Will this game ever catch on?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by vortexcontinuum, February 19, 2011.

  1. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I like how you call it a dota-clone (1 map) and then complain about a lack of maps. No trolling intended, just struck me as odd.
  2. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I'm not sure why you think this is some great issue with the masses, or why you think the devs making replacement models would net any significant amount of players. I want the game to grow, but this isn't going to do it, and aside from you the issue does not seem to exist.
  3. Future Tense

    Future Tense New Member

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    In my honest opinion, this game could use a little better art direction, but this could be discussed in-depth elsewhere as I don't think it really detracts from the game. The gameplay is spot on. I'm one of those that simply "don't mind" the sound, VO's, and graphics because I enjoy the gameplay.

    I haven't reviewed any gameplay stats, but from observations it seems this game is not doing as well as I would have expected because of the high learning curve. How often do you play any game where people consistently say in-game, "I wish I could play this game" or "I wish I could figure this out." I recall some video (I think it was one of those zero punctuation vids, or whatever) that talks about games with a high learning curve failing because, while the gameplay may be complex and rewarding, the people who don't catch on quickly (if at all) lag behind in skill level while those who "get it" stomp on everyone. This creates a large gap between the two groups which ultimately kills them both. The highly skilled players get bored and the less skilled players get frustrated. This happens in most games, granted, but with your average pub-level player, if they can't manage to break even in K:D or feel like they're making ANY progress because of the ever growing skill divide, they will just leave.
  4. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    I like how you're so confident that it doesn't exist simply because you don't read about it in forums. Why would players who don't care to try this game post here? They see some screenshots of support or gunner and become completely turned off. Please tell why adding alternative models is a bad thing. Custom model solves nothing, they are for players who are already playing. No one has said the new models will be 'gritty post apocalypse.' That would obviously not fit :lol:
  5. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    This may surprise you, but I have access to parts of the internet that are not this forum!

    In fact I spend a great deal more time doing things unrelated to monday night combat. I have not heard of anyone who was disinterested in the game because of the characters. I do not know where you are getting the idea these people exist. You seem very confident these people are plentiful and if this problem were fixed hundreds would flood in to play, but the fact remains you haven't pointed out anything other than anecdotal evidence, and no one else has backed you up on this.

    The reason this is a waste of time is because it is a waste of time. Doing something to net a non-existent group of players would lose the developers valuable DLC development time, and gain them no revenue. I will continue to assume it won't net any new players so long as there is no evidence this apparently untapped market you are describing exists. Seriously, I've heard next to nothing complaining about the appearance. Mostly I hear stupid people complaining it's a TF2 clone because it's class based when they cite the reasons they hate the game.
  6. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    How on earth can anyone think MNC has a steep learning curve???
  7. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Look at games like the Call of Duty Series, then tell me that the curve isn't much steeper than most current shooters on the market.
  8. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    Exactly, while it's not steep compared to say... EVE Online, it's certainly not as "familiar" as all the generic deathmatch style shooters out there. Playing MNC requires a completely different style of play. I call it "gun & run". Almost every class requires that you "bug out" should your HP start dropping to dangerous levels. This is pretty much the opposite of most FPS' where playing Rambo style is to your advantage.

    Couple that with learning the in's and out's of your 3 skills, like when and where to use them for best effect, and it actually requires a bit of time to learn. I see most people start to get good once they reach around level 40+.

    I spent a lot of time reading guides and watching good players on Youtube. Most people can't be bothered doing this so it takes them longer to "get it".
  9. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    Well sure, if you pick the dumbest, most mass-consumed games to compare MNC to then you could say its the most complicated game ever. But its far simpler than any of the traditional hero-based tower defence games, and the shooting mechanics skill ceiling isnt nearly as high as many of the arcade shooters available. I dunno, I was sold on the game because of its simplicity, which is why im also selling the game to friends who dont necessarily have a lot of time to spare learning new games. i think MNCs easy-to-learn basics is one of its main strengths.
  10. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    League of Legends

    i have to agree with this based on my personal experience
  11. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    I believe the argument that they don't post so clearly they exist is the best one I have ever read.

    Please tell me more, I wish to subscribe to your theories.
  12. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    Well to respond to the original poster and topic, I think it could remain strong. And in my opinion one thing we can do that will only help keep things that way is being nice to noobs. I don't care if someone is level 1, playing assassin and going 0-0-100 every round; play nice. No matter how good you are now, you were also a silly noob too at one point, and I don't think you'd like people throwing teases/whines/insults at you every single game while you were learning. These are public servers, players can do whatever the hell they choose and take things as seriously (or not seriously) as they want to. If you're one of these players who expects to win every round and whines unless everyone on your team is decent: join a clan. That's what they're for. It's been this way since Quake came out in '96 (if not sooner). But leave the noobs alone and let them learn. Please. :)
  13. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    ^ A lot of people forget that in this game. Its easy to go from newb to powerhouse in this game and I know that all too well.
  14. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    I mean shooter / tomb-raider perspective, not strategic. Bad description, my fault.
  15. Sefam

    Sefam New Member

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    DotA played on 1 map for more than 5 years.

    League of Legends sucks anyway. Terrible microtransaction system(I don't care if it's "free", it still takes an insane amount of gametime or +250$ to get all the GAMEPLAY content), forcing you to play through 40 minute games even if your team is terrible else you get banned, also matchmaking is bad.
  16. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Sefam, while I 100% agree on the microtransactions thing I disagree on everything else you said.

    Matchmaking has improved considerably.

    Last patch they lowered the surrender time from 25minutes to 20minutes. Also you play the game knowing full well that once it starts all players are locked in and noone else is able to join a in-progress match. If you don't like that don't play that game, but just because 1 person on a team isnt having a good time doesn't give them the right to ruin it for the rest of the players on the team, you entered the fight knowing full well it was an obligation and I see no reason why people who CHOOSE to ignore that shouldn't be disallowed from playing the game that they obviously don't want to play anyway.
  17. ChronoBodi

    ChronoBodi New Member

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    Re: Will this game ever catch on?a

    We need custom user maps on here. playing the same maps over and over gets old fast. i wanna see some TF2 payload maps converted! and make mario maps or whatever, anything at least looks different from the standard "Sport" look of MNC.
  18. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Mario maps ftw :twisted:. And payload. lots of payload!
  19. ChronoBodi

    ChronoBodi New Member

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    only problem is someone has to convert or recreate it as you're going from Source to Unreal, you can't exactly copy-paste maps there.

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