why are the supports so overpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by mainvity1, September 6, 2010.

  1. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    The only time I ever use my H/H gun on an assassin is when they seem to be running away and Im trying to see where they are running to (as it will still reach out to them when cloaked, just does not hurt them). Basically it allows me to "see" where the cloaked assassin is running off to.

    If I know the assassin is coming for me, its a shotgun to the face of course. (as a Support, Im trained to see cloaked assassins once they enter a 10m radius :lol: ) H/H gun is stupid for anything other than taking out someone is at half health or less. Even then, a shotgun will take them out in 1 shot vs hopping around for 5 seconds waiting for the H/H gun to finish them off.

    Sounds like you've played against some sh1tty Supports.
  2. NastyCrustySock

    NastyCrustySock New Member

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    ^^This... Lol. Any time an assassin comes around I always whip out the shotty. I'll end up killing the sin before they've even dropped cloak half the time. The H/H gun is really only good for killing low health pros or people that you just can't get close to.
  3. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    enjoy ur post being deleted for being stupid
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Are you done knocking down those strawmen?
  5. munrock

    munrock New Member

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    Rah rah rah. Soo many people complain about bananas. It's ridiculous. Bananas are NOT that bad of a fruit. I should know. It's the only fruit that I eat.
  6. Cryzer

    Cryzer New Member

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    its not "the most effective" as most would call it, but its what i usually run around with, i got very little skill with using the Shotgun to anything else than shooting at an Assassin if my mind finally get to press the LB and when youre jumping around, its quiet hard (for meh) to hit the Assassin, but ive never experienced a situation with the Assassin cloaked for more than 7-10 secs untill i get grappled (from the front) :)
  7. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    If anything support is under powered. The hurt gun should be able to hit the other teams money ball from the safety of my spawn base.

    Also, I should be able to cloak as a support so I can better hack the turrets of the other team.
  8. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Things that would fix Support:

    1) Firebases can only be put on the ground.
    2) Air-strike leveling changed to the following:
    • lvl 1: throw distance cut in half, only instakills Assassins and Snipers, still instakills turrets
      lvl 2: add damage to instakill Assaults, increase throw distance to current range
      lvl 3: add second air-strike
    3) Firebase damage reduced and/or firebase health reduced.
    4) Heal Gun's heal rate increased
    5) Hack improved, recharge lowered
    6) Bot Aura improved
    7) Juice gain rate from healing lowered

    This would allow the Support to actually support the team rather than focus on air-strikes, juicing, and their firebase.
  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    It's funny because support is already way stronger than the assassin, even more so after the update. Standing by your firebase, you're pretty much invincible to assassins. Why should assassins have a harder time when they're already the hardest class?
  11. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I think the problem is that support in any other game would be two classes, medic and engineer. Instead of being well rounded at all aspects like the assault, it excels at all of them. I honestly think UBER had 7 classes originally then merged 2 to make the support class.

    I usually don't complain about this stuff but IMO the firebase needs to be tuned down, it downs pros faster than other pros and it has more HP than other pros. A tank can't even go 1v1 with a hacked firebase up close, that just doesn't make sense.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    the support alone is not overpowered at all. the problem is when a team uses 3 supports runing together or 2 supports with a gunner or tank.

    example 3 supports overheal eachother at macth start then run to your base drop 3 airstrikes drop 3 firebases and take out all your turrets. it's hard to stop.

    or two supports over heal then over heal gunner come to your base drop 2 airstrikes 2 firebases then sit there constantly healing the fire bases and gunner.

    these are two of the hardest tactics in mnc to stop.
    it's kinda like the double double of chrome hounds.

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