Why the Assassin's needs her prowess back

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by infrablade, October 20, 2010.

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  1. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Uh, it was a glitch, as in an unintended mechanic that you were not supposed to be able to do. That is the definition of a glitch.

    It ain't comin' back. Get over it. It isn't even an important part of the Assassin arsenal. It just made it so you could run around without thinking.
  2. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Not all glitches require third party applications or modded controllers. Just because the game's code allowed it does not mean that it is legit. I can think of quite a few glitches that can be replicated without modded cotroller so are they just maneuvers too?
  3. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    I'm not going to knock you because you're the only person that has actually started 'thinking' about things I've mentioned here and your thoughts are actually decent.

    But I have to clear something up... historically shurikens were deadly, and recorded history shows that poisons used on them was nearly always lethal. Those poisons were used to assure that if the shuriken didn't instantly reach a 'kill' gate on the body, usually the eyes, then the poisons would actually kill the victim.

    I really wouldn't expect that aspect of reality to reach this game as players would cry about it...the only way anything of the kind should reach the game is if it works slowly and can be 'cured in time' by a healer (support). I would also expect Poison shurikens to be shot in singles, not rapid fire.

    A 'One shot kill' shuriken attack would also have to hit the head, and only from the front...simulating being hit in the eyes.
  4. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Alright...talk about them then, what are they? I bet you they require special circumstances and doing things 'unatural' to get them to happen.
  5. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Historically players can't jump several stories into the air or cloak either. My point being that you cannot simply add a OHKO and not greatly nerf the RoF and/or take away the bouncing effect. Again, not a bad idea but reducing the RoF would make killing turrets from range next to impossible. Add in the slower rate of travel when compared to bullets and using shurikens might go from bad to worse.
  6. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    The Grapple-Cloak wasn't about running around not thinking... I used it to stop clever teams from pushing hard and setting up firebases in strategically advantageous places while maneuvering in for a quick end to a match... you'd rather play with a turret from a distance, shooting shuriken at it. I'd rather kill the support guy overcharging it while protecting myself from the firebase, then I'd destroy the base without the tension of an enemy being present.
  7. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Well here is a very simple glitch: the Gunner can reload the minigun while taunting. Simply start your reload, begin taunting and when the taunt ends your reload will be too.

    Certain skills will even instantly refill your weapons or health when upgraded.

    I can name a few more but do not want to encourage them being used so I will refrain. Many glitches have been fixed already and include things like hacking through walls or glass panels. Not all glitches need to be nefarious.
  8. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    like I said...unatural...you've made my point for me
  9. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    all i saw in that video was grabbing people in the face. invisible assassinating was a glitch, and you are not rationalizing it by saying you would rather do that than find a tactical way around it. as per class based games, maybe it isnt your role to be able to kill a firebase in the first place.
  10. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Why is it unnatural? Every class can reload and then interrupt it by taunting. Only the Gunner's minigun will finish the reload during the taunt animation. At least try and defend your point about glitches requiring a modded controller or excessive button mashing. At this point you can't even defend your stand on what a glitch is. Heck, you can even interrupt the reload animation by changing weapons; is that unnatural too?
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    as far as being realistic, in mw2 the aa12 should have the longest range, being able to hit a human-size target without collateral damage from 200meters.

    ingame, it shoots maybe three times farther than you could already knife, maybe 2x farther than a knife with commando.

    shurikens are already strong enough, maybe making them stronger would be ok but not too much.

    i play assassin, and when i do bad i blame it on playing assassin against the wrong classes (the team is too support/tank heavy). thats because i still go vastly positive on a team with gunners and assualts and even some supports without armor/shotgun endorsements.

    if i can use the assassin and pwn turrents, pros, bots, ect., then why do other people complain? if the assassin needs anything to counter it being nerfed, then it needs a legitimate and intended boost. boost its slash/lunge damage to where a lunge 1hits a blackjack/group-o-blackjacks. boost its shurikens to do fire damage and call it poison (or make poison damage and make it virtually the same as fire damage except its looks).

    yes, blowfish poison shot at someone on a needle from a straw is fatal to humans and probably baby elephants, but if you were not allowed to use an assassin and the other team was, and they were using it against you, would you still think its fair?

