with enough money for Gunner's level 3 passive. I run out of the spawn, destroy the gunner standing on the doorway, and do my part mowing down the enemies and bots attacking out money ball. I jump down, look at the turret nub and see a fellow gunner setting up a turret. This is when I realize that it was this gunner who set up that long shot, and has done it again in both of the nubs surrounding the money ball.

    I set up a few turrets in locations that'll be beneficial to defense, and go out towards the enemy's base. We make short work of their defenses with the shield on the money ball going down shortly afterwards. I wail on the money ball with my minigun, taking out any stragglers who are trying to keep us from winning. The enemy team starts dropping off like flies. By the time the game is over their team is reduced to 3 people with our team being completely full.

    I don't doubt I've performed better in other games, but the turnaround, from being in trouble, to completely decimating the enemy in a few short minutes has always stood out to me. That, and the teammate setting up completely useless turrets repeatedly.
  4. Floc Army

    Floc Army New Member

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    22-1 in a match as a support. My team won, best part is i didn't use get a firebase kill at all. Haha.
  5. ptcMalice

    ptcMalice New Member

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    Don't know my best game, but I just went 18-1 as a gunner and did 75% of the moneyball on my own.
  6. Sardudekar

    Sardudekar New Member

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    My best match was a chaotic mess on Steel Peel. As unbelievable as it sounds, the following account is 100% accurate.

    Everybody on my team was furious at each other after trash talking through the last round. There was no strategy, only teenagers screaming as every member on our team decided to be a gunner. No one was willing to back down, even if the game had lasted long enough for anyone to have a chance to switch characters.

    We made our way to the rear of the opposing team's base. I saw a few of them take the jump-pad above us into the central area, never realizing that their bots and rocket turrets were being demolished under the concentrated minigun and double mortar shells of 6 enraged gunners. The more vocal members of my team continued yelling at everyone else even as our bots marched majestically into their base, and the moneyball shields were brought down about a minute into regulation. It exploded before I even had the chance to reload.

    Rage turned to disbelief as the scoreboard popped up. 0-0-0 down the line, and I doubt anyone broke $1000 in prize money. A few seconds passed while we contemplated what our team's blind fury had wrought, and then the host quit. I doubt I will ever see the like again...
  7. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    My best match was 33 and 5.(I got cocky near the end and got 2 deaths in a row) Given, I was playing as the cheap Assault(I mean if you can't do awesome in a pub game with Assault, you suck).
  8. boxxcarcadaver

    boxxcarcadaver New Member

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    got a 30-0 match the other day with gunner
    and my most kills in a match was 47-11 with gunner as well

    my best assassin match was probably something like 37-8, but i have better stats with gunner for obvious reasons
  9. Silentblade4289

    Silentblade4289 New Member

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    Depends on your definition of best round.

    If best mean most kills, then Gunner on Steel peel when I went 35-14-16. This round was bittersweet since my team lost this match.
    If best means highest K/D ratio then Gunner on Steel Peel when I went 20-0-2 for a 10 to 1 kill to death ratio. My team won this match.

    Other rounds that are in competition for best:
    30-8-10 as a Sniper on Steel Peel. My team lost.
    28-???-9 on LazorRazor as a gunner. My team lost
    25-8-4 as a Sniper on Grenade III. My team won.

    The moral of this story is I should never get 30+ kills in a match because my team seems to lose whenever I do. :cry:
  10. Shademonger

    Shademonger New Member

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    I've had several wins where I've earned ~6500 dollars per match, those are always grand pulls of money. Then of course there are the super quick 2 minute victories which are awesome in their own right. A lot of different ways to categorize a "Good" Crossfire match. I tend to really enjoy the ones where there's a lot of back and forth action, both teams are giving it a really good go, and then we manage to bulldoze through in overtime with a sizable wallet of cash.

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