XShadowStormX's Pro Strategy Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by XShadowStormX, August 12, 2010.

  1. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

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    Nothing quite like a Strategy thread that is self managed. Sorry I have been away but PAX took up a ton of time.
  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Without testing, i have the feeling increasing your hack-skill will improve the rate of fire and range of your hacked turrets, as well as increasing the speed by which your hack-skill reloads.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Now that you're back Logan I have a "strategy" question.

    What are some tricks I can use to beat up on you if and when we cross paths? :p

    Btw, I stole your Assault build that you were using during the first Justin.tv cast. I can tell you it works better for me than Scathis' "inverted" Assault setup. :lol:
  4. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Would you mind sharing it with me? I'm still looking for a decent assault setup and can't find one which suits me :(
  5. BluApples

    BluApples New Member

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    Need some pointers on how to play as the gunner effectively.

    I've only played MNC for a week and a half now, and I'm totally addicted. I was playing really poorly as the Assasin at first, until I started reading these forums and getting tactical advice, and now I'm always in the top 3 on my team, if not MVP.

    However, I don't want to be a one trick pony, and if there's already a couple of assasins on the team, I want to break out into another class. I tried to be a gunner, but I got completely owned. Can someone post some pointers including the endorsements you use, it would be muchly appreciated
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Iturba - Gold Accuracy
    Dr. Trigger - Silver Rate of Fire
    Survivitol - Bronze Armor

    I don't remember the Endorsements Scathis' was using for his Assault all I remember is that it had Skill Pill. (Silver Skill Recovery)

    A lot of people will tell you that Gunner is Overpowered or is a "noobs" class. Don't let that get to you.

    The Gunner's minigun is he main tool and I like to build my endorsement setup around that. I want him to spend more time shooting and less time reloading and when he does shoot I want it to count. With that here is my build:

    Gold - Weapon Accuracy
    Silver - Clip Size
    Bronze - Reload Speed

    Now you run the risk of getting front grappled from Assassins but really they are sometimes easy to see cloaked running towards you. That's that's where your slam is more useful. Imo. I don't really use my slam as an offensive attack. I use it as defense to stun anyone "to close for comfort."

    My build order is quite simple. At match start I upgrade the Gunner's passive skill and save the rest of the cash. I quickly head down a lane to earn more money and to help push the bot line. This is probably one of the only times I will run with my mortar launcher equipped. It takes bots out quick and easy and at the same time keeps Pros from rushing after you. Once you've earned enough money Upgrade passive to Level3 and Deploy to level 2.

    Level 3 passive you get Duel Minigun barrels and A three-shot spread mortar. Deploying helps with the faster classes for when they start to retreat with little health. Deploy to get the extra range for your MG to get the kill.

    The rest of the upgrades, Imo, come down to play style. So there are some quick tips from me. I used to play Gunner a lot when MNC first came out but now not so much. So these "tactics" could probably use some tweeking.
  7. BluApples

    BluApples New Member

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    Thank you much, I'll try it out
  8. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Actually i think gunners need bronze armor, because if not, a smart assassin will kill you, always.
  9. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Thanks for sharing!
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Except that a smart support player will always keep his team overhealed.
  11. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    let me rephrase that, a smart assassin will kill you, ALWAYS, gunners and tanks are nothing to the shuriken gun, plus a smart assassin grabs her sword very fast, and when that happens your overheal doesn't mean a thing
  12. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

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    Your ground pound should keep an Assassin away. If not, then you should rapid deploy and fire your jets to burn them in the back.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Seriously... you can press A to deploy your jets deployed as a tank or Gunner? I've deployed almost 2000 times and never thought to try it.
  14. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    this was my problem at first, the gunner/tank would always kill me via slam/blossom/jets, a simple hop avoids the slam/blossom, and by the time you try to deploy i'll have already lunged and grabbed you.
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    After reading this message the next time I played, I got two assassin kills while deployed as a result of firing my jets.
  16. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    gunner with
    Gold fire rate
    silver accuracy
    bronze clip size

    does it sound like a decent build? i can't really test things as i don't get a good connection game until around midnight where i live....i mainly play assault and do fairly decent (around 25+ kills a game with about 10 assists) but gunner is a massive powerhouse so i want to give him a shot
  17. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    assaults work well with gold crits, because at lvl3 passive you get a buff to your crit chance, so if you have gold crit, you will just rain purple drank most of the time
  18. XShadowStormX

    XShadowStormX New Member

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    True story if that is worth a gold to your play style :)
    Last edited: September 22, 2010
  19. OmegaDave661

    OmegaDave661 New Member

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    Awwwww man! I don't think anybody knew aboot the jumpjets burning while deployed! Now everybody's gonna do it. <sarcasm>

    When I kill an assassin that was it's so funny. They just keep slashing me while cooking. I always wonder what they think killed them. I wish there was a protag for that!
  20. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    It would be far more entertaining to have killed 2500 people with your jets than melee grapples.

    Sadly when you kill someone with your jets it shows your minigun as having done the damage.

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