The thing that makes me the most sad is that people are so gullible that they think by bombing the world and killing millions, they are "saving the world". This is the reason why I dislike most religious people, as they blindly follow what their "God" has said and will kill millions of people for what they somehow think is the "greater good". Human greed is why the world is spiralling downward into the abyss. If people didn't hoard their money into the millions (e.g be like Bill Gates, who gives LOTS of money to charity [probably better examples but i've blanked at the moment]), then we would actually get somewhere in this world. Instead, people are letting others suffer from having little / no money because they are "diffferent" to us, even though they have more money than they can actually spend. Sportsplayers are a good example of human greed. Some footballers (soccer players for you americans) earn more than people that actually deserve / need it. I don't really have hope in humanity lasting for much longer. I hope that if there is other life out there, that they are having a better time than us. tl;dr :
In primitive terms, the problem is basically that the pack leaders are hoarding and not contributing to the greater good of the tribe. They believe the solution is to manipulate and distract them until they die off and the strong/wealthy leaders remain. But eventually over time the cycle would repeat itself. Human nature reminds me of a colony of ants in a way, except ants are doing a better job. They work together as a group and try to benefit the colony as a whole (like good team players in MNC!). They even wage wars using similar tactics as humans. We're all just animals, and we're meant to die eventually. We're organic matter that supports the Earth. We aren't special, we're just animals, and this whole illusion of society only clouds our proverbial vision as to what our true purpose is. We're just cells or vessels created to harvest, recycle, and reproduce, just as any other species. It's the circle of life. Realizing and coming to terms with this can help you achieve true happiness. But it's not all dull and dreary and miserable. It's alright to get lost in the dream that is human life and enjoy all the crazy hallucinations. Sometimes you just revel in all the wonder and mystery of our universe. It's truly breathtaking at times, and if you enjoy yourself and truly live your life as thoroughly as possible, you will have achieved bliss. Sorry for getting WAY off topic there, but you see my point? Kind of?
u know how its supposed to end on 21.12.12 i found a way to get that date combining two disasters of the world. I'd post but it but some people might get offended, so PM me if u wanna know.
Even though im not american or agree with what is going on since i hear the other sides of the story from my european friends. this country as an alternative to their own country. Basically canada is the universal country of ethnics and races. Your getting a second chance here cause you can't stand your own country you left from. Many people flee their country and come here to raise a family and start over again. They left cause of politics, communism, democracy, war, abuse, racism, etc. Not everything you see and hear on USA news is correct but the view the media wants you to see. Did you hear about the soldiers who urinated on the taliban's dead bodies? This is a prime example of the USA's soldiers causing trouble and getting out of hand. If there is a world war 3 there will be nukes since its the cowardly way out. If the usa gets attacked then canada gets attacked. Trust me on this that the world will end up like trenobal in russia and im pretty sure anything left will be destroyed from the ecosystem. The people left on this earth who may think they have won have lost because you just killed off half the planet and its ecosystem and wildlife even more. The radiation will get in the ocean and drift to places unheard of. All the wildlife will be killed and people who depend on fish or birds for food will be eating nothing but radiation filled waste. So when this is all over who has won?
Anyone ever think of people without the internet or any other means to obtain world information? I wonder what it would be like to simply not know of such drastic things going on across the planet. On one hand, I feel like I'd rather not know, and let whatever happens happen. On the other, I think it's everyone's civic duty to pay attention to the goings on of our human race. Personally, I'd rather watch shows like The Universe or Cosmos as opposed to watching news networks. Once you come to comprehend things much bigger than wars, and nukes, and even ourselves, it becomes much easier to forget about what may or may not happen between these puny, insignificant countries.
my friends have no idea what is going on in the world around them. Me: Kim Jong Ill is dead. Them: Who?
Our leaders may be waiting until they have a place to go before they bomb the planet. Extraterrestrial affairs have been going on for decades now and we're making serious progress in the final frontier. Russia has been ahead of us in this category (unless the government is just keeping our program top secret) for a long time, and China just created their own space station. Today, the USA called a meeting to help clean up and monitor space junk/trash. We continue to destroy and leech of our planet, so maybe there's a plan in the works to get us out of here once it's a barren nuclear wasteland.