Why are Assassins so underpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Liefglinde, August 30, 2010.

  1. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    Like i said, i know how effective the assassin is in winning games, which is what matters to me, k/d mean little to nothing in this game if you're playing to win, and all the people complaining are trying to be main slayers with her

    Either way people will always complain about something, I and my team know how effective the assassin is, so what other people think of her makes no difference, i dont need "credibility" from anyone here

    Im not here to argue with any of you

    The assassin is still the best lane pusher and turret destroying in the game, and thats a fact, just because its hard to go 40-2 with her doesnt mean shes underpowered, shes very powerful in other aspects, aspects that win games
  2. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Ooh! I know this game! let me try! =D

    I don't need to read the contents of a thread because I know I'm right. I provide no evidence to back up my stance nor do I need to, me saying it is all anyone else should ever need to know. Hell, I don't even need to actually know what the argument is really about.
    Reading people's arguments against my opinion is silly because I will hold onto them with the zeal of a suicide bomber. I am immune to logical discussion and external pressures. I will also make immediate and incorrect assumptions about the people on the other side of the debate and what they're actually saying because that helps my case more than actually reading what they're trying to put forward :3

    Remember folks, when you're on the internet, the only thing that matters is what you assume people thought. There's no need to read anything at all because nobody can think out of the cardboard box your mind is trapped in and interacting properly with others on an intellectual scale is an unnecessary inconvenience.

    Do you post on threads debating religion at all? I think you'd be right at home in one and highly recommend it to you if you haven't already visited any :3
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    The fact that I now love you aside...

    whoismiked, you assume that every single Assassin wants to be stuck in such a narrow role. We don't. We want to be able to help in more ways than just lane pushing. Every other class can do that. Why can't we?
  4. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    my face when i read about that stupid update to the assasin :twisted:
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I appreciate your stating full off that you didn't read earlier posts. It's not the smartest decision, but it clarifies a lot. True, she can push lanes, and better than any other class.

    Yes, it is vital to the success in this game. But, what happens when you meet ANOTHER player trying to win this game? Attack him, and carry about your business? Hardly. Getting kills helps win the game. I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but is it better for you to die, or your enemy to die? Not to mention that the better K/D you have, you get rewards for streaks, grapple kills; which allows you to buy bots, turrets, the Annihilator, etc. While K/D doesn't have as much an emphasis here compared to other games, it's ALWAYS better for you to live, and them to die.

    Now, she is great for taking out turrets, but so is the Tank. In fact, I would even say the Tank is better, because he has more health, and wont die as easily. If I remember correctly (no sarcasm), then I believe his product grenade recharges faster than the Assassin's smoke bomb. The only instance where an Assassin is better is when she's juiced, and I personally believe it's a little overpowered for her.

    The ''some pro killing in the right situations'' part is what bothers me the most. As effective as you are, you should not be limited to ''some'', and ''in the right situations''. Granted, she shouldn't be able to slaughter with the ease of the Gunner (... Gunner :evil:), but she shouldn't be so defenseless for such long periods of time. Also, she shouldn't be forced to rely completely on other classes for most methods of attack, more than likely the ''right situation'' you're referring to; which I bet involves them being attacked by another player already. Read: TEAMWORK.

    Applies to all classes. Can't tell you how much I've said that here.

    Killing pros who are also trying to push lanes and get enemy bots into the enemy bots wins games to bud. Pro kills, also help immensely, as you've shut down a member of their team. In your sense, yes, the Assassin is overpowered. In the sense known as common sense, then, no, you are completely wrong.

    What she does best, every class can do with little effort as well (well.... maybe not Support). Your argument holds little solid ground in this aspect. This "stat whoring" I've already explained.

    Gremlins are f*cking amazing. And she doesn't need skill upgrades at all to be effective. First true thing you've said.

    Still, this is in the hands of a competent player. Most Assassins aren't, sadly.

    This post here, is the epitome of arrogance. You basically say what you want, and plug your ears shouting LALALALALAICANTHEARYOULALALALA.

