[WIP] PA Community Hub

Discussion in 'Work-In-Progress Mods' started by Raevn, August 25, 2014.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Here is the log. I tried installing content using atom.cmd. No second window, as well as nothing different from the other as far as "says downloading in corner but no active download appears and nothing happens forever"...

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  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    When you run atom.cmd, what happens? Does PA Hub launch at all?
    No errors in the log, but I strongly suspect the apostrophe in your PA install path is causing issues somewhere.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Ah terrific... It didn't in PAMM, installed in same place different folder. But I will check the apostrophe as well. Wait, just the game is installed there, not the pahub. The pahub is not installed to any place with apostrophes. I don't think that is it.

    And yes, the PAHub runs the same way with the atom.cmd, including teh lack of successful download.

    waiwAIWAIT! Did I ninja the name of a folder that is supposed to be generated to my Uber Entertainment folder, and it didn't generate in light of that? Because I moved it, and when I went to move it back, there is another folder there... EDIT: Nvm it just tried filling in because of the absense is all...

    Just manually installed from raevn's github all the newest releases of all the plugins. And then tried to download a mod. Downloading perpetually, no active download appears... motherf...
    BONUS FUN: Guess the anime easter egg somewhere in picture.

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    Last edited: November 6, 2014
  4. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Do you see a command prompt window though? The atom.cmd won't change the way PA Hub runs, but the window may contain some error information that isn't in the log - if you can copy/screenshot the text, it may have some clues. The window will only be visible while PA Hub is running, and only when run via atom.cmd. It'll look like this:
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Huh? Oh yeah sure, I can give you that... BTW, looks like error unable to create cache. Why you think that? Should I run as administrator or un-readonly something or make room in a particular folder?[​IMG]

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  6. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Ah. This one's my bad. I confused 16 & 19 :(

    Use this version of atom shell: https://github.com/atom/atom-shell/releases/download/v0.16.1/atom-shell-v0.16.1-win32-ia32.zip

    Explanation: The cache errors are fine. The actual issue is with some changes they made to the way iFrames are sandboxed in later versions of Atom Shell - the message "Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: 'none' is an invalid sandbox flag" is what caused it all. Once this error happened, all Javascript code stopped executing (and therefore, further downloads). It also shows why the forum & IRC chat didn't work.
    Last edited: November 6, 2014
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Oh-o, impressive. It works. Let me run through the other functions again to see what all now functions.

    By the way, get checked for dyslexia next time your at a doctor. :D JKJK Wow how mean would I be if I really said that?:eek::oops:
    besides, I am not sure confusing a 6 with a 9 is dyslexia, and it sounds more like nymphomania considering the particular numbers involved...

    The chat and forums work now. Well, almost. The forum doesn't allow you to enter text for a post through it. Normal? I can almost reply to a thread or create a new one, except I can't enter texts into the thread or thread title.

    I updated awesome projectiles, that works.

    The other plugins I manually updated, I am sure that works too though.

    This now functions well enough to remove the old PAMM. Thanks @raevn for the troubleshoot! Will sponsor this in my signature if that means anything to you :D

    One last small inquiry. What if I wanted to instead connect to a different IRC, one for another game. Defeats the purpose I know, just wondering if there is a way to spoof it to or if you plan on giving it irc support instead of just support for 1 channel?
    Last edited: November 6, 2014
    Raevn likes this.
  8. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Wait Wait Wait! :p There are at least a few known bugs with mod management still that you should be aware of, this is still very much a WIP (I can't stress that enough).
    • The priority of the mod that enables mods is incorrect; not sure what effect this has (it may be nothing, or it may prevent some mods from working, and it may change from run to run, even, due to the way sorting works).
    • Some UI mods flat out wont work, because they use the old method of specifying scenes.
    • Probably a few other niggling things that I'm unaware of (I haven't done extensive testing).
    I do plan on re-implementing the IRC natively so I can have control over it, at the moment it's just a browser-based IRC client displayed in an iFrame (quick and dirty method). You can change the URL to point anywhere if you wish, just look in the pahub/content/plugin/com.pahub.content.plugin.community directory, and edit "com.pahub.content.plugin.community.js". The URL is on line 222.

    To make up for the messing you around a bit with the wrong version of atom shell, here's a sneak peak at what I'm working on:

  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Alright, I will use the term WIP then :p

    Neato. What about the browser. Do you have trouble using the Forums tab to make replies or threads? I cannot enter text to create threads or replies in the PAHub forums tab. I have to use firefox.

    One last curiosity. If I duplicated the plugin, changed the plugin name and id, and redirected the URL for one of them, could I have 2 IRC tabs, 1 for PA and 1 for another IRC?
  10. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    You're right, the edit box is being gobbled. I think I can fix this when I fix support for newer versions of Atom Shell, as I think the functionality introduced there will be helpful.

