Why are Assassins so underpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Liefglinde, August 30, 2010.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I don't think they'll actually become so useless that nobody will use them. I for one will not stop using the Assassin. I think I know how to play well enough that I can avoid the situation, but the unfortunate truth is that I don't know what the game is going to be like without this ability. I've never had to worry about it before, so I don't know how many times it has saved me from turrets or bots. I'm afraid that it may have been more times than I'd like to think.
  2. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    you can try it out now if you like Lief. Just don't press cloak until the grapple animation is completely finished :p
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I would, 'cept I won't have access to my xbox till Friday :p
  4. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I, on the other hand....

    Well, I'll tell you how it goes.
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    So, after several hours of playing, I have to say that playing the "fixed" way really sucks.

    I usually don't even do it, but when I do, it's because I NEED it.

    The guy sitting next to his Firebase? Yeah, can't even finish the assassination. :(

    So, my initial statements, with only theories as evidence, proved entirely correct on that front. She's still a pain in the ***....

    But her most valuable, and defining characteristic, has been lost.

    Hell, one game I played Support and got killed the "broken" way. Not anything game changing, or unfair. Just irritating. Then, they would try again during the match. I just got used to it, and started getting lots of easy kills.

    Having seen both sides of it, it's MUCH worse not being able to do it, than receiving it.

    tl;dr NEW PATCH IZ BAD
  6. Justice Pie

    Justice Pie New Member

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    Stop it, you flatter me.

    Seriously though, post more. I love your Avatar.

    Also...if you have a choice between attacking a Support w/ a Firebase & moving on to something else, then why would you attack the Support w/ a Firebase? Am I missing something here...?


    9 pages of this folks? *facepalm* Oh wait, there's a pic for that too.

  7. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I admit complete, and utter, defeat.

    In all seriousness though, it's because he can singlehandedly lock down a lane. Not good.
  8. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I personally believe Assasins are balanced against other players, but the trick is they'll need a bit of coordination. Assasins can put out a lot of damage in a short amount of time, but generally only when they are currently surprising them. Once the enemy realizes she's there, she's more often than not, dead - and the damage she can do is quite often not enough to really kill anyone alone.. That's where the coordination comes in. When 5 teammates shoot at your targets while you are cloaked, your targets are distracted and hopefully at low enough health to kill after making your move. Then the Assasin kills effectively while hopefully getting away (or at least making her death worthwhile). The Assasin probably will do the most damage outflanking an enemy team at half health, while the shots and explosions from other classes will likely get them quickly discovered and inevitably overwhelmed.

    Of course, it's hard to coordinate, which leaves the Assasin very weak in the average Quick Match.
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Also...if you have a choice between attacking a Support w/ a Firebase & moving on to something else, then why would you attack the Support w/ a Firebase? Am I missing something here...?

    Because maybe the other choices are a Tank and a sniper to go against?

    And of course a firebasse could never kill your bots or anything...
  10. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Rawfull, I prefer to say "the firebase is in your lane killing your peepz" :3
  11. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    I'm seeing a lot of "I" in this thread instead of "team". You know what I do as support when the other support has a firebase under a bridge to where I just can't air strike it. "Hey gunner, come here and mortar out this firebase" or "hey sniper come here and take out this firebase". Maybe assassins just aren't supposed to take out a support that is attached to his firebase so easily.

    Assassins want to match up physically with every class 1 on 1 I am all for it.......just remove that invisibility (which is a huge benefit you all take for granted) and I'm all for you guys matching up physically. Otherwise stop whining that you can't take a support in every which way and man up.

