Xbox Patch #1 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Ian, February 2, 2011.

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  1. leov1993

    leov1993 Post Master General

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    Don't know if this happened to anybody else. But, when you're host, sometimes it randomly takes you to the 'press start' screen for no reason. Sucks, because it only happens when I'm doing really good. :|
  2. mute

    mute New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    It doesn't.. so many people get this wrong. I suppose this forum myth came from people who play support, but never tank, or play tank but never support.. and then read the misleading post from a month or so ago. It's nothing like the Tank's passive that gives him full health immediately upon being upgraded.

    All it does is initialize the healing, it doesn't automatically jump you up to full heal like the Tank's does. So at the most it saves you a couple seconds of waiting for heal to kick in, but your health bar still has to regen.. if you take damage after upgrading it will stop healing and restart the counter, just like normal, cutting off any benefit. Since it does upgrade your health recovery equipment, this does make sense.

    The Firebase used to do clutch heal like the Tank (and made sense), but that was yet another nerf on the support that came with the DLC and not mentioned.
  3. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    A lag-related issue: airstrikes appearing as the wrong color. I'm getting to where I'm afraid that every airstrike beacon is mine or an enemy's and running away in fear :|

    Friendly airstrike beacons shouldn't be so scary :|
  4. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    Yeah, we clarified that on page 1 :lol:

    Passive 3 does, though.
  5. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    I actually think that's what Billy meant. It's just phrased in an odd fashion.

    I believe what he meant to say was something along the lines of:
    "I don't see why the Support's level 2 passive should give him full health when it's upgraded to Passive 3."

    The statement just lacked a few significant words.
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    Thanks for the good list, keep it coming.
  7. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    Dead bodies killing me with their zombie Charge
  8. caseyATL

    caseyATL New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    This is intended.
  9. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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  10. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    @ Ian: Do you intend to condense the reported issues by updating the original post? Might make for easier perusal by the devs as the thread grows longer and longer.

    Another suggestion I have would be to tag any issues which are contested in the comminty with an asterix. You could then have a brief 1 sentence pro/con. This applies more to balance issues (which I gather are NOT the purpose of this thread? Or are they welcome also), but I think there may be a few issues that some see as bugs and others see as features.
  11. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    This isn't really a bug or a glitch or anything, but more like a wish.

    I'd like to see it implemented that players can choose which team they'd like to play as during Blitz.

    Hotshots are fine and all, but I'd like to take to the field as Icemen sometimes, too!
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    I would like this to be cleared up. Is using your Fly ability as an Assault while stuck in an Ice Trap to immediately escape intended or a glitch? If that is intended that you really need to nerf the Assault in some way, shape or form.
  13. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    Oh, also, having a clan tag is nice, but sometimes I want to get rid of it. Being able to do that would be awesome.

    Not only that, but that glitch thing with the < sign should also be fixed if possible!
    I want to make a clan tag of <3!

  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    Yeah that whole Clubtag thing is gone from the PC version. So maybe their only fix it removing it.
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    but i like mine :cry:

  16. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    A fix to how Ring Outs are rewarded i.e. I throw them, they land on the edge, touch the ground for a second, bounce off, and it counts as suicide. Also, ally Firebases always steal my Ring Outs. Plus, grappling an enemy towards their base, over the towers on G(iii) counts as suicide, too. Damn fire.
  17. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    Did we not mention host migration yet? *takes deep breath*

    Ok, host migration at least works. Thank you for that. However, this updates needs to improve it.

    First off, whenever the host migrates, you lose power over all of your turrets. This can get really annoying when I've spent all my money upgrading the base to have 2 Level 3 RockIts and suddenly I get no more kills, with no way to take the turrets back.

    Sometimes after migration, your gun turns the colour of the enemy team. Infidel!

    On the longer migration countdowns, the teams tend to become stacked, with 6 people and one team and normally 0-2 people on the other team. When this happens, the team members tend to be messed up as well i.e. when I press the Back button, someone on my team doesn't show up on the scoreboard/someone who left the game is still there/there are 7 people on the team

    When the host migrates before your first spawn, sometimes you spawn with $50

    Sometimes after a migration, you just spawn with $50 and no skills any way (I think this is when you get switched to the other team only)

    Migration still kicks people randomly. It doesn't seem to be able to handle more than 10 people regularly. Somebody almost always gets kicked for no reason
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I gotta poop and go to bed. Sorry Ian.
  19. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    ^^^ Wut?

    The Ready Up system needs work. A majority vote should speed up the countdown i.e. 4 people out of 6. I've seen some ridiculous occurences when 9 or 10 people out of 12 are Ready, and the countdown won't speed up :(

    I'll tidy everything into the OP after I play some TF2 :p
  20. mute

    mute New Member

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    Re: Xbox Patch 2011 - Community Bug/Exploit List

    I read through the whole thing again and don't see that anyone mentioned what I said...
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