would like for zoom panning to make it back into the game

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tatsujb, October 12, 2013.

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  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    so after the tidal waves :)D) this thread caused in the PA community, the uber devs decided to cave in and make a united plane for the planet view and the celestial view.
    AND patch 58197 came out now we get to toy with it.

    My final impressions are that I would never EVER go back to the view from before, this is undoutably better. but I miss scrolling around the planet with scroll wheel, it still does rotate the planet but only if the cursor is within the on-screen planet's effective surface, this is very crippling for rotation with the mouse wheel as you won't be able to operate turns without scrolling in and out and moving the mouse alot.

    this feature is not necessarily subject to conflict with the zoom out feature. for one: Obviously you don't want to constantly look at the celestial view. (we may yet, but as I feel orbital combat may not become that much more intense....) TWO: there is clearly a pop-out distance (at which the planets paths appear) at that distance scroll rotating could be halted. Three: oxonex's pa does it.

    lastly, as a last little feature.
    I know space bar now brings you to the old top down view, but it would be neeto fajitos it you could simply center camera on the sun by scrolling in on it, just like other orbital bodies. currently you cannot have the sun as camera focusing point.
  3. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I agree with asking Uber to bring back mouse wheel pan. This quickly became the main way of moving around a planet for me, and I miss it. You're right about the new camera being so much better that I'll be happier with this than what we had before, even without mouse wheel camera panning.

    I'm assuming they turned this feature off to avoid annoying players that don't expect it to happen, but I would prefer it to be an option in the settings.
  4. UberGaf

    UberGaf Uber Alumni

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  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I forgot to mention I'm currently using edge-panning, and my statements are in line with this.
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