Why dont forum members play competitively?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, June 18, 2011.

  1. Anastatius

    Anastatius New Member

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    Not only is it wrong, it's completely ridiculous. We should be able to play in pubs all we want without having a bunch of assholes berate us for doing so.
  2. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    This, so very much. I've been told so many times that my opinion is "moot" because I don't play privates/competitive matches. The funny part is I would probably do very well in them. I just choose not to.

    Yeah the "our opinions are fact because we play competitive" people can go fall in a hole.
  3. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I dont see how playing in privates isnt competitive.

    Beating a bad team split isnt easy. I doubt u play a lot of 6v4 in privates. Overcoming noobs on your team isnt easy either. I played some privates with the "top" guys mentioned here. Wasnt much different than a pub. First match, I was pretty nervous, I mean these were supposed to be some of the best. It was a good match, and somehow I ended up on the winning team, with the best k/d in the game. All this, playing as support, which I hear isnt viable in "competitive" play. I know the play of my teammates certainly allowed me to operate freely and play my style, but it didnt feel much different than a good split in a pub. Not saying im super awesome, but maybe the jump from pubs to privates is exaggerated.

    Only playing privates sounds more like, not taking a chance on being disavantaged with the split or experience of teammates. Seems to me, it takes more balls to get with a group of strangers and make it work. Sure, u can refine ur teamwork in privates. And any practiced team will beat most groups of randoms. Private matches arent better than pubs, they're just different.
  4. visiondlo

    visiondlo New Member

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    i see random parties playing this game vs other parties in non private matches all the time

    more competitive matches happen randomly daily.

    if anyone wants to shoot me an invite to a private match i would be down.
  5. joker

    joker Active Member

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    this thread went out of hand so quickly. i didnt even want to ask because i saw most of these responses coming. for people who think the competitive players are dicks, spend a minute or two of your time in a party chat with us, outside the heat of the moment in a private match or scrim, we really arent bad guys at all. all of the criticism of trying to be more diplomatic with introducing newer people to the competitive side of mnc will be taken in stride and into consideration as some of you had valid points. i wont bother bringing up competitive play in general discussion anymore. for anyone interested, any information regarding competitive play will be in the teams & tournament section (and the thundereagleforums of course), as with a community hosted tournament incoming i still want to try and advertise it as much as possible with updates and such. can lock this or leave it open for continued discussion, but i think we all finally get the point.
  6. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    I only tend to berate players who claim to be great and claim to know what they're doing, but won't even attempt to play against better players. Don't run your mouth unless you can back it up. Not all of you do this, so don't jump on me yet, but I see a lot of people doing it. And our opinions aren't fact, but clearly they're more educated, otherwise we wouldn't be head and shoulders the most skilled players. You don't have to listen, but don't act like you're a top player when your build consists of health regen and reload speed and you refuse to even play us.
  7. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I know, I didn't say that. It's just the attitude. NO ARMOR ON ASULT = LULZ YALL SUCK is just one of the older examples which your old buddy MLG posted in every thread not about competitive play. this is one of the many reasons why people think of you as elitist and arrogant.
  8. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Wow Chronicle, what were you thinking asking this question in a thread? Really, like, as if forums are for asking questions and discussing things without people treating you like a person or something...

    Anyways, to all whom collectively assume things about Chronicle, Kckzi, Shammas (well, forget about Shammas, he really is a ****), and CO...really, just don't bother commenting.

    He asked a genuine question, and I have seen more pathetic excuses of answers on TEG from Feedle. As for the opinions that seem to be based on non-facts, I will go about describing my personal experiences from buying this game the day it came out, to playing this game alone from the day it came out, to sending random friend requests to people who did good in games I played in to having friends in party chats while playing, to where I am today.

    1) I started this game unlike alot of people who play this game competitively, or at all I guess. I didn't have friends who wanted to buy it, I didn't know anyone who had it, I just downloaded the game because it looked awesome, and loved it from the start.

    2) I got a couple random friends on the game who arent on my friend list anymore. We played every once in a while, somebody named Mercenary something, and a couple others. I seemed to stick around after they moved on.

    3) Met some other people who I started playing with, some friends stuck on my friend list because they were interesting conversationalists, others because they were just skilled players who I knew I would have an easy time pub-stomping with. People like TheBeanBandit (minus her pubescent followers), Matty Ice (still on my friend list and a pro-mazing unmentioned player) and a few others are still on my friend list and I have a good time with them

    4) I got into a lobby with this guy named LOL LOL LOLZ, and we didnt talk at all. He just shredded things, everything, in his wake as he played assassin in my games. I just kind of eagerly jumped into his games whenever I got online, and eventually he talked a little bit. I jumped into enough games of his that I ran into a guy named yo im garbage, and then happened across the guy Ive seen beat my face in 1000X, Tom#s. Tom suggested I get ahold of a guy named Kckzi about some private matches. THE KCKZI, the guy I left lobbies to avoid because he was always juicing on my teams in privates. Him and that ChaosFX7 guy, screw him!

    5) I sent Kckzi a message, eventually I had met this guy named Chronicle, andrealized that all the people who play the game like me know each other! WHOA!

    6) Got into some privates, played my comfort role of support. Not my best class, but the class I think everyone feels competent with when surrounding themselves with what they believe to be superior opponents.

    7) Received lots of great feedback and help from everyone, (Except Action MoV, he totally has had me muted for like 2 months now). Chronicle took time after some matches to explain some things he does to improve his assassin play after me and him were opposing assassins. Something I kept in perspective was that Chronicle was the private host, and everyone warned me to stay away from him because of grapple advantage for host. Sure enough, I didnt stay away from him, and never seemed to be able to grab him. We lost many matches. That was the last time Ive faced Chronicle, and never have I played against him with a neutral host, or with me as the host. (For the record, Chronicle, I bet I can do as good as you with your team and me as the host as an assassin at this point. And if Shammas wasnt shoving his tank in my face, Id outdo your teams assassins very often).

