Why are Assassins so underpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Liefglinde, August 30, 2010.

  1. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I didn't mean good for killing supports, I meant good as playing a support role for taking helping out other killers (gunners/assults/tanks) and before I get flamed, I realize all classes can be killers, and they all serve other purposes too, just an example. Now, I know assassins are good on their own and they are one of the best lane pushers solo but the fact of the matter is, it is not a deathmatch like someone else already implied, it is a team strategy game. The assassin serves many more purposes than taking out supports hugging a firebase, if you're having an issue killing him, call over your gunner and have him mortar it a few times, or have your tank ad-bomb it, or the assault grenade the support away from it. There're lots of ways to finish off those pesky supports, just remember, it's a 6v6 (most of the time).
  2. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    There's no misunderstanding. Your last sentence is the exact reason why this is a problem. Not just turrets either, but also bots. Even with Gold armor, the assassin will still be getting killed by bots and turrets ANY time they grapple. Also, if the assassin is killed while grappling, the victim (understandbly) survives, so it's not even a last ditch kamekazi move. It'll really nueter the class since pushing the line will kill them, hit and run tactics will kill them, and pretty much anything but hiding in their base will get them killed.
  3. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I don't think the assassin was meant to be a class that can freely ignore enemy turrets and wreak havoc in a protected base. If you use an assassin wisely (not that you're not, but tonnes of people don't) then you should be pushing lanes and picking off high value targets when opportunities arise or they're distracted. Live to fight another day is a phrase most assassins just react to with confusion then rush the tank head on.
  4. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I'd classify a support with a firebase clearing my bots a "high value" target, but you can't kill him without the firebase killing you. And shuriken wont kill it quick enough, either.
  5. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I agree, that does pose a problem, but I like to think that some classes just work better vs other classes. That's why diverse teams are nice. So I do agree that this leaves assassins at kind of a dead end vs. a support camping a fire base clearing bots, especially if he's assassin aware as those shotguns are nasty. However if he's clearing bots that just means he's a sitting duck, bots usually take pretty open map directions. You could ejector him in some situations (those are always hilarious as it kills the firebase too) but I find myself going back to asking for help. I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record at this point but it's a 6v6 game. Unless you all picked assassin you should be able to get him.
  6. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Oh I kinda meant like up on a ledge. Yeah I would use the ejector if he's stupid enough to place his firebase there though.

    However, the assassin also has MAJOR problems against tanks and snipers. That means it's only effective against the gunner and assault, both which have counters for the assassin. (slam, charge)
  7. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Because no other attack lasts a ridiculous amount of time :3

    A grapple-cloak currently gives the same window as any other attack-cloak. This change would leave the assassin open much longer... and before you ask, yes, I do cloak between attacks if only to break off support hurt guns and lessen the AI attention I get even just a little :p
  8. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    The assassin is tough to kill tanks with, but I think everyone is overlooking the fact that they have the ability to hold another pro still while dealing damage. It might not always kill, but if someone else is shooting them it's game over. But yes, I agree, vs. tanks alone it's near impossible.
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Every single class has the ability to hold another pro in a grapple, and the assassins isnt even close to the best one. To take away cloaking would take away the assassins one special quality for its grapple. Everyone besides the support and assassin has a throwing grapple, and it is usually stronger...
  10. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    That's true, but it is easier to get up and grapple someone while you're invisible, I think it makes sense though, if you're guna grapple someone, make it count and hit him in the back. I guess what I'm saying is you still have invisibility to maneuver yourself behind people. And yes I understand that firebases are still unfair. But the grapple is better and it's way easier to get in position to use it.
  11. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I'd say the assaults charge-grapple is easier to use, seeing how you can charge then it grapples.
  12. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    It requires a lvl 3 upgrade, but you've got no arguements here when you say that charge 3 us a little ridiculous. I understand it's avoidable and if he misses it's an easy kill, but it is a little insane.
  13. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    haha I know, I've been playing assault today and it's such a strong grapple.
  14. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I can understand why they gave him good skills though, he has less health and fire power than a gunner, he needs to be able to take care of classes up close.

    Well I'm glad we agree that the B button is an auto win vs. assassins with the assault, but it's 2 in the morning. Cheers.
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    It's only "underpowered" because you are playing the class how you feel it should work.... not necessarily how it works. I play a gunner 90% of the time. The other day I said hey I think I'll switch to assassin after about 3 minutes into the game for fun.

    Having never played it before against people I kept my K/D ratio > 2.0. At the end of the match I had something like 24 kills and at least 10 of them were from playing an assassin. I actually had more deaths playing as a gunner that round.

    The assassin is a finesse class. You aren't rambo. If you want to kill hard targets, find someone who is already in a fight and help a team member finish them off. It's really just that simple. Combine that with invisibility and easy sword kills and you will do very well.

    I'll give you one last tip: unless you have your sword upgrade it's a bad idea to grapple gunners from behind. Normally I don't even need to turn around to finish you after I slam because you'll get knocked out.

    Right now assassins are without a doubt the most overpowered class. I'm so tired of seeing assassins cheat. Two days ago I saw a team of 6 assassins (4 of whom were cheating). After about 3 minutes the cheaters rage quit. They were tired of dying and their turrets were all destroyed. Meanwhile our base was untouched. We won largely because we were better and had not all chosen the same class.
  16. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    You guys are seriously overreacting. You're not being ruined, you're being forced into playing with a little more finesse.

    Good Assassins will adapt to the cloak fix and continue on, bad ones will not and get killed. Sometimes a sacrifice kill will be necessary to take out a sniper that is 35 and 1 on your team preventing you from gaining any traction. The Assassin is NOT going to be the one going 35 and 0. You're going to have to die a few times for important plays. Its why you respawn.

    I consider this a necessary fix. I play most of the classes, and its really annoying as support to face a GOOD assassin that cloaks immediately after nailing your *** with a grapple, and the firebase can't fire on them because of it. I think if the firebase popped a shot off, and got a hit, then it obviously saw the Assassin and will fire on them till they're out of range. Its AI. Its not going to be perfect. But the instant cloak is an abuse during an attack.
  17. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    You realize how annoying it will be to face a good support now? GG support you auto-win.

    And you won't be taking out a sniper with freeze traps as an assassin lmao.
  18. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    You main gunner and think the assassin is OP? Because of what? The glitches that are now fixed?

    Also, what is it with people that don't agree with someone always tell them to learn how to play a certain class? I think I know how to play my main.
  19. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Actually, gunners are pretty easy meat from behind, as long as you lunge before you grab they'll die every time, with or without armour upgrades, and if you mess up you can rather easily jump the slam then finish them off :3
    That said I tend to just crit-shuriken them, especially if they're deployed.

    Stating how you destroyed a team of a class and calling them overpowered in the same sentence doesn't sound very convincing, especially when you point out they were cheating on top of that. It's more like you're telling us that even with cheats they're not that formidable XD
  20. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    the assassin is the tankbuster/carry for the team. shes quick and can kill quickly. shes far from underpowered and most noobs love to play her. the main thing is, when people play her they expect to be able to run in and not get hurt while cloaked. shes sneaky and is meant to be played that way.

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