Why are Assassins so underpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Liefglinde, August 30, 2010.

  1. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Thier extremely fast and very easy to run away with. The shuriken launcher hits like a tank (try it, 2/3 hits a sniper accross the map) and the charge on the sword will finish off most pros immediately after a face grapple. Ontop of having the most annoying bots (vs pros at least) in the game. Assasain is fine
  2. kinshou14

    kinshou14 New Member

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    A friend showed me this thread, haven't read it, thought I'd post my thoughts.

    Assassins are underpowered in a blunt sense of the word. What people on this game call 'teamwork' is just one form of playing in a team. Assassins suck when you play them wrong because no one thinks about chain reaction gaming.

    Everyone else is designed to be a DIRECT team player. Assassin is designed to excel at being a INDIRECT team player. This means that by going solo - which everyone likes to bitch about without thinking about it - the assassin can get to the annihilator before anyone else, take out the enemy's turrets while they are focusing on you. They can hit a sniper from behind because they can bomb jump and assassinate. They can take out a jackbot faster than anyone else if they bother to just SWING at it until it gets half health and THEN assassinate it. They can get rid of turrets without ever getting shot at. If the assassin isn't going 'solo' then he isn't actually helping the team. Playing smart means playing to your STRENGTHS, not bitching about your weaknesses. Assassins do stuff that indirectly effect the game slightly. So they are both underpowered and overpowered.

  3. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    What he said. Teamwork is nice. Doing your job is better.
  4. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    I agree with this.

    As a class assassin is balanced.

    As far as her role, and her ability to perform it, she is perfectly fine. However it is true that she is UP in comparison to some classes, in some cases to a severe degree.

    Tank is understandable, since Tanks revolve around close range domination with huge HP, the close range class should indeed have a big disadvantage when facing them.

    However the biggest issue im finding, is assassins relationship to supports/firebases and snipers.

    Support/Firebases relationship with assassin is currently pretty even, however with the "no cloak while grapple" coming in the patch, assassins will become piss poor against supports, which is actually a very bad thing, seeing as assassinating troublesome supports is one of the ways in which a good assassin helps her team.

    As for snipers, the skill drain on level 3 freeze mines makes it impossible to grapple a good sniper if he knows how to lay his mines. Smokebomb jumping wont work, since you will be instantly lose your grapple upon getting frozen which if the mines are layed appropriately, happens exactly as you land (unless latency issues are present, then you may get "lucky").

    Not to mention that the snipers frontal grapple is far stronger then the assassins back grapple, and comes with a knockback. But thats more of a sniper balance issue, right now snipers are the strongest close range class (Freeze Mines + Flak + Super Grapple + SMG) and also the strongest long range class.
  5. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    The problem is that Assassins are ridiculously overpowered against people who are learning the game still, i have done games where i am absolutely unstoppable and slaughter everything on sight, only to get decimated by 2-3 competent players the next game.

    There are so many ways to counter an assassin and once people get used to assassin's you can lock them down relatively easy.
    I've seen really great assassin players have no chance what so ever, sure they are getting some kills but being truely succesfull against a good team is just out of the question.

    I'm just not sure how they should make assassin's any better without making them even more gods to the beginning and not-so-great players. Something has to be done against jetpacks and jumpspam though, it's just lame for people to be ungrappleable like that, or at least give Blind the ability to prevent people from jumping.
    Sniper traps should simply be abit more noticable, you can barely hear or see them to begin with, for something that basically kills you it needs te slightly more noticable.

    An elaborate combo system of the sort seems nice, and would definetly open a window for good players to be better but it doesn't really fit within the game.

    They are great for base destroying though, i guess that holds value aswell.
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Assassins are an amazing class that too many people play incorrectly.

    Her biggest strengths are her mobility, ability to ignore terrain via smoke bomb jumping, ability to dump bot or turret aggro via cloak, ability to gain juice faster than any other pro except possibly the support, being the fastest bot clearer who can push 2 lanes at the same time despite being MELEE, a projectile weapon that eats larger/mounted/stationary targets alive AND banks around corners, and having some of the strongest bot spawns in the game.

    The assassin should concentrate on getting the katana as fast as possible, keeping the bot lines cleared, building up juice, then wrecking a base's defenses while killing any pros she encounters between the turrets. The only kills an assassin should be going for when she is not juiced are against stationary targets or low health runners with the S-Launcher, targets of extreme opportunity with a back grapple, ejector/annihilator kills, or defensive kills when the enemy team is near your turrets. When she is not doing any of this, she should be spamming the S-Launcher down a lane, spawning bots, or rushing the enemy jackbot as soon as it spawns. She should always have over 250 gold if the annihilator is about to be up, and should always be buying the initial jump pads for her team.

    If she pushes with a team, she should be smoke bombing the closest turret and whacking it, softening the others up with the S-Launcher. She should always harass enemy firebases with the S-Launcher. If she is shooting it, her team will likely start helping.
  7. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Until the patch I wouldn't bother with the katana. The dagger lunge is a lethal weapon all by itself and I've dispatched opposing lane pushers with just that without having to waste a grapple :3

    Once the patch hits, THEN you want to get the katana ASAP. But until then stick with the dagger. The only upgrade I bother with is cloak 3 for the crit shurikens, otherwise all my money goes on gremlins, turrets, ejectors and the annihilator :D
  8. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Why should the assassin spend money on the initial jump pads? You should use that money on gremlins or getting the katana quicker.
  9. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I missed this one, but you know I honestly don't hold any grudges against assassins. I think all the talk about assassins being weak is rather silly. I have friends who play assassins and they do just fine.

