Winners don't "gg" - mind your manners ...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Shwyx, August 3, 2014.

  1. thepilot

    thepilot Well-Known Member

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    Maybe no one enjoy their games? :)
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Rules of etiquette are the stupidest things ever. Almost all human beings are genetically programmed to act in a manner which makes them socially acceptable. It's been like that for hundreds of thousands of years, humans are social creatures. So any time some self-appointed "etiquette expert" pops up on my TV telling me what leg to cross over the other or how many centimetres long my "dessert fork" is supposed to be or tell me how to use a certain phrase which is used just fine by 99% of the population with no trouble at all in a specific manner which conforms to their own views I want to shake them silly until they forget how wide their jello spoon is supposed to be.

    Wow...That ended up pretty ranty. I don't mean to offend you Mr. OP, just venting.... I'll go lie on The Couch now...

    The concept is: "oh gee, you people played pretty well, good job!" not "HAHA EVERYTHING WENT SPLENDIDLY ACCORDING TO MY PLAN ALONE!".
    nguk9 and squishypon3 like this.
  3. ohhhshiny

    ohhhshiny Active Member

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    Wow, this is really...
    To think every game sucks the moment u realize you lose... Actually, im missing ma words = D

    Its kind of sad, really, and i dont want to switch with you.
    vyolin, knub23 and cptconundrum like this.
  4. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Good game does not have to do with you winning or losing, it has to do if it was a good game. If you were just completely and utterly beat, in like 5 minutes... it wasn't really a good game, a good game is where there's a lot of back and forth, it's where it lasts long. It's where for a while there, you didn't know you were going to lose, you thought you had it, or you thought you were about to lose, yet the opposite happens. It's not a good game if there was no struggle, no cunning tactics.
    mot9001 and cdrkf like this.
  5. ef32

    ef32 Well-Known Member

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    I love people calling gg before unleashing their ultimate weapon, it makes me notice what is going on and otherwise it'd be too late or I wouldn't even notice at all. 'Oh look interplanetary nuke' *evacuates commander*.

    Funniest part is when they say gg, and you counter/evade them and snipe their commander. Wish I could see their faces.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Some of my most fun games are ones I ultimately lost, but after long and very intense back and forth fights. Personally winning is nice but it isn't the be all and end all of what constitutes a good game.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  7. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    I only type gg if the game was actually good. It makes me a little angry when a whole team types GGGG when it was a complete stomp, be it winners or losers.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  8. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    Wt gg for me is just a polite way to sighn of after an enjoyable game.

    If you're offended by this, I just don't understand. Talk about ott.

    It's not rude, its not racist sexist or hatefull so whats the problem?
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  10. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    lolz ; )
  11. thetbc

    thetbc Member

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    So apparently I need to watch my etiquette when using the term 'gg' now. If I know that I am about to destroy him I will say gg as the game is over anyway even though it technically isn't over.
  12. LmalukoBR

    LmalukoBR Well-Known Member

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    Wow is this a discussion on etiquette? How awesome is that! I feel PA players are looking like duelists! LOL!

    But really, sometimes things can have different meanings to different people. I think It's just that. I find GG to be quite the weird expression for admitting defeat. If someone says it to you first they are admitting you were a good opponent that gave them a good game (even if thats not what it really means in their head). If you just say all the time even when the match was terrible it loses the meaning, it is just something you automatically type.

    IMO, people should just use "I lost" or "You Win" and save the GGs for truly epic games. Or maybe if this concept is too ingrained i suggest people start using "Great game" (GrG) for really epic games.
  13. phlogistinator

    phlogistinator Active Member

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    As far as I'm concerned, most players seem to use "gg" regardless of winning or losing in PA. I don't take umbrage from it, and because it is pretty much the norm here, I don't think people take offense from it either.
  14. wstxbb

    wstxbb Member

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    Wow, I have never thought there are so many things behind "gg". I thought it just means the game is fantastic and I quite enjoying it since the first time my friend told me to type it after game.
    Shwyx likes this.
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The only usage of gg I dislike is the guy who is losing who says gg but then proceeds to do dickish things to draw out the game.
    shootall, websterx01 and cdrkf like this.
  16. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I almost always say gg but I try not to do it too early. Sometimes I will type it just before their commander dies just like you can call checkmate in chess sometimes before you completely finish setting down your last piece. A couple seconds early isn't so bad, right?

    To me, gg is just a show of respect for the other player. If the game was exceptional I will say that with words because I know how to speak, but gg just means I respect you and thanks for the game. I don't avoid saying it first and if someone beats me and says it first I'm not offended.
    shootall, squishypon3, cdrkf and 2 others like this.
  17. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    Well when I lose a game in 5 minutes, I will still say good game because it means my opponent played a good game and I pay respect by saying it. When I win within 5 minutes, I will also say gg afterwards, because it is just like cptconundrum said a form of showing respect. If someone says gg I just respond and keep playing until he kills his com or kills mine. Because when he is saying it first it means
    a) he admits defeat and will destroy his com or
    b) he thinks he will defeat me but I don't see it yet (because otherwise I would say gg and destroy my com), so maybe he is right or maybe he is wrong, I can keep playing till I can see what is the case

    For me it is like the virtual handshake after the competition.
    cdrkf and Quitch like this.
  18. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    GG'ing is a show of respect, like a handshake. Not sure how someone could complain about that? Many people behave on the internet and in games like asses, and therefore making it a bit nicer and showing that you're accepting your loss is a good thing. It even can make you feel better about the defeat yourself.
    I think that's why it's especially widespread in a game like SC2, which always was competetive, hard, and very stressful. It's more fun to play demanding matches against people who can respect you. I thought myself gg'ing is a strange and unnecessary concept in the beginning, but there is a point to it.

    That said, typing gg when you think you're winning a game is rude, even outside of etiquette. It's basically saying 'gtfo of my game', while your opponent might still try to pull something off.
    Shwyx and cptconundrum like this.
  19. badfucatus

    badfucatus Active Member

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    At the start GL HF
    At the end GG WP
    regardless of game, it's just polite FFS!
    cdrkf and vyolin like this.
  20. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    MrTBSC, igncom1 and badfucatus like this.

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