Why the Assassin's needs her prowess back

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by infrablade, October 20, 2010.

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  1. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I do play assassin, and he is 100% correct and makes a perfect point.

    There are many things the assassin needs.
    Cloak while grapple is not one of them.
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Well, since I can't leave a comment on your awful video on Youtube without your approval, I'll just leave one here: If I could dislike your video 100 times, I would. It really deserves it.
  3. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Wow. So pre-patch, you were able to get away with being a Failsassin because you could cloak mid-grapple? I only survived the video to the 1:00 mark, but I saw enough. You lunged a Support twice after face-stabbing him and he didn't pull out his shotgun. You lunged - uncloaked - into a group of three enemy Pros, including a Tank, and they didn't kill you.

    Also, let's see your scoreboard that got you 30+ kills and MVP.

    I think he was expecting to get his e-peen stroked. This is interesting.
  4. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    I say it is one of them, she should have it back and with such a high offensive rating we shouldn't be running around with a neutered ninja...you're busy saying all it showed... likely because that's all you want to see...

    I can't control whether players are bad or good... all I did was capture as much useful footage I could to attempt to explain why Grapple-Cloaking is a benefit to the class...

    It would've come off alot better against more offensive teams but I got what I got that night...oh well.

    As I said, I was more interersted in showing the usefulness of the maneuver, which comes in especially handy when you have very aggressive support teams coming in super-charging Gunners/Tanks while setting up Firebases to destroy anything that attempts to get past their push.

    Obviously there are those of you who think this shouldn't happen because you're the ones who benefit from that sort of support during a strong offensive push.

    You like the Assassin weak because she can't outright stop you like she could before... now she has to resort to cheesiness like running around killing bots and turrets, sneaking in kills on players envolved in skirmishes with other players (too busy paying attention to know they're being stalked) and then killing the rest when juiced.

    I want a choice of action, the choices I had before they changed her... why? because what she was, was an assassin! Now she's a neutered/wantered down ninja like the 'Fut' from Ninja turtles or something.

    As far as the scorboards are concerned:

    I don't need to prove anything to anyone about my scores...people know what they've seen when they've actually played with me and not the others using ancient weapon.

    My point is that I don't like the box this class has been stuffed into, she was way better than this, and her original dictates that she should be again.

    You don't like the video, BIG WHOOP... I just tried to get you to pay attention and see how the class has been brought lower than it should be, and if you just can't see it, then that's your own blind problem.
  5. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Assassin was OP before.
  6. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I always get a laugh anytime you post billy. :lol:
    Thank you.
  7. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Just another QQ thread about the assassin.

    Funny thing is, since the change, I've actually started seeing less assassin players, but the ones I do run into, play the class very well. Good players have learned to adapt, and I honestly think the change has brought out the best in players.
  8. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Terrible assassins could do good before, good assassins are still good now.

    Shurikens make me sad, so get better at aiming and learn how to play the class right Randy Tryhard Travis
  9. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    By Jove, you've summed it up beautifully!
  10. WinWithLink

    WinWithLink New Member

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    You definitely shouldn't play assassin then. Killing bots and clearing turrets are the assassins main job. If you're going head hunting....be a class that fits the category, like the sniper for example.
  11. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Isn't this post a little late to the party? Let me guess, you had to spend all that time editing your video footage.

    As had been satated many times already (and with much humor) the ability to grapple and recloak has been removed because Uber never intended it. Just because you relied upon a tactic that was never intended does not validate it in the least. Many, many Assassins are still quite lethal even without this ability because they have learned to adapt and are quite skilled even without such a crutch.

    Stating that you can no longer get 30+ kills as an Assassin only proves that the mechanic was broken as you should never be rewarded for front grapples or running into large groups of enemies, ever. The juice gain rate on the Assassin is still very high and turrets are not an issue if approached correctly. If left alone an Assassin can easy destroy turrets even without juice. The point of all this is that the Assassin has evolved, it is a highly specialized class with many options available so stop relying upon just one.
  12. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Let me begin by saying that very, very few people on this game can claim to have played Assassin as much as I have. I got to level 99 with Assassin exclusively, and still play that class 90% of the time.

    As such, I was not particularly happy with the updates, particularly removing the cloak from grappling. But then I did something drastic: I actually tried playing after the update. Quite frankly, I'm doing just fine.

    That video... that video should be a video on how NOT to play an Assassin. If you were to see a video of my playing, you would feel incredible amounts of shame. For even more incredible amounts of shame I would direct you to watch Bolt or Manouso play. None of us are happy with some of the changes, but some of us (Bolt, Manny, and I) still do exceptionally well.