    You'd get two whole community sections if you did that (each with News, Chat and Forum tabs), and they'd probably interfere with each other. The better way is just edit it to add a second tab (the better, better way would be to make a plugin that only added a tab to the existing section, but that would take a much longer explanation on how to do. I have a tutorial in the works, though).

    Add the following just after the last setTimeout(), replacing ###URL### as needed:
        pahub.api.tab.addTab("section-community", "chat-2", "CHAT 2", "", 21);
        pahub.api.tab.setTabContent("section-community", "chat-2",
            "<iframe id='iframe-chat-2' sandbox='none' style='width:100%; height:100%; border:0px'></iframe>"
        setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('iframe-chat-2').src = '###URL###'}, 1000);
    This will insert a new tab just after the existing Chat tab, called "CHAT 2".
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  11. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Okay, so can you explain to the less bright among us how to do that? I can only see a list of all available mods.
  12. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    How to do what?
  13. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I don't see a list of installed mods and a facility to enable/disable them.
  14. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Did you install all of the plugins? Specifically, the mod store? Also, keep in mind that raevn has organized his repositories in a rather odd way, which results in the plugin directory being inside its own directories, so you'd get plugins/com.pahub.whatever/com.pahub.whatever/... You'll need to correct for that.
  15. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    I think it's about time you work on that friendly installer @raevn
    Raevn and Fr33Lancer like this.
  16. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I've the list of downloadable mods.

    I've been looking at the logs. The PA dir is wrong on OS X

    --- a/app/assets/js/pahub.js
    +++ b/app/assets/js/pahub.js
    @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ function getPAInstallPath() {
                        if (process.platform == "darwin") {
                            var installDir = path.join(hostDir, "../../../../..");
    -                        setConstant("PA_STABLE_DIR", path.join(hostDir, "stable", "PA.app", "Contents", "MacOS"));
    -                        setConstant("PA_PTE_DIR", path.join(hostDir, "PTE", "PA.app", "Contents", "MacOS"));
    +                        setConstant("PA_STABLE_DIR", path.join(installDir, "stable", "PA.app", "Contents", "MacOS"));
    +                        setConstant("PA_PTE_DIR", path.join(installDir, "PTE", "PA.app", "Contents", "MacOS"));
    The mod store also needs to go ../Resources to find the media folder for stockmods.

    It's listing them, but it randomly swizzled my enable/disable information.

    Yes, I have a separate checkout location. Perhaps he knows some tricks for separating the git repository location from the working directory? I've vaguely aware that it's possible, but haven't gone to the effort to work out the details, and even then I think I'd avoid the extra directory level if it was possible.
    Raevn likes this.
  17. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    Agreed. He already mentioned working on it, but this is the entry point.
    PA Hub without an installer is like PA without a tutorial :(
    On a personal note, I updated everything this weekend and wanted to check it out again.
    However, launching pahub through exisiting pamm atom shell (yes, I'm very lazy) didn't work (used to work with having app_pamm and app_pahub in ressources folder and adding it as parameter in their respective shortcut).
    Some issue (as per log) with not founding pamm\resources\app\package.json, guess something was wrong with :
    setConstant("PAHUB_BASE_DIR", path.dirname(process.execPath));
    setConstant("PAHUB_PACKAGE_FILE", path.join(constant.PAHUB_BASE_DIR, "resources/app/package.json"));
  18. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    I think you guys are missing the "this is a very WIP" that raevn keeps mentioning. ;)
    squishypon3 and Raevn like this.
  19. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    I'm aware (and I assume proeleert too).
    Yet more people able to run it flawlessly means more people to test it and report potential bugs (QA).
    It's already insane to have such a huge project as a one man job :eek:
    I'm joking, but this is more like PA Community Raevn's Hub :D
  20. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    That'll do it. :oops:

    To confirm: ../Resources/stockmods/[client|server]/ ?

    If coming from PAMM <> PA Hub, this is a known issue because PA Hub handles enabling/disabling differently.
    PAMM uses mods.json as a source of truth, but PA Hub can't because it's mod specific, and I needed something that can work across all content - so PA Hub uses the enabled parameter, which PAMM doesn't use.

    You give me far too much credit :p. I'm not that great at Git, and this was an easy way to avoid packaging .git* files when making release zips. Also, once installed the idea is they are updated from within the app, so I didn't consider checking them out directly to the plugins folder.

    I'm guessing because it is looking for a specific "app" folder (instead of app_pahub, or whatever is specified by that parameter you pass).

    @Mereth - mind if I *cough* borrow *cough* your Mac/Linux install script? And could I also get the source files for your Windows msi installer? :)
    proeleert and Fr33Lancer like this.

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