    What are you, three?
    Last edited: September 3, 2010
  6. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    This is what i was thinking i read his post.

    He basically walked in here, threw a ton of insults around talking about how he is right and anyone who disagrees is wrong. Then he proceeds to say
    Last edited: September 3, 2010
  7. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    There is a mature reasonable response, thanks

    I see what you mean, but she can do well in slaying too, but she has to pick and choose her fights rather then brute force like other classes, and she has the ability to pick and choose because of how fast she is and she can cloak, im sure you know this tho

    Like i said, im not here to argue with anyone, especially very closed minded individuals like most of the complainers

    I was merely trying to point out that the assassin is an amazing lane pusher, more-so then most any other class, so i dont think the assassin is underpowered by any means, i just think most of her power lies in other areas, which are very important ones, but like in most games, most people dont think of the objective at hand, all they care about is their kills, people like that should perhaps pick a more slayer based class
  8. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    The irony.

    Oh my god the irony.

    Pff- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

    oh man, thats funny.

    The guy says that his opinion is right and everyone else is wrong without even reading the whole topic is calling others closeminded?

    Last edited: September 3, 2010
  9. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    Im done with the childish fighting, the assassin on our team plays a VERY important role in our teams success, thus in our eyes, she is a very good class and we will continue to use her
  10. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Never said you were wrong about the assassin. Your mostly right about what you said about her.

    But all the childishness came from you sir.
  11. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I can't decide if he's trolling, or just plain dumb.
  12. 1uke

    1uke New Member

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    Your arrogance and ignorance know no bounds.

    I am the assassin on team Total Recoil that mike is talking about. I personally believe i am one of the best assassins out there and others have agreed. Whether it be getting kills, pushing lanes, destroying a base, annoying the enemy team. name it, i do it.
    underpowered? no. steeper learning curve? yes.
    When we do our GB matches, you would be amazed at how different it is than pubs. almost everyone goes either +1, even, or negative. why? because kills don't matter.

    I'll give you an example of a game where i went 3-5 but was the overall mvp and vital to my team's success.

    I pushed the right lane as my other teammates pushed the left. I took out enemy bots and took out there rocket turret within the first minute of the game. the enemy realized this and came to fight me. i did flight instead of fight. instead going to the left side now and preserving my juice bar. took out bots on this side giving me my juice. i juiced their two left turrets and killed three pros before dieing, thus getting bots from both lanes onto their ball. After that they did very good defense and prevented the rest of my team from doing worthy damage to the ball. I took it upon myself to rush into their base when i spawned and shurikan the ball. when they saw me, i cloaked ran to a different spot and shot it from there. they found me again, rinse and repeat until killed. by doing this i hurt the ball, kept it down, and annoyed/distracted the team so my team could move in for the finishing blow.

    maybe going out and rambo pro killing the sin is weaker than other classes, but so is the support. why? because that's not those two classes roles, they aren't suppose to go out looking for a fight, they let it come to them.
    I know i wrote a lot, but i wanted to do my best at countering your argument.
  13. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Funny, I'd say the same about you.

    Okay, you're on his team, and you agree with him. And by others, would you just happen to mean your teammates? I recall a comment about arrogance here. You realize these statements just lessens my taking anything you say seriously, right?

    Good for you. So do I. So does every other class. What's so unique about this statement?

    Being able to make up for a few shortcomings does not mean it has a steeper learning curve. It means you're skilled enough to compensate. There's a difference.

    Really? No kidding? You mean you're gunna repeat what I've said several times before already? Please, echo me some more. Funny, I remember you mentioning something about ignorance....

    You see, you continue to amaze me. What you list here is an excellent display of teamwork. That's not the mean issue here, as I've stated multiple times. Every class can contribute a great deal to the team.

    You basically said what most good Assassins do, stating that this makes you one of the best around. Probably true, since, again, most Assassins who play this game suck. But, Assassins being underpowered is mainly attributed due to it's lack of counters for other classes.

    Uh, no, a Support should be avoiding fights altogether, if possible. But, this isn't about Support.