    I highly recommend you read one of the Assassin guides on the forums. While watching your video there are so many things you should have done that you didn't. I winced every time you pointlessly face grappled someone.

    Some tips:
    ~ Firebases are not weak, and they will kill you. Simple solution: Take them out before going after the Support. Shurikens are amazing for this.
    ~ Do NOT charge a halfway competent Support because he WILL pull out his shotgun and kill you. I have yet to understand why the Supports you played against didn't do that.
    ~ Stop face grappling people. It makes them laugh and makes your team feel shame. Unless they have lost a noticeable amount of health, it won't do anything.
    ~ Pushing bots is NOT what an Assassin is meant to do, but she is very good at it nonetheless. There's nothing wrong with helping your team win and earning a little money at the same time... not to mention the juice.

    For more, again, I would recommend one of the Assassin guides.
  13. WinWithLink

    WinWithLink New Member

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    Dolphins don't have wings?
  14. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    That too. Dolphins lose their wings when you face grapple people. Especially Tanks. That's why you never see dolphins with wings anymore.
  15. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Although it seems like she's a bit underpowered at times, she's not. I mean I went 19-6-1 my second game with the assassin after it was patched. And probably the majority of that game I was killing bots or turrets. The one death I had was from a support somehow using the airstrike when I was grappling him, which most likely just a little lag.
  16. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Oh this is novel.... you think I should play the Sniper with the exact same stats as the assassin class... because it (even though is matches exactly, the assassin class) is acceptable as a 'player killer'. But even though they are practically the same, you still don't believe the assassin should be as lethal at close range? You really need to think about that...

    The stats dictate otherwise, if the sniper, with his rifle, SMG, and super-powered grapple are lethal to all Pros up close and personal (and from afar) then the assassin (with matching ratings) should remain equally lethal to all Pros (at least when they confront her up close). That's balance...
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    no offence, but you took video footage of playing like this? uberent should go into your leaderboards and remove the kills since they were obtained by a glitch lol.

    no, not really. still, kills you got by a glitch is still kills got by a glitch. you do realize they arent GIVING a GLITCH back. id say maybe they should give you SOMETHING, but mashing a blue button with a modded controller to run faster and mashing the cloak button while doing anything that would normally uncloak you.

    could i ask if ther could boost her damage with her primary weapon and thrust-attack, and lower her damage to armored things like turrets and her juice for bot-killing? i think doing that would balance it perfectly.
  18. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Let's take that further...

    If we are to look at the shuriken and really understand how the weapon is used, then the that would dictate, the assassin should have a 'One-shot' kill if the shuriken hits a player in the head.

    Furthermore, if the shuriken is poisoned, then players should be slowly drained of life unless they reach a 'support/healer'... that's balance and sensible for a player with level 5 offense and level 3 specialties.

    I know players would cry their eyes out if that realistic aspect and use of the shuriken were brought the game, but hey... that's real, maybe we should have a "Poisoning" protag...
  19. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The poison idea isn't half bad although the OHKO one will never work unless you want the RoF nerfed hard. Saying that shurikens should OHKO on a headshot would be akin to saying that the Sniper's SMG should be able to OHKO players. Sure they travel a little slower but with bouncing around corners and being able to fire an entire clip within a second it would be blatanty overpowered.

    Still, hitting a Pro with anything, even a single shuriken, causes their health regeneration period to reset. Only burning causes a small damage over time and prevents this from resetting earlier so a poison effect might not be horrible. The problem would be that the damage over time would be small and not stack so once you tag a target you will only prolong the time it takes for them to regenerate health, not kill them outright. I doubt this is as powerful as you want but it would be something at least. If you were to adjust the shurikens then you would likely have to lose the bounce effect.

    Personally I would still prefer to see the actual dagger/katana melee attack (not the right trigger attack) have a short daze effect. This would combo well with the slash, lunge, and grapple attacks.
  20. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    That's the thing, the argument here is that it isn't/shouldn't be considered a Glitch. To glitch, players would have to have all sorts of elements present to make them work.

    Speed glitchers used Speed or Juice protags and jammed the ... out of the x button.

    Double-bombers also had to create the glitch by smashing the heck out of the smoke bomb button.

    Then we have the Grapple-Cloak, a smooth and natural occurrence where you simply Grapple, then Cloak ... that's two button pressed altogether

    Press grapple while you're cloaked and you come out of cloak, that was natural.

    Press Grapple (one button press) then go into Cloak (also one button press)...natural, you can't class a natural occurrence as a glitch.

    There's no use of modded controllers, no nothing...just a maneuver, that's all

    My kills come from being good at what I do, not glitching... The only things I exploit are tactical weaknesses and weak points in character design... that's not glitching, that's head hunting.
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