I was never really a big fan of using American made consoles. The only reason I switched to Xbox for nearly 3 years is because PS3 blows.
So, the Xbox One is sold for €500 (US$ 664) here. I can buy a decent PC for that money. Games are cheaper, multiplayer and stuff is free. Games on Steam are cheaper, very much so if they are on sale. I'm not forced to connect every 24 hours, don't have to care about the Kinect and if I want to watch movies I can get Watchever or something for like 8€ a month. There are thousands of games available for PC. No compatibility issues. I have dozens of old games and they run great on Win7. While Microsoft is still struggling to work out how to add free to play games and keep them updated there are hundreds on the PC. Indie games? Hardly worth talking about compared to the PC market. Yay, minecraft was ported to Xbox One. It's still a slim version compared to the PC. I'm really not seeing the selling point of the Xbox One here.
I can't see why you scrubs are passing up on the only console that matters. Call of Duty is the only series that matters and It's always been Xbox exclusive ever since the first one(Modern Warfare 2).
I don't like this internet thing ;_; I keep seeing sarcasm where there isn't, and non-sarcasm where there is!
So did you guys know the only real difference (besides price) between Xbone and PS4 is the 24h online check?
The only thing worse than people white-knighting virtual characters are people white-knighting the consoles those characters are on.
Why do you guys care that I care so much? Does it bother you are something? Am I not allowed to have a different opinion? :roll: