why bronies?

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by needcoffee, June 30, 2012.

  1. beefdip

    beefdip New Member

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    That is indeed the consensus between me and my peers.

    "Love and tolerate my ***, if anything we're doing the tolerating here" - Some dude on Youtube. May he live a long and rich life.
  2. goodbean

    goodbean Well-Known Member

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    I would say the same thing.

    I still say that the fan base that has various degrees of crazy.
  3. Grilleds

    Grilleds Member

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    There is so much misinformation and people jumping to hasty conclusions in this thread that I'm tempted to just ignore it. But I might as well say something positive about the fandom so this thread isn't COMPLETELY a hate thread. Very long post incoming.

    Even before I watched the show, I didn't really understand the hatred associated with it. After watching the show I understand it even less. I've been a member of loads of fandoms (Touhou, various anime fandoms, furry fandom, various video game fandoms, etc), and to be honest, all of them have their messed up elements, especially the furry fandom, which unfortunately has a huge overlap with the My Little Pony fandom for obvious reasons. The My Little Pony fandom is actually one of the more relaxed, productive, and positive fandoms I have been a part of.

    Most of the perceived negative aspects of the fandom are actually due to people mistaking trolls for legit fans of the show. MLP is so ironically popular and has such an inexplicable hatedom that one of the best ways you can troll a forum, a radio show (Poor Ghost), or a video game is by acting like an obnoxious brony. Doesn't help that screencaps from the show tend to make perfect reaction images. Before Friendship is Magic, people were doing the same thing by acting like obnoxious furries, complete with a fake persecution complex (although Poe's law sets in, its hard to tell when they are faking it and when its legit).

    Before I watched the show, I didn't hate it, nor did I jump to conclusions about the fandom. I'm a huge fan of the Powerpuff Girls, and Touhou isn't exactly a game series known for being masculine, so I it would be a bit hypocritical of me to make fun of fans of the show. What got me into watching the show was TVtropes, which is the same website that got me into most of my current interests FYI. After finding out Lauren Faust was the creator, I decided to finally give the show a chance and watch 2 episodes. This is the part where you probably expect me to say I loved the show, but honestly at that point I didn't. I thought it was "alright but not that great" and "better than I expected but I didn't expect much."

    I eventually picked the show back up about a month later. Season 2 had just started if you want an idea of when this happened. I started marathoning through season 1 to see if I could understand why this show had such a ridiculously huge fandom. Turns out that the first two episodes were probably the worst, and didn't give me a very good impression of the series. By about 8 episodes in, I admitted that the show already made me a pretty big fan. Sure its a kids show, but so are many cartoons that I watch, and the show ended up winning me over in much the same way the Powerpuff Girls did.

    There are some bad fans, sure... But this is a forum dedicated to a MOBA game. Can you honestly say that you haven't met SMNC players that made you rage? How would you feel if those were the players who people used as an example of what the community as a whole was like?

    I'm not asking you guys to give the show a chance. As a matter of fact I couldn't care less if you guys watch the show or not, since chances are I'm probably not going to have a conversation with any of you about the show, seeing as how I usually come to this forum to discuss SMNC and only SMNC, and this is the first time I've even checked this section in about 2 months. What I AM asking, is that we stop making drama happen every time MLP is mentioned, and stop flamebaiting the fans of the show as I've seen happen in the SMNC General Discussion of all places. I'm not asking this because it offends me, fans of the show, or anyone really, because to be honest I don't really care what you guys like or hate, I'm asking this because I'm tired of good threads on other sections of this site getting thrown off topic because someone mentioned MLP or posted a MLP reaction pic, or mentioned a player who happened to have a name that is MLP related, and suddenly 4-5 people felt the need to respond about how much they hate the show and the fans, derailing the topic.

    As for my sig? You can blame Outsider for that. When I saw his sig I figured I'd copy off of him with a parody of it. Normally I wouldn't use MLP sigs on a forum that makes its hatred for MLP painfully (and inappropriately) clear.
  4. SnappleT

    SnappleT Active Member

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    Well I sure do.
  5. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Manliest games ever.

    Except for the 9th one. That's for pussies.
  6. superius

    superius New Member

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  7. eternalist

    eternalist New Member

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    Oh jeez that is an amazing screenshot in the description
    Now I wish someone would help us with our problem in tutorial 07 already :(
  8. goodbean

    goodbean Well-Known Member

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    Next time somebody ask me about bronies, I will just throw them to this thread.
  9. Grilleds

    Grilleds Member

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    Its not exactly a very informative thread.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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  11. goodbean

    goodbean Well-Known Member

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    There are a few posts of gold in here. At least I will copy/paste my comments if this is brought up somewhere else.
  12. bladylol

    bladylol Member

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    This at 100%
  13. beefdip

    beefdip New Member

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    I. Freaking. Love. both PPG and Touhou. And I also really enjoy watching the occasional episode of MLP:FiM.

    I try not to jump to conclusions, and when I heard of grown men watching MLP, I thought "Hey that's pretty cool, for people to enjoy such things respite judgement and nasty preconceptions!", which I suppose is funny because that as well was actually a hasty judgement.

    Then I met some bronies, both online, and a few IRL, and I realised something, I'm not convinced they're mocked solely due to their love for MLP, despite what almost all bronies I've met will try to convince you.

    No, my current thought is they're mocked because, well, simply put all of the bronies I've met are prime candidates for bullying, you know, the usual things, low confidence and self-esteem, poor self image, but as our culture teaches us, they bury those feeling, and assign blame to something else, "It can't be me! They just don't like my hobbies and interests!".

    People have a natural gift for reading emotions, even if not consciously, and being around nervous and uncomfortable people makes other people nervous and uncomfortable, but the human mind doesn't like negative emotions, and actually will try to fight and reject such feelings, and in turn, the person giving off those negative feelings, often in mean and hurtful ways, which really doesn't help the heart of the problem, insecurity.

    It's another one of those viscous cycles of life, having low confidence and insecurity breeds contempt from other people, which can often cause them to belittle the person with little confidence and cause them to further sink into a pit of low self esteem and insecurity.

    Obviously this is just my personal experience with a handful of bronies I've met, and I'd love to be proven wrong and my logic shown flawed, if anyone would be so inclined!
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I still swear, any day now, that all bronies are going to say "How can guys like MLP, you actually believed us, we trolled you, lololol!"

    I am not convinced most of them like MLP. They just want to constant use pony memes to communicate online.

  15. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I'm not gonna lie. The pony wordfilters were fun as hell.
  16. bloodvizor

    bloodvizor Active Member

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    If 4chan didn't start banning ponies ages ago, I doubt those pony reaction pics would have ever caught on. People are motivated to do whatever is against the rules.

    And +1 to most fans are annoying, but the show is good.

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