    Why should an assassin buy jump pads? Well it is a team game. Buying pads for your team can use will help everyone in the long run.
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    -You have Smoke Bomb for vertical jump. Your team does not. Jump pads = map control.
    -The 2nd level spawn jump pad on steel peel is very very important for early map control.
    -The assassin only needs 1 rank in her passive at the start of the game if that. Which means you will have 150 gold left over (and 50 extra gold about 10-15 seconds later, plus whatever bots you've already killed).
    -You farm better than anyone in the game, and don't need to max more than 2 of your skills if that, meaning you should be buying all of the other little things your team needs, keeping enough on hand to hit the hazard whenever it is up.

    Grims are amazing bots, but map control takes priority, and you will have PLENTY of cash to blow on them later.
  11. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Gunner only need passive upgrade, I'm pretty sure he should be able to buy them.

    I spend 150 plus two batches of gremlins at the start. Maybe if I'm playing with a dedicated team, I would buy 1, but I wouldn't waste my gremlin money on things I don't use.

    And really, if I don't get gremlins I get turrets. Those all come before things that my teammates could easily manage themselves.
  12. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    fail thread is fail. assassin is not underpowered. u are. i dont even main assassin and still rape with it when i want to switch **** up
  13. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Obvious troll is obvious. Let me know when you actually have something to say.
  14. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    In other words, if you are able to make up for the shortcomings of the Assassin, against people who aren't as skilled as you, it's not very fair.

    That's basically saying that you do better if you are better at the game. That applies to ever class -.-

    That's player skill, not a problem with the Assassin.

    And I personally find a Juiced Assassin to be overpowered. I realize they have really low health, even while juiced, but if I can destroy an entire base of turrets in ten seconds, then something's wrong....
  15. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I wouldn't mind nerfing their Juice power, but that's if and ONLY if they get more health and armor while juiced to make up for it. I find it ridiculous how fast Firebases and Gunners can manage to kill me while Juiced.
  16. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I used to think the Assassin was very underpowered. Then I came to a sudden realisation.

    I wuz duin it rong.

    The Assassin should carve up bots, take down turrets, harass enemy Pros - occasionally grappling fleeing ones to finish them off. Upgrade your passive and Cloak to LVL3, Smoke Bomb to LVL2. Remember, shooting your AWSUMGUN straight out of LVL3 Cloak gives you guaranteed clip of crits. The Assassin either starts the hurting or delivers the killing blow - rarely both. You should use your speed to shore up lanes, and your excess money from destroying turrets to spawn Gremlins, build Turrets and use hazards. You earn Juice quickly against Bots, and a Juiced Assassin will tear through the enemy.

    Having to take Armour as a Gold Sponsor is a rather annoying necessity, but Silver Rate Of Fire and Bronze Juice/Reload Speed/Clip Size/Skill Recovery/Speed all complement the Assassin greatly.
  17. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Really? Another person trying to tell me to "LERN UR ROLL"? I've had about enough of that. I'm not sure what part of the name "Assassin" you don't get. They are NOT meant to only lane push and take out bots. Yes, they are very good at it, but that is not all they are meant to do.

    And quite honestly, you haven't said anything new. We know Assassins are good at bot killing and lane pushing. So does that mean they should be that much weaker against other players? I don't think so.
  18. AzusaPesant

    AzusaPesant New Member

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    Jeeze guys we aren't developers.

    How the hell should you, or him, or I know how to play assassin. Just ******* play assassin! If assassin pisses you off move on man, there are others that are good at assassin. And even if I'm saying "Learn To Play.", what are you going to do? Write a huge paragraph at me? Its been done man.

    Stop being all upset and play the game!
  19. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    My point. I'm tired of people trying to tell me how to play the game. And by saying "learn to play" all you do is make yourself sound like an idiot. And where did you get the idea that I'm bad at being an Assassin? I don't find the need to post my stats in my sig, but that doesn't mean i don't have 35-57-9 games.
  20. HellBanger

    HellBanger New Member

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    I would have to agree and disagree that the assassin is underpowered. I say shes underpowerd due to the fact that every other pro has something to counter her playstyle where as she barely has anything other than the ability to force a crit. Not to mention the fact that some of the other classes can push bots faster and safer than the assassin which is what there SUPPOSED to do in the first place. I can type a thesis paper on how many cons there are to using the assassin, but Im pretty sure where all well aware of that by now. And FYI just about anybody becomes a monster with juice, thats the whole point of calling it juice. It makes pros overpowered.

    The reson I say she isn't underpowered is due to how easy it is to sneak into an enemy base and start recking **** without anyone noticing until a few turrets are gone. She can also harass the crap out of enemy players with her stars, and gremlins tend to make non-tanks crap thier pants when thier not near shave ice turrets. All this combined with her being the 2nd fastest juice builder in the game(sniper being the first in my opinion) makes her just as dangerous as any other pro. I do thinks she could use a buff, but I think thats only due to how rediculous the other pros can be at times.

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