Donation Panel Queries the GoFundmePage (currently only AbleGamers event) recent donations page fragment and displays it in-game. Items can be marked as finished, and will then be culled when the feed is manually refreshed. Automatic refresh is currently 10 seconds. Keybinds (defaults) - Next item: alt+n - Manual refresh: alt+u Settings The mod loads canned test pages by default. The current feed can be changed to feed for the Community AbleGamers Tournament in the settings. Integrations Improved Player Control Mod will always attempt to identify player names, and if exactly one player is matched, sends a message that will be picked up by the IPC mod to select that player. Sandbox Unit Menu This mod attempts to directly load the menu from SUM (this involves a hacky timeout and really needs a proper api). -It will attempt to identify menu codes in the comments and present those as tags on the display. - The total code value is displayed for verification. - If a large donation is received for a single code, it will be automatically expanded to multiple items. - When selecting the item, each recognized code will be made current and sent to SUM for execution. Obtaining - (issues) Not likely to ever go on PAMM to extreme specialization, but it really helped me maintain my sanity as puppetmaster during the AbleGamers Tournament (particularly since the main donations page seems to be heavily cached, but the fragment call I found isn't) Donation Announcer Similar to the panel, with no execution ability. There are subtle buttons to advance, or remove items (e.g. from previous/next rounds). Keybinds are essentially the same as the execution version: advance, and manual refresh. The small blocks can jump back, but at the moment even those auto timeout and advance. Timeline won't normally be so long, but I imported the 2014 history to see how typical messages looked. -
This looks really cool, who decides where the items go? Or are they spawned close to starting positions?
Donation panel is an aid for the puppetmaster, who places things and may take suggestions; the donation announcer is for casters on stream.
I picked this one because it's wrong twice. The unit scruncher combines three separate events, and the extra money expander won't touch anything with more than one code since it doesn't know which one to multiply.