Why walls should not be auto-targeted...

Discussion in 'Support!' started by zGeneral, September 9, 2013.

  1. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    That's an issue that walls exacerbate, but it's not a specific problem with walls themselves but with the game as a whole.
  2. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Earlier this evening, for the first time, I played against someone who built walls. Lots of them. And by crap was it annoying. The auto-targeting is awful. Silly robots.
  3. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    I agree. Walls should not appear as 'real' structures and shouldn't appear in the auto-attack priority list at all. They should only be hit as part of the simulation (trying to hit something on the other side).
  4. flexable

    flexable Member

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    My opinion is that walls are too strong at the moment. Actually, "strong" is not the right term : influential. At early stage, on small planets in 1v1, a few walls and 1 or 2 turrets are enough to destroy an army of 50 tanks. In that sense, it's a "game ender" if you plan to spam t1. 2 engies can beat you...

    First of all, I believe walls shouldn't be targeted at all by units. They should only block passage, and protect (for a certain amount) things behind them. Having units targeting, and shooting at walls... come on, that's not even stupid. Can you imagine for real such things? Doesn't make sense at all.

    I liked the way FA used them. Walls were protecting a bit turrets from tanks. We had t1 arty to counter a PD with walls, and units were passing by without a look at walls. That's still the best approach in my opinion.

    At the moment, I see most players spamming walls... they found it very effective (and they are right).
  5. forerunnerdidact

    forerunnerdidact New Member

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    I am perfectly okay with the walls being targeted automatically- for now. Being the AI still cheats, and every single game within 5 minutes has hundreds of bombers and advanced bombers and just comes from all directions at once and just spam the heck out of you then you die, I kinda like being able to just have some walls with a million turrets behind them. (It also sucks how turrets do not seem to fire until the bomber is practically right on top of it, whereas it is then dead.) Also, I noticed, at least on my games, that the AI doesn't auto target walls. It auto targets whatever the building or unit closest to its base is, at least after its discovered your location. As far as PvP goes, I have nothing to say on that, being my internet sucks so bad I get disconnected every time I try.

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