i'm still shocked that scathis actually confirmed something, regardless of whether it pertained to the game or not
eetmorsqrls - He didn't confirm to much, it is an XBLA guildline. If we had our way for the amount of awesome we are putting in this title, we would love to give up 1000 achievement points.
It's something that could have been confirmed by anyone by doing a little research. So it's not really confirming, it's more educating.
I've FINALLY received my xbox back. Instead of fixing it, they gave me a refurb WITH another year warranty. Woot.
Mine is XxXMullin13XxX on xbox live any1 can add me i dont mind but I would like to play MNC with most/all of you, im big into playing with someone i know, its more fun dat way i was playin MW2 but im bored now and im just waiting for what date this is coming out on (hint hint ) so if u wanna add me, add me
Is everyone here from america??? here because if i add a person I do like to play with them, and because of the time differences it is quite akward i have to be on at like 8-10Pm and the other person has to be up at like 11-2
Yes we are in Kirkland, WA USA. When the game launches I am sure you will get into a game with one of the Devs at some point
As a general warning I float near the friend-cap of 100 normally. If you can't send me a friend request then send me a message or try to sneak into whatever game I am playing normally, which come launch will be nothing but: Monday Night Combat.