Xbox Patch #1 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Ian, February 2, 2011.

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  1. MadGama

    MadGama New Member

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    Well actually there is, if they insist on being a certain class and wont change no matter what, or that they wont listen to you because they dont own a microphone headset, it's really hard for a team stack on classes then.

    And we all should know that like 80% of the 360 community is micless.
  2. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    This is a Bug/Exploit list. What you are talking about is a Wishlist Item and in no way an exploit or bug.
  3. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Or going all sniper and reaming them to death, or all assassin, or all support...etc. Im with Lief, theres nothing fun about playing something you dont want to play
  4. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Suggestions are welcome here :)

    Is that the "Limit classes" suggestion? If so, it's a silly suggestion. Sorry, whoever suggested it, but that ruined TF2
  5. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    This x 100.
  6. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    One time, I was screwing around in SSDB as a Tank, and went under the moneyball and jumped straight up into in and got stuck hanging out of the bottom of the moneyball, able to look, but unable to fire or free myself. My teammates claimed I had just disappeared. I eventually got free, and they claimed I had suddenly burst from the floating moneyball like a hot chick from a giant cake.

    I'm assuming this is a glitch.
  7. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I used to do this for Lulz. If the other members of your team are paying attention when you do it, you actually rise straight up in the air infinitely. Doing it in Crossfire is just as fun. Stick yourself to the ball and just Death-Blosson with a Gold reload speed Tank. :lol:
  8. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    When a host migration occurs during overtime, Slims and BlackJacks will occasionally be the bots that spawn instead of Jackbots, and if this happens, the moneyball shields will go back up if they remain undamaged. Mind you, this is during Overtime, not regulation play. I just happened to lose a match because of this, as their shields went up during overtime, but ours did not.
  9. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I'm sure most Assassins will hate me for saying this...Oh well.

    When I play Assassin, I find that I can Smoke-Bomb jump and it won't set the Smoke-Bomb skill on cool down. When I land from the jump I am free to use it again immediately. This has happened to me countless times in many different matches.
  10. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I think I may quit if next patch comes around and they don't nerf the Assault or fix any of the outstanding bugs that have been in the game since release, like stutterstepping and grappling people IN THE AIR (no it's not lag, it happens when you're host, too)
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    This, this so much.

    I cannot stand the way Assaults can do EVERYTHING. But even worse that than is the air grappling issue. It truly isn't lag. I've been grappled at the height of my jump by a Sniper. I just had to sit and stare as I was dragged down from midair and grappled.
  12. spookyspectre11

    spookyspectre11 New Member

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    I got 2 bugs:

    1.) I dont mind this one, i actually like this one. one time as a blue tank, i was holding a red jet gun. i just saw it as, mine ran out so i stole the enemy's jet gun

    2.) this one sucked soooo much. one time during over time, my team almost destroyed the money ball and all of a sudden BOOM! host migration .__.
    after the migration there was still a minute left and as i was about to reach their ball, holding juice ready to deliver the final blow, i see the message on the top left of my screen "sheilds restored, escort bots" as i saw their ball go back up into its shield i was lack whaaaaaaat!?!?!?!?!?!?!, i died as i was distracted by shock. as the minute whent on, i noticed we couldnt damage it at all so we lost
  13. mute

    mute New Member

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    Neither of those things prove that it isn't an issue created by Lag/sync. Being host won't indicate anything, neither would at-what-point-in-the-jump-was-i.

    Do you really find it that bad, honestly? It happens but it's also avoidable. What I find much worse is the back-grapples that assassins constantly get even though they clearly grabbed from the front, no ifs ands or buts. Neither of these I see enough as a problem to cause people to "quit" the game. Unlike the OP Sniper Explosive Round and x3 icetraps or the Assault's bomb regen from hell. When it comes to people "quitting" (or not starting beyond the free demo) the only thing I even see as a factor is match making options. People are forced into some ugly BS on a routine basis, esp. new users.
  14. endy

    endy New Member

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    Being a player that plays MNC EVERY day since the game was released these are the issues I've found.
    In my opinon they really worse the game experience.

    A) Host Migration

    1. After a host migration you usually lose ALL skills, money and character selection.

    Due to this issue that happens the 99% of the time the only thing you can do to avoid frustration is to LEAVE that match.