    And if your so concerned about the firebases in bot clearing lanes don't let them do it. If a support has the time to get one up it should be a pain to bring down. It takes a couple seconds to unfold when launched which you can slice and dice beforehand. Then that turret is still pretty meh until the support spends yet another 4-5 seconds hacking it. So take that sucker down before it unfolds or at the very least don't let the support hack it...kill the support and then shruken the firebase after that.
  12. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    You're right, you there were a few "I's" in there. Guess that's one of the oddities of teams being made up of individuals instead of a hive mind or the fact that people in general tend to relate to things from their own point of view. I'd also like to see how I can ask a support or other team member to do anything at all when I don't have a mic and nor do the majority of other players so they can't hear you asking anyways :p

    Talking of hive minds, I like that we're supposed to know at all times when a support is setting up a firebase. I didn't see the upgrade on the assassin that warns us when this is happening no matter which lane we're on. It's a good thing supports are all silly and set their firebases up in really obvious places that are easily spotted before the gun is fully operational isn't it? No hiding them in corners or nooks that are easily missed until there's a stream of bullets coming from them :3

    Once it's up up though I've just taken to spawning gremlins at them if I'm close to home or shurikening the firebase down (doesn't work if there's 2 supports though) before I bother with the support himself.

    Considering this thread is mostly people discussing the ability to cloak while grappling being removed (despite whatever else the title implies) I also find it ironic that you say people take cloaking for granted too :p
  13. niceguy66

    niceguy66 New Member

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    i also get what you mean by the whining of the sin's and the fact the say i a lot; not like they are a part of a team...oh wait they are. no but seriously they are a little under powered, duh everyone is supposed to run the lanes but it would be nice to have an advantage over some classes; don't know why people keep bringing up stuff about supports being a pain in the ***, snipers are the ones you would think need to be the focus for the sin's. a cool thing would be if sin's could run through traps or something...and that cloaking thing does not seem to be that great i always see them anyways; maybe its just me.
  14. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    First, I liked how you said "you guys" thus implying that you don't use an Assassin. So you have basically no right to tell "us" to stop doing anything.

    Next, I would like them to match up somehow against at least TWO classes. Until that happens, I will not consider them balanced at all.

    And finally, I'm sorry, but I don't stalk players. It takes maybe 3 seconds for a Firebase to unfold. What are the chances that you would actually be there when a Support puts down a Firebase, or even get there in those 3 seconds? Not very good. Please, consider the scenarios and tactics you suggest before talking about them.
  15. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    So, in other words....

    new guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
  16. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Assassins want to match up physically with every class 1 on 1 I am all for it.......just remove that invisibility (which is a huge benefit you all take for granted) and I'm all for you guys matching up physically. Otherwise stop whining that you can't take a support in every which way and man up.

    No, I'd just prefer if the assassin had atleast one counter against every class, since every single class has a counter against her.

    I'd get rid of my camo, if the sniper gets rid of his sniper, gunner gets rid of his minigun, tank loses half of his health, assault can't fly, and support can't use his firebase.

    Sounds fair, right?
  17. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yeah I'd be quite happy with that as well.
  18. Justice Pie

    Justice Pie New Member

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    I'm still hearing a lot of QQ in this thread and a lot of people jumping down the throats of people who don't agree with OP. If you are playing a public match as an Assassin and NOT coordinating your attacks against Pros, then your death is your fault. If you are trying to coordinate your attacks against Pros and your teammates are walking around with bricks on their feet and a head full of pudding, pick another class because you're likely to get really frustrated.

    Supports w/ Firebases are not invulnerable. They are frustrating as hell especially when played well, but a little work they can be taken out. Just find another way. If you're being locked down, maybe you're just playing against a better coordinated team.

    Why is everyone complaining about the Assassins being nerfed when the patch hasn't even been implemented yet.

    I played a team yesterday that had 4 Supports, who were playing them DAMN well. I learned that it's not the class I was getting frustrated at, it was the players who were doing a better job than me. This leads me to believe that no class is overpowered, just some players are damn good at what they do.
  19. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    ~looks at thread title~
    ~tilts head and looks quizzically at justice pie~

    Is it just this thread or do you go to food markets and find yourself surprised that there's food being sold there too? What were you expecting? A seasoned debate about scrabble? A thread of well-researched points with no flaring tempers or name-calling, and on the internet of all places?

    I think you have some very strange expectations my friend :p
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Have you ever used the Assassin? Ever?

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