Why are Assassins so underpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Liefglinde, August 30, 2010.

  1. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Every class has a counter for each other; the problem is that you might not like it.

    Gunners have to use their mortar to fight snipers at long range.

    Assassins have to walk carefully to where snipers are perched so they do not trigger ice traps (play a sniper for an hour and you'll always see traps after that).

    Assassins do more damage to gunners with their shuirken than gunners do with their minigun. This one bothers me because it is both ridiculous and true if the assassin knows what they are doing.

    Assassins (and every other class) needs to separate the support from his firebase to kill him safely. Or you can just wait for the turret to be stupid from the cover of invisibility. This is more relevant to the upcoming patch.... the one where you can't cheat and cloak mid grapple anymore.

    Assassins can kill assaults pretty quickly with their sword from behind without using a grapple. If he charges away then you need to lunge after him.

    The best way to kill a tank is to help someone else finish the tank off. Know your limits!
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Yes, but what advantages does the Assassin have over other classes?

    That's the main issue here.

    Having played a Sniper, I can say it's VERY easy to thwart Assassins. The two best methods, quite obviously, involve the traps. Either completely surround yourself with them in a corner, or actually STAND on a trap. Good luck getting me then. That, and seeing how my grapple is insanely more powerful than an Assassin's....


    Also, the Shuriken does insane damage..... assuming EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Connects.

    Now, unless we're talking about an oblivious Sniper here, most targets are moving, and get clipped by Shuriken for minimal damage. Even with Snipers, unless I stand perfectly still and line it up, I usually miss the first volley.

    If EVERY class needs to wait for the Support to lose the cover from his Firebase before they can do something, then this only reinforces the concept of Assassin being further underpowered without the ability to cloak mid grapple. What is the counter for the Firebase now then? Teamwork? That's hardly a class counter. There WAS one..... and now there wont be. According to your own logic, this in itself is unfair.

    Your earlier statement about waiting while invisible might work.... if you invest the $550 dollars to do so. And, again, that's hardly a class specific counter, since EVERY class can simply wait until it's distracted.

    Lastly, you say to kill a Tank, you should assist someone else. Again, this is called teamwork, and again, this applies to EVERY CLASS. It's hardly something the Assassin alone has access to.

    The Assassin has several unique qualities, but the most prominent of which will soon be gone, lessening her usefulness to a relatively large degree in this game.
  3. karr1z4j2

    karr1z4j2 New Member

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    There are two types of Assassins

    Type one: Go after Pros, Have a K/D spread close to 2, Buy cloak 3 and stand still until someone walks by, Camp one area of the map constantly, Never go near the MoneyBall.

    Type two: Clear lanes, Destroy turrets, Defend the Money Ball, Help juice zerg in Over Time, Keep your team safe from other Assassins, Team up with other squishy characters to take out heavies, and Kill Jackbots faster than any other class.

    The patch will definitely mess up one of these two play styles. The one that doesn't help the team.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Invisibility and mobility are your assets.

    You aren't losing invisibility.... you are losing the ability to cheat with invisibility. I've played assassin before and I had no trouble getting kills without cheating with the cloak.

    Also bear in mind this is a team game not a solo sport.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    By invisibility, are you referring to the fake invisibility Assassins have? Because quite frankly, I can see an invisible Assassin coming a mile away. There's a cloud of dust and a minor distortion in the game screen when they are there.

    And using the cloak the way it was before is hardly "cheating" ... that actually helped balance the Assassins against the other classes.

    Yes, this is a team game, but that doesn't mean the Assassin should have to rely on other players for nearly EVERYTHING.
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Remind me again, why exactly the game developers failed to agree with you? They decided activating the cloak during a grapple was an exploit and removed it.

    Right.... you still have your cloak, and a one hit kill sword vs every class except one. Find an isolated target and kill it. If there's no one near you kill some bots to push the lane.
  7. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Your arguments might be more effective if there was any truth to them.

    The one and ONLY reason the cloak during grapple is being removed is because it was not intended to be there in the first place. They havbe yet to say anything about agreeing or disagreeing with anything.

    And I love how you didn't read my entire post. That cloak is not as useful as it seems. Assassins are rarely able to sneak up on me while cloaked. Do you know why? Because the cloak is noisy, and it's not really invisible. Since you play a Gunner, I can see why you hate the Assassin. God forbid there is a class that has an advantage over you.
  8. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I love uber and this game, but just because they add or take something away, doesn't always mean it's balanced.
  9. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I meant the balance was unintentional. The so called "unintentional ability" actually unintentionally helped to balance the class against other classes
  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I was referring to the other guy. I think assassin is a lot more balanced WITH the recloaking during grapple.
  11. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Way to ignore most of my post that addressed your other topics.

    Alright, let's finish up what little points you have left, shall we?