    B)Failed Host Migration and Connection errors (=when you can't join a game due to an error)

    1. When you can not join or rejoin a game could happen that the main menu is NOT shown and the only thing you see is the MNC logo over a blue background and you can NOT return to the main menu. This happens often

    The only workarounds: restart the game or hit the "back" button, then appears a score board with all positions filled with "X" (this is a bug, because remember, you aren't inside a game). At this point you can hit cancel button (red) and a submenu appears. In that menu the only option can help you is going to help and then choose the option for selecting the game tutorial. Once the tutorial begins, leave it and you can return to the main menu.
    Believe me is fastest than restarting the game but both options are a pain.

    C) In game issues

    1. I usually play support but had similar issue with assault: some times you can get a skill option blocked so you can't use it. For example: as a support you could lose the skill that allows to hack turrets.

    The only solution is: kill yourself or get killed.

    2. Due to an error (I suppose) an player can be freezed (stuck) never dies and can KILL other player/robots.

    This could happen but I think with very low frequency but when it occurs that game is almost ruined because if that player is in a strategical sport can do lots of damage.
    I've seen one of this issues with an assasin in front of our money ball.
    Imagine an enemy player that you can kill! Could be worse?? YES!!
    That player can get a full charge of energy!!!

    D) Annoying things...

    1. Assasins that the only thing they do during ALL the game is: to wait for a full charge of energy and then destroy all money ball defense turrets
    Due to to their speed they can also kill every player around the zone.

    Turrets are not strong enough?

    2. Snipers that hit the money ball from pretty far places.

    This is really unfair. One single player can win a game

    3. Too frequently full energy charges (or a exploit?)

    I've seen players having full charges of energy within 1 minute or less over and over until your team loses the game.

    4. Flying robots launched by assaults are usually useless.

    Normally is better to invest the money in your skills or in build/enhance turrets.
    These robots are too underpowered. Compare them with other player robots...

    MNC is a great game but most of the issues written by all players in this thread should be attended ASAP (please)
    Last edited: March 12, 2011
  15. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I have been having issues with lunge-grapples and charge 3 lately. Charge 3 only half works, and more than once I have been grappled in the middle of charging. Same issue with lunges, only worse. The other day I got grappled by a tank while I tried to lunge grapple him.
  16. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Here are some balance changes I have thought of:

    Probably necessary:
    Gunner needs more damage resistance vs. assault rifle fire.

    Tank needs more resistance to AR and Miniguns.

    Scramblers should do more damage.

    Buzzers need more health.

    Support needs better default skill regen. I believe this because assault bombs are just as dangerous (ringout, explosion, headcrab, area denial, etc.) and they have a much better regen time.

    Airstrikes should probably be changed. I think that if an airstrike hits a person directly, it should be instant death, but the farther away a person is from the strike point, the less damage they should receive. The damage fallout should be insta-death on a tank at the strike point and should only take him down about 1/8 (7/8 health remaining) of his health bar at the maximum distance away from the stike point.

    The gunner and tank need slightly better health regen.

    The assassin needs those glitches fixed.

    I also think that the Grenade Launcher and the Mortar Launcher need to do better damage vs. bots. They are grenades and mortars, they should probably do better damage.

    I think the assassin needs more damage in a front grapple.

    The miniguns damage fall off needs to be extended slightly.

    The tank could use a longer jet gun.

    The shruken launcher could probably do more damage.

    Other Random stuff:
    Head Crabs and ground zeros deserve 50$ for the kill.

    There should be other endorsement pickups like armor, reload speed, etc.

    I am sure I will think of more.
  17. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Reserved for disagreeing with the above when not typing from iPhone.
  18. xRustySpoon

    xRustySpoon New Member

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    No to all of these. I completely disagree. And btw, this is a bug/exploit list, you should have posted this in the suggestions/wishlist forum.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    May I point out this is a Bug and Exploit thread. Balance does not fit into either of these.
  20. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Did I miss something in my absence? Does Stretch have Rusty on his "Blocked" list?

    Also, I can reproduce the bug where your firebase is immediately available as soon as you pick it up.
    In fact, I have at least an 85% success rate. :D
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