You have obviously bad Community management.

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by starsauron, August 20, 2015.

  1. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    It goes here the wrong way. The question must be not who is more important. But how to fix the situation.
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Get a ten dollar note. Stick it in your toilet. Now flush it. Guess what? The toilet didn't give you any money back. It just ate your $10. Now I bet you wouldn't keep throwing money into the toilet, no matter how many people asked you to. This is what you want Uber to do.

    Just because YOU are experiencing issues doesn't mean everyone else is. Go to the support forum if you have a problem.
  3. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    People feel now to have supported obviously money making, not game making.
    That the reason, why so many are not happy.

    There is a big difference between Uber Entertainment and other companies.
    People did support Planetary Annihilation before it was finished.
    So they expect another treatment and get at least what they have payed for.

    Planetary Annihilation Titans is the worst Standalone ever created.
    It was made by money of people, who did support the game, not by people who only wanted to own the game.

    On Steam they could just wait a year or 2 for steam summer sale 90% off and pay than only 5 euros or so.
    And there are another methods to get the game.

    No, they said we support it now. Even if we can't have fun with this right now.
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    What difference? How is Uber different? They're not a charity. Nobody forced you to buy the game. You chose to buy it. You chose to get into Early Access. You got what you paid for.
    MrTBSC and stuart98 like this.
  5. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    Yes I chose to buy Early Access, but it means sooner or later I get the full Product.
    PA Titans just offers "so little on content" its seems for must people to be just overpriced patch.

    Compare maybe like RA3 Uprising from worst company ever Electronic Arts.
    PA Titans from Uber entertainment Charge Money for a performance patch and some Units.

    Red Alert 3 – Uprising, has 50 different scenarios = Singleplayer Missions.
    11 new Units , via Mods for RA3 Basic.
    Uprising Campaign for all 3 Sides around 10 or so Missions. With Cutscenes.

    Even the worst company ever Electronic Arts, did better job here, for much less money.
    And didn't beg for Money in advance for their previous product.

    Its not just about this 13 euros.
    Most people have an ethical and contract issue here.

    Why didnt uber give PA-Tiatns for people who payed 90 euros ?
    After all this big community support they received by Planetary Annihilation,
    It feels really unjust for people who supported this company with so much money.

    At this point i don't even expect Redemption anymore, like be just fair with your fans.
    Apologies for the bad release and information policy.
    90 Euros get free copy + free Skins.
    60 Euros get free copy.
    50 Euros discount 85%
    40 Euros discount 75%
    for rest keep the 66% discount

    If Uber isn't interested in their community, will be people be still there for next game they make ?

    There are so many good indie developers by early access, who make their job right,
    have great community management and so on its a really good thing.

    As a former fan of Uber Entertainment , before the release of PA-Titans.
    Its just sad to see, our former flagship to sink down.
  6. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    You DID get the full product. and the performance patches are applied to PA vanilla as well. Titans doesn't get exclusive bug fixes unless the bugs are due to the new Titans content itself.
  7. crizmess

    crizmess Well-Known Member

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    I'm sorry. I'm sure your heart is at the right place, and that you put the same intentions, sweat and hard work into this as any kickstarter, and probably even more than some kickstarters.
    The problem is that the line had to be drawn somewhere. It should be clear that they can not give this expansion for free to everyone. Any you are one with good intentions that sadly just made it cross this line.
    It surely feels bad, but I guess- if you can wait a few months - you can pick it up on Christmas sale for $5. And see it from the good side, all the patches (the new path finding, the optimisations for planet building, the new message system, etc...) and all bug fixes went into the base game as well, you got a lot of new things just for free if you stay in vanilla PA.
  8. X39