    That's it? So, basically, you get to sneak up on people. Okay, what then? Go for an Assassination? And then wait 15 seconds, and during that time, you're out of the picture when it comes to harassing other pros. This is assuming you can pull it off. And, assuming that you live through it.

    You obviously haven't read the rest of my posts throughout this thread. I tried it both ways. To reiterate, I only used it when I NEEDED it. This almost always applied to a Support camping his Firebase. This makes you the only class to counter the Support's Firebase with ease. Which, again, distinguishes her. It's not cheating. If it's going to be addressed negatively, then call it what it is.

    An EXPLOIT. NOT, a cheat.

    One, for that matter, that actually balances the game further. Intentional or not, it provided a fairer experience for PvP. Getting rid of it without taking this into consideration is sheer stubbornness. Which is what you are displaying, in abundance. Your single argument is "HAHAHA THE DEVS DIDN'T MEAN TO, SO IT'S BAD!!!" If that's all you have to say about it, then you might as well stop while you're behind.

    The patch does not render her useless, not by any means. But it does take away something that she alone could do, which in itself was a rarity.

    When in the hell did I say it was? I'm in no way saying it was, I'm saying that it was a unique advantage she had, and a counter at that. An extreme rarity for the Assassin.

    Must you continue to display this pitiful amount of ignorance? If you had actually read their posts, listened to their interview, or done any research at all instead of pulling stuff out of your ***, you'd know they remain neutral as of now. They, to quote them, "Encourage playing it before [we] pass judgment."

    To be quite frank, your continued tunnel vision, purposeful ignorance, and all around stupidity is REALLY starting to piss me off.

    We have a cloak. Done. That's a class specific ABILITY. Not a COUNTER. Which is the MAIN DISCUSSION IN THIS GOD DAMN THREAD. You can turn invisible, which is useful, to a point. But what COUNTER does she have? None, damn it. Not after the patch. Meanwhile, every other class has SOMETHING to nullify the Assassin.


  12. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Let's keep this debate civil. Would be a shame to lock a popular thread.
  13. Zelandia

    Zelandia New Member

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    I kinda do a combination of both. So I guess I'm Type 3?
  14. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Too true..... :oops:
  15. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    this is the entire reason assassin is underpowered and obselete she NEEDS her teamates to do anything, and think abotu it this way, instead of going assassin couldnt you just go support and heal/buff your teamates, provide safe retreat with your firebase and rape everything with your airstrike, or would you rather finish off a weakened opponent and get killed right away, or hide for 15 secs while your grapple recharges.
  16. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I agree with the OP

    everytime you grapple a jack now, your gonna die
    even if its not to a pro, the other bots in the lane will kill you off

    idk if you guys realize this, but if a sniper sees you grap his teams jack, all he has to do is pop 2 shells into its hull and your dead if he has level 3 passive

    this is also an indirect BUFF to the support class, and we all know how much supports need a buff amirite
  17. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    I didnt read any of the responses or even the ops post, but i just wanted to say that the assassin is the #1 best lane pusher / bot killer in the game, hands down

    And pushing lanes and destroying bots is vital to success in this game, the only people that will cry that assassins are underpowered and the kids who try and go for k/d in public matches with no regard to actually winning the game

    Anyone who actually plays to win, knows the assassin is one the best characters in the game for controlling bots and taking out turrets, and uses it for that and 'some' pro killing in the right situations

    tl;dr version = Pushing lanes and getting bots in the enemy base wins games, not pro kills, and in that sense the assassin is almost 'overpowered'

    Quit crying and quit stat whoring, learn to win games with your assasin by using her for what she does best

    Not to mention the gremlins are pretty much the best spawned bots in the game, oh and not to mention the assassin needs little to no skill upgrades to still be very effective
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I'm glad you got that out of the way at the start, because it saved me from reading the rest of your post :3

    If you're not going to read all of the thread you're going to respond to then you should've just not posted at all. The idea that your opinion is somehow any more valid or important than any of those you've skipped is staggeringly egotistical and not particularly constructive either.

    I'm going to guess that you typed out some bland explanation of how to play the class despite the matter already being covered more times than anyone here cares to count and the amazing discovery that most of the people posting in this thread are actually capable assassins who not only already do what you tried to suggest but were well aware of it before your startling epiphany.

    Ok... now let's start the betting pool. Who's up for saying I wasted my time typing this because the person I responded to never checks to see what anyone said regarding his post? :p
  19. whoismiked

    whoismiked Active Member

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    I dont need to because i know that the assassin is still one of the best classes in the game for winning games, may not be the best class for stat whoring your k/d ratio in public games while losing the game, but she is one of the best classes for winning games, which is all that matters to me
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    That alone takes away any and all of your credibility. However, I did take the liberty of reading your post anyway.

    You are just another one of those "LEARN TO PLAY DA ROLLL" people. You have no respect for anyone posting in this thread. You don't even have enough respect to actually read some of the posts in this thread.

    Before you comment, please read the posts. There are some very valid arguments in here.

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