Attached zip has all json files from within media/pa/units if they have an attribute max_health it is multiplied with 2-8, depending on the directory it is in. Scala program to do it, depends on liftweb json. Code: import import net.liftweb.json._ import net.liftweb.json.Serialization.write import net.liftweb.json.Extraction._ object UnitJsonConverter { implicit val formats = DefaultFormats // Brings in default date formats etc. val factor = 8 val inputRoot = new File("E:\\Games\\PA\\Planetary Annihilation\\PTE\\media\\pa\\units") val outRoot = new File("E:\\units\\unitsx"+factor) def main(args: Array[String]) { processFile(inputRoot) } def processFile(f: File): Unit = { if (f.getPath().endsWith(".json")) { processJson(f); } else if (f.isDirectory()) { val ffs = f.listFiles(); if (ffs != null) { for (x <- ffs) { processFile(x) } } } } def processJson(jsonFile: File) = { val text = readFile(jsonFile) val input = parse(text).extract[Map[String, JValue]] val output = modifyJson(input) val outText = pretty(render(decompose(output))) val outFile = new File(jsonFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(inputRoot.getAbsolutePath(), outRoot.getAbsolutePath())) outFile.getParentFile().mkdirs() printToFile(outFile)(p => { p.print(outText) }) } def modifyJson(in: Map[String, JValue]): Map[String, JValue] = { if (in.isDefinedAt("max_health")) { in("max_health") match { case JInt(h) => in.updated("max_health", JInt(h*factor)) case _ => in } } else { in } } def readFile(f: File): String = { val source = try { source.getLines mkString "\n" } finally { source.close() } } def printToFile(f: => Unit) { val p = new try { op(p) } finally { p.close() } } } Can easily be modified to do other "mass transformations" as well. Also pretty formats the output files. Didn't actually test the unit json files though.
Sorry about that game, my game had that problem again. I haven't been able to play PTE, I had loaded the planet yet when it appeared it stayed for a couple moments then switched to the "Generating planets" screen and never loaded... Odd. I'll go make a bug forums report on it.
While watching this match, here's my initial verdict. 4x health increase is too much. It increases micro too much. When attacking, you have to pay close attention to the attacks to make sure all the buildings are destroyed. You can't easily manage multiple attacks at once because you have to pay closer attention. I'd love to try a 2x health increase though.
Yep, a lot of micro, 2 or 3 times would be more optimal. Though I did have a lot of fun with four times. You really needed to baby sit your forces, focusing on every little thing, lets say my army was composed of T1 tanks and infernos, and an equal force came in, I'd need to run my infernos straight into the enemies t1 tanks and micro around the enemy infernos. Though this was fun and made it feel a lot more like my actions actually mattered, it got to a very tedious state. It did allow me to survive much longer than normal with horrible resources. Edit: The micro wouldn't have been so bad, in fact it probably would have been a lot more fun, if I wasn't lagging so bad.
I did record it, but didn't save it. It was not interesting at all to be honest. Blue did nothing but build bomb bots that did absolutely nothing. Red attacked, but didn't expand or have a good economy so the attacks were weak. White didn't attack or expand at all until he amassed a large army and then steamrolled. It simply wasn't an enjoyable match. :-/
Didn't say anything about pink. Un less you mistook me for red, because I did do some attacks and pretty good damage at first, but I just couldn't expand, no metal to expand to.
figured so. Actually figured x4 would let your army perimeter-run other armies and turrets and walls and run right into a base or commander, albeit with very low chip damage and its fair every player can do so. x2 may be too much still. The new tanks can perimeter run turrets walled only on one side. But x2 may be more interesting, maybe closer to 75% additional health. I'm glad we are testing these. Keep these test builds stored.
Yeah units could get into enemy bases quite easy, but that was actually kind of fun, (at least I want armies running into eachother.) The infernos were one of the best weapons because with enough you could do a lot of damage with minimal damage done to because of HUGE health. And enough of them attacking one thing is still split second death.