    you know you have an overpowered class if the answer to this is yes: if you normally play the assassin, and you were forced to play another class, would you rage-quit against an enemy team of assassins because you just cannot do anything but repetitively die or play patty-cake in the spawn-room?

    cuz everyone like me left MW2 because there are 200 guns and attachments, but the only ones used are the ump45 because anything else goes 1-583 against the ump45. if any class ended up that strong on MNC, we'd all go to MOH, Farcry, c&c renegade, hell, id play pac-man before id play another terribly overbalanced game.
  12. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    uuhh yeah, I can dash and taunt, that doesn't mean it makes sense, that's unatural
  13. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The Gunner reload glitch is the perfect example of why the grapple recloak was also a glitch as both animations should not occur at the same time. If you start to cloak then you cannot deal damage so it should interrupt your grapple animation or prevent you from cloaking just as if you start to reload but then taunt it stops you from reloading. At this point you have no idea how to defend your comments so you have resorted to trolling, congrats.
  14. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Wow a troll calling someone a troll... interesting

    Let me help you fix your broken logic... A Gunner reload is a 'stand-by' action, Taunting is a 'stand-by' action. Grappling is an 'active action'/attack while cloaking is a natural complementary assassin ability... go ta bed so you can think better troll
    Last edited: October 20, 2010
  15. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    The assassin is as strong as she was pre patch minus glitches. She's stronger even I dare to say because you can afford to miss a grapple and shurikens actually work now. Buy a sword and stop grappling people in their own base and/or next to turrets, problem solved!
  16. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Yeah Bolt already talked about the issue with this... ... I'm not going over it again... she's not stronger... she just has a lesser grapple penalty

    And I'm not talking about grabbing people in their own base, I'm talking about protecting your own from invaders... I simply showed an infiltration tactic to indicate other uses for cloaking techniques, including the Grapple-Cloak
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    you wana be able to cloak while grappling and infinitely dash... well id say...


    dealing damage uncloaks you, dashing drains your dash skill, those are the rules as stated by the game in the how to play.

    throwing shurikens uncloaks you, swinging a sword uncloaks you, lunging uncloaks you, why wouldnt grappling?

    what your asking for is a boost greater than the game ever gave the assassin: being completely invisible while you kill everything.

    can we make the assassin invincible for you as well, would that help? i bet it would. oh, and we can make it where only you get these special assassin abilities. wouldnt that be great?

    well i want a million bucks. i guess we can both keep dreaming. tell you what, ill settle for 3grand if you settle for a boost that makes sense for the assassin and is balanced.
  18. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Are you really reading anymore... when did I say anything about wanting this?

    infinite dash was clearly a glitch, and one I never used, I like killing with skill, not by playing with annoying and stupid button/element hacks.

    One more time for the class... Grappling does and always has caused an uncloak, if you are already cloaked to begin with.

    Activating the Complementary Cloaking ability while Grappling attacking, more precisely (mid-attack) is a natural active movement. You can swing your sword/dash and then cloak mid action... throw shurikens then cloak mid action... Just the same way it happened with Grappling... I suppose your logic tells you this shouldn't happen either?
  19. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Let's put this to bed once and for all.

    You cannot cloak while doing an active ability that can potentially deal damage or impact a Pro/turret. As Dash does not deal any direct damage it is permissible to be able to Dash while Cloaked. You can also taunt, switch weapons, reload your shurikens, access the skill menu, use the annihilator, buy juice, use the ejector, jump, or just walk around while cloaked as none of these deal direct damage in any way. You CANNOT remain cloaked while dealing damage of any kind. This includes normal attacks with the dagger/katana or shurikens, melee attacks with either weapons, grapples with either weapons, the lunge attack or the flash bomb which directly impacts the other Pros or turrets. Why would you be able to bypass this rule?

    You can still cloak once the animation is complete so I fail to see how being able to cloak while still in the animation that deals damage is not a glitch in any way, shape or form. I've played your game and given you ample examples of other glitches that do not require a modded controller or some crazy button mashing. You have decided to ignore these examples in a futile attempt to defend your stance that the grapple recloak is not a glitch as well. Remeber that this is Uber's game and they have decided that the grapple recloak is a glitch and removed it. You can't get much more definitive than that.
  20. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Last edited: October 21, 2010
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