XBLAFans: Monday Night Combat Custom Class Endorsement Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by cain141, September 11, 2010.

  1. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    I'm gonna have to disagree with your argument there and even laugh a little bit. Not just because of your poor grammar skills but also the fact that "the assassin" you refer to is not gonna go for pro kills. I will explain this for you but I don't know if I should because you can't even seem to read the last reply I put on this thread... Anyways, the assassin only lane pushes, puts gremlins out, pushes the annihilator when it is ready, and kills enemy turrets when juiced or smoke bombs the turret when the other teams not looking (if necessary, kill pros in your way). Now the reason why you ask? Well I'll tell you why, its because you don't need to put money into your skills. Dash does nothing when you got an awesome lung ability that gets you places faster than you would even with silver speed endors. with dash combined! and lung kills bots in one shot almost all the time. Cloak is stupid and only used when running away, its stupid, don't use it to much.... If you get level 2 smoke bomb, I don't even know what to say to you because it only increases radius on it and pretty much used for nothing more than another escape tool (super jump). I guess you could get your passive but not really worth it until late gamish. Also, when you say that pros provide a serious threat and YOU need to take care of them, just remember its a team game and you have other teammates that can take care of those pros besides YOU. Any good assassin will tell you the same thing. I know I came off really mean here but in my defense, you called me an idiot..., read before replying next time.
  2. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    This is exactly what's wrong with 99% of the Assassins on XBL.
  3. Greg7777777

    Greg7777777 New Member

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    I would argue the exact opposite, seeing as most assassins are "1337 ninjas" who spend the entire match trying to get awesome kills with their katanas. This is why we see assassins who go 4 and 23 some matches......you can argue that K/D doesn't mean everything, but come on; at some point they had to realize that they were helping the other team more than their own. I would rather see more assassins push lanes than what they do now.

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