Who's got alpha?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Spinewire, May 28, 2013.

  1. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    I'll be making a minimum of 1 video a day on the alpha features and gameplay as soon as it goes live. If there is anything you want to see or know about PM me here or on YouTube and I will make a video on it quick-snap.

    Also anyone in the alpha can send me replays and I'll cast them.
  2. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    When will the alpha forum come up?

    I hope they use some bug tracking system for alpha users.
    Maybe they could inform the alpha users what to focus on and such, a to-do-list of sorts.
    Maybe some disclaimer about balance. I wonder when it will be viable to discuss balance issues.
  3. shandlar

    shandlar Member

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    WAG would be prolly as the 90usd backers get in, but before the cosmic preorders. Would protect the previously inferred anonymity by drowning the high money value backers in the sea of OVER 9000!

    I'd love to see some actually bug report UI in the alpha client itself that uses the chronocam functionality to take snapshots of the bug for the devs. They have made this absolutely mind bogglingly epic replay system that appears to be already high functionality, lets use it.

    Prolly too much to ask for the first week or so. Any alpha forum is almost certainly going to be filled with 'critical error' and 'unable to play' threads that any specific 'go try to break this' directives from the devs prolly wont be til somewhat later in the Alpha. Just my opinion though there, this is all kinda new for almost everyone.

    I hope they just delete any balance related threads for at least the first 2-3 weeks of alpha. There is almost no possible reason to even bring it up. When units stop disappearing randomly, getting themselves stuck in walls, or magically floating above the ground, then we can maybe starting talking about balancing combat/economy.

    I've been really focusing on suspending my excitement for alpha for the last couple weeks, and I'm failing miserably today now that its actually so close. I'm an early April 250 cosmic buyer, I just don't think I'll be getting my Alpha invite until the 6th, and its probably going to kill me. :roll:
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Well, you have to look at it this way: Every day later means more stability, more features and maybe even more units.

    I think the first alpha builds will be mostly about stability. Does PA run on your system. Can you connect to the server? How often does is crash? Does it work with your graphic card?
    Balance, performance and blowing up planets will have to wait for a bit. The alpha is about getting the engine into a working shape and have enough units to see if the basics work.

    I'm playing the devil's advocate here. But I know from experience (SMNC alpha) that it really helps with testing if you expect everything to crash and burn as soon as you launch the game. If it does not you should try to make it crash and burn on purpose. That's good for collecting data... :p
  5. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    I have access to my email, which will eventually tell me when I'm in. Does that count? :D
  6. ycnz

    ycnz New Member

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    Anyone else optimistically checking their spam folder constantly? :)
  7. theemperror

    theemperror New Member

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    Hi there :p

    The question is: How time effective is that going to be, considering the time to code it and the fact that it won't help with the serious issues. (Can't really make a replay of a crash, can you? ;) )

    I wonder, has a decision been made on how bug-tracking is gonna be handled?
  8. exavier724

    exavier724 Member

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    Why not? If the chronocam replay system can duplicate an exact replay of everything thats happening anyway couldn't you have the option to save/update it every 1-5 minutes or so. On crash it could be used to reproduce the entire game & event logs up to the save point and then the devs just need to let the simulation run a bit longer & reproduce exactly what the player said they did in those last few minutes :p

    Would actually make one heck of a debug tool if you ask me lol
  9. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    My question, is that would kickstarter backers who upgraded after the kickstarter to alpha
    access get prioritized?
  10. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Uber's already commented that, and if I remember correctly, backing was the main variable. Besides, if they plan on having everyone into the alpha by the 7th, you can bet that everyone who isn't a steam pre-order will get in before that. I think it was based on amount of money pledged, as well as date pledged, but I could be wrong.
  11. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    I thought June 7th was when they start to give out alpha to people?
  12. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That's when Steam Early Access starts, the idea is to get all other Backers(KS + Pre orders) in prior to that date.

  13. whiskeyninja

    whiskeyninja Member

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    I am terribly excited about the alpha rolling out, but I am trying to just expect a key on the 7th. Higher level backers getting earlier access would be nice, but I just can't live with the constant tension of e-mail checking at work.

    ...I get obsessive easily.

    But if I get early access (150$), and it's alright for me to post about it, I'll let you guys know. I know some of you would rather know, even if knowing means someone else has it and you don't. :D

  14. ycnz

    ycnz New Member

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    Yeah, I'm trying to keep my hopes nice and low.


    It's not working. I'm sure if I'm good and resist checking my email for another full half hour, the key will arrive, right?
  15. Kahdir

    Kahdir New Member

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    I'll start checking my email... wasn't expecting anything until next week.
  16. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    I don't know about the rest of you, but it is driving me crazy waiting for the announcement of when the alpha of PA is starting. :?

    Sometimes it is the most difficult the last few days, especially when we don't know when it will happen.
  17. zenomaddog

    zenomaddog Member

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    We will get it when it's ready and not before.

    The problem I seen in recent trend is issues of launching of a game, what seem to be such a simple concept, can be big issues.
  18. Snowcrow

    Snowcrow New Member

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    God I hope I won't get my alpha before the 7th.
    I have my final exam that day :D
  19. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    You could always exercise some self-control should you get it before the 7th.
  20. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    Self control ?
    This is something the current generation is mostly completly incapable of !
    (well, except my nephews, but that's probably because my brother as an Iron Hand in a Titanium Glove...).

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