    And you say that's the Assassin's role without any doubt. Funny, I don't believe doing well with one play style automatically means it's what they're meant for. Also, do you bother to read what you're typing, or does it just fly out? Assassin=/=Rambo. That's evident enough by the low amount of health she has (though the Sniper might say otherwise....).

    My man, I am the LAST person to bring up writing a lot to :lol: Have you SEEN my other posts? Oh, wait.....

    While you wrote a lot, you didn't counter anything. All you did was confirm my suspicions about you and your friend here, ignore everything else that's been said just to back up your friend (which means most of what you say has little to no value), tell me what I already do during matches, and say this makes the Assassin epic, and me wrong.

    Okay, you're a good player. Using that fact to overcome the shortcomings does not mean the Assassin is balanced. It means you're able to compensate. Good for you. Doesn't change anything that's already been said.
  14. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I assure you, my response was perfectly reasonable. If you want the reasonable response you think you deserve I suggest you read the rest of the thread before posting in future, else I have little reason to read yours and respond appropriately.
    The points you bring up have been covered already and nobody in the slightest has said that the assassin can't push lanes nor has anyone neglected her lane pushing apart from the imaginary complainers you've conjured up in your mind instead of actually reading the thread :/

    That said, your mention of complainers was amusing though. If you didn't read the thread how do you know what anyone was complaining about or that they were even complaining at all? Assumptions are not conducive to constructive posting I'm afraid :p

    I'll be honest here. the more I think about it, the more your posts reminds me of the IT 101 classes we had on the computer games course I did at university; a room of people who know very well how to use computers, some even being programmers in their spare time, being told by a lecturer how to double click their mouse :/

    The people who don't know about lane pushing and whatnot probably don't read these forums and especially not threads beyond the first post. They're probably too busy in the game trying to be 'leet pwnzors' and doing heck all for their team :p

    The real problem here, however, is the simple matter of you not reading the thread before posting. That's why you're attracting ire. If you went back, read the thread and then apologized then I think you'd suddenly find people a lot more receptive and pleasant, especially me :p
  15. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    Well actually i am at work right now and didnt expect to have very much more downtime here to have enough time to read thru everything, so i posted what my thoughts were on the assassin class and went back to work, luckily for me i didnt get very busy here like i expected and did have more time to read/post

    But really there is like 30 threads with hundreds of posts with 'most' people saying the same things, i didnt except this one to be any different

    Like i said, i shared what my thoughts were on the assassin, which is thats its a VERY good class regardless of what most people think, its one of the best classes in the game for doing things that are very important to win matches

    Some of you guys make valid points, but sifting thru the plethora of whining posts with no logic behind their complaints becomes pretty tiresome when trying to locate the few people who do make valid points

    If there truly is balance issues then let uber decide that for themselves, i would just hate for them to break down and make something easier for the players who were'nt very good with or without w/e it is they are asking for, ive seen many other companies (bungie) change things to to make people happy rather then it really needing to be done, that may not be the case here, but i would hate to see this game go down that road, because, imo, this is still one of the most balanced games ive ever played, even if its not perfect, it has came closer to perfection then almost any other title out there that i have played recently
    Last edited: September 3, 2010
  16. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I still can't decide...
  17. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Let me level with you then. Usually if I'm reading posts at work, say during lunchtime or whatnot and I don't have time to read the whole thread then I just make a mental note to check it out when I get home. I distinctly try to avoid posting in a thread I haven't read all the way through just as a matter of principal.

    This is because when you post without reading you enter a paradoxical situation where you skipped the thread you just posted in because you didn't think it ws worth reading. Think about it... if everyone did this then there would be no point in replying to threads because nobody would read the replies and anything you put down in turn would be pointless because it's on the xth page of a thread somewhere. You're getting lumped in with all the illogical posts you disliked dredging through :3

    I read all the posts in a thread before replying because if nobody did the whole system simply wouldn't work! :D

    As for Uber making the right decisions, I think you should leave Uber to that. We can post all we want but at the end of the day, if you trust them then you have nothing to worry about. It's the people posting here who have concerns and Uber will only listen if they agree. Not everyone as suave and persuasive as me so I can't see them changing their minds just because a lot of people took issue with something ;D

    Main reason I tend to hang about these threads is informing people (there seem to be quie a few people with false ideas about how things work or will work :eek: ) and voicing my opinion on a change that's being made. Ironically I don't care much about the change itself (the cloaking fix) but I have issues with the principals behind why the change is being made so I run my mouth off here.