    X39 New Member

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    they should not have gave it away for free in first place then all the shitstorm etc. would not have happened
    just a lil "rage" (which is more confusion by most people) due to the "new game" of them which is just a "standalone" addon instead of a DLC

    better community management in the steam forums would have avoided like 90% of the hate UBER gets now
    not giving **** away for free thus treating one goup different also would have avoided hell lota ****

    and for the "KS take higher risk" blabla
    how many of those "great products" we directly can test on EA shall i show you which are basically just scam where the dev quickly puts something together in unity or whatever before you stop bringing that stupid **** "argument"

    NOWDAYS it is possible
    back when PA was released? no ******* way to get your money back
    so stop bringing up a bullshit argument over and over again
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  9. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    The first 1/4 of your post I can concur with.
  10. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    The sense of entitlement that these people have is incredible. Uber gave away well over half a million dollars' worth of games in a single day with the launch of Titans, but somehow people still decided that they handled the pr wrong. There is simply no way to win with that attitude.
    cdrkf, mered4, xanoxis and 2 others like this.
  11. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I want this posted everywhere.
    tristanlorius and mered4 like this.
  12. crizmess

    crizmess Well-Known Member

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    Look, I don't know to whom you arguing with, but I would recommend you to try using less abusive language in your arguments, because even if you might have a valid point, it looks not reasonable at all.

    Personally I think it is sad that as a company you can't give away a product as a gift to honor groups of customers, especially if this is software where this boils down to a license without any manufacturing cost attached.
    Well, to be precise, I find it a bit irritating. Look for example at Autodesk, they give almost their complete software suite (that is thousands of dollars per license) to schools and students for free. Do you think that this is a bad thing, too? Do you rage on Autodesk? Or Microsoft?
    There must be something deeper in here, this has either to do with some perceived product value effects (like IKEA, or PDR) or is something that did come from the "troubled" history of PA.
    I don't know.

    So I have a hypothetical question for you all:
    Do you think it would be okay if not all 44000 backers but say only the first 1000 - regardless of how much they backed - had gotten PA:T for free?
    What amount would be acceptable 10, 100, 1000, 10000?

    Just to make this clear: Even if I'm implying that there is some explanation for this, doesn't mean that I disrespect your disappointment. I know how hard this can be, can feel with you.
    I just genuinely want to know what is the reason behind this in the whole picture.
    I hope people see that finding the cause helps all, first in avoiding that such a mess happens again and second in people don't having to rage on those bad practices in the future again.
    Last edited: August 24, 2015
    stuart98 likes this.
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Of course it would, it's just Kickstarter backers getting it for free would no longer appear in posts it'd be all about having to pay money. And some Kickstarter backers would have joined the ranks.
    MrTBSC, xanoxis and stuart98 like this.
  14. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    "They" feel like they obviously supported money making, not game making; you say it yourself. It´s irrelevant to "them" whether their feeling matches reality or not, it´s unimportant for "them" whether their money was ways more or ways to less then it took to make the current game. It´s unimportant to "them" whether PA: Vanilla actually got a good game or not, it´s unimportant whether PA will get continuous support, ...

    You basically also just given "us" the reason why "they" aren´t rational, why "they" seem to be untouched by arguments, why it´s so hard to overcome them. "They" feel betrayed and even if their would be---just to say it clear, I don´t believe there is any--- a way to show "them" with totally valid arguments that "they" weren´t they still wouldn´t accept this!

    "We" can just hope that time and ongoing pressure from folks who´ll give the game the ratings it deserves will bring wisdom to "them"...

    BTW: Why all these quotation marks? I don´t belive we have these two distinct groups (there´s an easy way to prove that if you want it, but while being so easy in terms of methods it still a hell of work, as one has to categorize every single involved person into one of these groups and then a person from outside does pick one individual and shows that it´s not possible to clearly sort this person in one of these two groups) and to express this I use these marks---I do believe anyways that using these words help to keep the post compact and focused!
    stuart98 likes this.
  15. X39

    X39 New Member

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    No ****?
    Dude ...
    The other shitstorm is still about the same thing that happened when the game was released
    Then one part is about a missunderstanding due to missing communication
    And the last part of it is about a hell lot of EA people being upset about being treated like cashfarms as KS got it for free
    They not even ecpect it for free
    Just the fact that one group of the community got it for free causes the other to say "we want it for free too"
  16. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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  17. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    1. Because you're being a bit entitled at this point. The number of polite posters who are upset is in the minority, sadly.

