I don't use those tools, then again every single json that I touch in line-by-line format doesn't work after touching it. I keep my stuff paragraph. Which is useful because I find anything straight from the game in paragraph format. Not that I am unaware of json validators or json format converters. Both linked in mod section a lot. I just don't have converter, and my notepad++ doesn't find any errors in line-by-line format. Welcome to the modding community. You will learn to love code, then hate it, then love it, then hate it, then finally love it again. Seriously, that is how I find most people handle learning modding, myself, stuart, and gandalf included.
Don't worry, I've coded before, i know how it goes. I was just working with python and tcl at the time, i've only touched on javascript a little, and that was a few years ago.
Hmmm, removing the animtree altogether and making it inline with the advanced bomber whose model I'm using, doesn't seem to have fixed anything....
Swapping it over to this thread here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-server-orbital-warfare-overhaul.62878/ Me and nicb1 have started a collaboration mod.