    Now I have people who I play with, publics and privates. They talk, we have fun, even on some other games outside of MNC. Everyone is really cool, and I wouldnt change a thing. It seems to me that everyone forms opinions based on perception and from people who just didnt fit the mold. If you dont want to play a certain way, thats fine. Ive never seen a forum where people werent allowed to voice an opinion. Just remember, yours isnt the only one that matters.

    You want to sit here and tell Chronicle that he acts like his way of playing MNC is the only right way? All you are doing is behaving the same way you perceive him to be behaving. He came into this forum and asked a question to understand why you may or may not be interested in playing a certain way. Asking for your opinions, and everyone turns into a bunch of sourpusses and starts going to their default blahblahblah about how he feels hes better than everyone else. He kind of deserves it, public, private or team matches. He also doesnt deserve any more criticism than anyone else does in this MNC community. Be that here, the TEG Forums, Xbox Live, or anywhere else.

    I never had to have a tough skin to play with Chronicle or any of his team. Theyve NEVER been insulting. He encourages people to get better, and offers genuine advice. Never had to practice all day even since I was the main assassin for the newly renovated TEG team (no longer), even though I think we need to increase the amount of communication by at least 500%. The only thing I would change, would be to have me on his team. If not for maybe just like 2-3 matches. To see how it is to be on his side. I can understand that feeling. More or less to gauge my own skill. I want to see if I really do stack up against his teams sniper and assassin class, or if Im really behind. I start wondering if the only reason those roles on that team do as well as they do, is because of the well-oiled-machine, or if its individual skill. I think most of it comes from the talking and communication at some point, and I really think Im there.

    Not interested in Privates, post why. If youre interested, send any of like 20 people a message, and youll get included. You will be asked what classes you can play. Most will say support. Thats fine! After a while, that will change. You will get advice. You will be encouraged. You will be complimented on times you do well, and be informed of when you may have been able to do something better. You will have friends on your friend list to play those public matches with, and also have people who play other games as well.
    Last edited: June 20, 2011
  9. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    Last edited: June 20, 2011
  10. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Never said a generalized "better than Chronicle" statement. But I feel like I could outplay him in a same available situation (teammates) with the assassin class. Outside of that class, he would poo on my lap and smile.
  11. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    I know you didn't say any of that. I'm just simplifying the read.
  12. o Johnno o

    o Johnno o New Member

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    I am willing to give the competitive scene another try, send me an invite next time
  13. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    o Johnno o !!!
  14. nephandys

    nephandys Member

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    First let me say that privates and competition are great fun and can certainly invigorate a title with a longer shelf life. However....

    IMO bugs and glitches galore make this game un-competition worthy. While it's certainly possible to identify those who are good/pros at this game (their skill shines through the inherent problems of the product) at the same time when evenly skilled people are matched up it's hard to see who's the best when glitches and basically random BS can potentially decide or severely impact the outcome of a game.

    I mean just look at the assassin: stutter step, shurikens don't hit, smoke bomb lag on host, grappling errors, lunging random distances, etc...or look at the horrendous frame rate lag that shows up in game on Spunky, during OT, and when there's a billion gapshots spammed. You can still be a good assassin or player of another class despite these problems but at times even the best players' fights are determined not by skill but by BS. This is true in many other games as well, but I have certainly played titles where I haven't had to think twice about any of these issues. In real competition skill should theoretically be the deciding factor.
  15. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    The BS factor is true, but it shows up in any online game. That's why every game plays differently on LAN. If this game had LAN, the balance would be different as well. People complain that host tank and sniper are overpowered, so they'd be more dominant on LAN with all of their shots connecting. Assassins wouldn't have failed grapples and their shurikens would be insane. But the real determining factor that separates skilled players from average players is the ability to work with a team. Anyone can go into a public game and juice chain and put up 50 kills. Who can help their team, play their class to perfection, and defeat other players doing the same thing? At the moment, about 5 people...
  16. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    You didn't want to ask? Don't remember it being your question.

    That aside, I don't think anyone personally called anyone anything. It's just in how you present yourself. You did well, until anyone gave a differing opinion to your own.

    Responses like this:
    Or this:
    Are much more favorable to me, at least.

    They're civil where they needed to be, and heated where they're justified. They called out the prevalent flaws of those who criticize, and avoided a blanket statement by acknowledging exceptions. They put things into a format allowing an easier way of conveying thoughts on the matter. Much more productive than sarcasm defending your points.

    To follow it though, and try to start the thread anew in a civil manner;

    I don't really wanna play privates. I'm a really lazy person, and simply don't want to put that much effort into something. I don't really want a challenge at the moment, and prefer aiming for obscure goals with friends.
  17. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    there 2 Things for me first of im from the eu and i have rly hard lag playing with most us players so it isnt comp for me at all

    and Second is im still playing street Fighters comp for Long Time so there is no time for playing anything else serious even when i tryed it with mnc
  18. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    We don't want to. [/topic]
  19. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I just play for the fun of it.

    Although when I get my *** kicked, I DO flip out a lot.

    Which, by the way, I had 39-0 for the FIRST time the other day. There's no way I'm going to do that ever again though.

    I still didn't get "OVER 9000" though.
  20. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    you went 93-0 with no over 9000! lolwut

    i went 53-0 the other day and I was 900 bucks off

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