    2. They do all the time, on these forums.

    3. I don't even what.

    5. Define "fixed".

    6. Probably because your computer has problems. Try the Support forum.
    mered4, tunsel11, Geers and 2 others like this.
  18. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    There are other Massive RTS on the move like Ashes of the Singularity.

    And at this point I don't see any reason why people would support uber any longer.

    To be honest, even after all that happened here, I would give this guys from Ashes of the Singularity in Steam Early access anytime for same amount of cash I give uber for a chance to make a rts.

    Uber never give me a reason to support them any longer after PA release.
    And with PA-Tiatns they give not only me a reason to never support them again.

    You see for people it's not about the money, it's about ethics.
    You promise something , so keep and make your promise.
    Über promised "indirectly" another Total Annihilation, this include a lot of stuff that isn't in PA.
    Really it a game from 1998, is that really so hard to make such a master peace today ?

    People still did give a lot of cash for Ashes of the Singularity, but why ?

    Well we just want independent companies, that can do great work.
    Uber is no longer one of them, they are meanwhile on the naughty list with Ubisoft and Electronic Arts.

    If uber only did include more "stuff" like a second faction or additional flat maps , just to have the feel here is more. Beside new units , all the new stuff belongs to PA-Basic for free.
    And even new units is "don't look really for lot of work". I don't see Titans as a work that deserve 13 euros.

    If uber did by PA-Titans an honest release, like say 2 moths ago about this,
    give equal treatment for Early and Kickstarter. Yes it would have been a great release.

    All the damage was avoidable.

    But even now it gets worse and worse each day.

    I did not pay 90 euros, but see that 90 Euros must pay 13 euros again, for to be honest a really small amount of game upgrade, let me feel like uber is not a good company.

    I did buy Conflicks - Revolutionary Space Battles and WARSHIFT each for 20 Euros.

    It's not the money, its ethics problem for me to farther support Uber Entertainment.
    By an honest and fair release, I would still support PA series.
    Last edited: August 24, 2015
  19. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Yay! Vague references to "promises" again! Uber said they wanted to make a spiritual successor to games like Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander. They did not want to make a clone.

    Let's see:

    Streaming economy
    Large maps (You can complain about planet size all you like but you can still make them really big and have more than one)
    No unit cap
    Lots of robots

    Hmm. Sure smells like SupCom to me!

    And to compare Uber to Ubisoft and EA.... That's just laughable. It's like putting your local health clinic on a list with Monsanto because they stopped giving out jellybeans and cookies to kids who went to get their shots.

    If you paid $90, you CHOSE to pay $90 for PLANETARY ANNIHILATION. Not the PLANETARY ANNIHILATION LIFETIME SEASON PASS PACK DELUXE MEGA EXTREME FREE STUFF edition. I looked at it and said "$90? F*ck that! I'm going to pay $30 because that's a fair price". So I paid $30 for Planetary Annihilation. And then I got Planetary Annihilation.

    And now there's an extra $13 of Planetary Annihilation. Even though a lot of the background changes were added to vanilla PA I still want it. Why? Because I didn't pay for it before. They said "No experimental units". So when you bought PA YOU DID NOT PAY FOR EXPERIMENTAL UNITS.

    Oh and just as a reminder: One of the pieces of DLC for the $60 Simcity 2013 game consisted of two buildings to use as public transport in your city. THAT WAS $10. That is the kind of company EA is. That is not what Uber has done.
  20. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    He's not really that interested in responding to people at this point. I recommend keeping things simple and short for him ;)

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