    The only real balancing I definitely think the Assassin needs for sure is better netcode but I'm sure Uber is working on that ;D
  18. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Again, my point comes back to playing style. That's the way you play, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But that's not the way I want to play. Bot killing is usually being taken care of well enough, and when it isn't, I just jump in and do it myself. But there are times when you don't want to sit there and follow bots for 15 minutes game after game after game. I like running through the enemy base taking them out, and unfortunately that just isn't possible anymore.

    While you have a valid point, that point assumes that all Assassins play like that. I do, sometimes, but other times I want moere action and less monotonous bot killing. My problem here is that the Assassin isn't able to support that type of game play.
  19. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    This type of comment is exactly what makes developers stop reading these posts.

    You aren't putting one and one together or you've never seen the really good assassins at work. In a team game the assassin jumps down on a guy she can't kill alone and together with a team member they get the kill. I've seen it LOTS of times. IF you use different endorsements it doesn't have to be 15 seconds. If you use different endorsements your shuriken become a viable weapon. Try some variety friendo.

    I used a game mechanic to help me win only when I needed it. So you're saying the cloak as it is right now is a crutch. And some people like how you can shoot the ball and feel that was the correct & intended game play.
    The only class to counter a firebase with ease? You're joking right? Tanks have more health than a firebase and more dps at close range. Gunners have more dps as well if their intent is just to kill the firebase (note if the support is healing it and someone else is shooting him then it becomes a 2 on 1 so the question is moot). Supports can throw an airstrike on it. Snipers can use their flak from a blind angle or snipe it at long range. Assaults can zoom in and plant a bomb. Assassins have two methods of attempting to remove the support without using the cloak "feature": shurikens and smoke bomb.

    I've played with the cloak trick and I've played against it. It's really unfair to be honest. Being able to zip in nearly instantly kill the other player (while they can't respond... and this is the problem) and instantly get away scott free. There should be at least a 1 second consequence for decloaking to kill someone if you get an instant kill during which the other player can't respond. Apparently this patch takes away the only thing you know how to do, and hence you are so adamantly against it.
    I would have no problem with you guys keeping the cloak trick if you lost quite a bit of damage from your sword grapple. How much? enough so that a support with his health upgrade and the armor gold didn't die from a rear sword assassination (and nor would a gunner with gold armor upgrade). If you gain something you should lose something right?

    Does everyone and their sister jumping on this board trying to make their favorite class overpowered count as research? The only poll that even remotely matters is the one the developers hold. People know that and don't post because they think it probably won't affect them much.

    Sometimes the easiest way to tell who is winning an argument is to see who must result to using insults first. That is usually the sign of the lesser mind.

    An isolated target to a gunner isn't even remotely the same thing as an isolated enemy to an assassin. I get my upgrades faster than most people because I get more kills than most people. I love killing people at the start of the game when they don't know I have my gun upgraded. I seek out multiple targets and I usually win. Many classes can kill bots when people are around them. The assassin really can't afford to do this very well because she must go to the bots and melee them. It doesn't do you much good to know that I (a gunner) am killing bots from just around the corner. As I said before I value team play, so my flank is a ruse for you to come and find a very nasty firebase. That is what I mean when I say team play, but you just don't seem to understand the concept.

    How do I get a support away from his firebase? How do I make a support want to leave his firebase to go do something else? There must be something I could do to draw him away from it..... maybe attack their base turrets? If you don't have a grasp on simple strategies such as these then I suggest you try a brute force class rather than one that relies on finesse.
  20. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I assume you meant to include : even after she loses the ability to cloak during a grapple, right?

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