Who wants to help Uber fix a glitch?!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, September 7, 2010.

  1. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    Actually, upgrading a passive health upgrade at the same time as dying sounds like a possibility for making this glitch occur. I'll give it a go later when some friends are on.

    One thing to note is that lag seems to effect the ability to make glitches occur, so private matches probably won't help much. I've noticed that with the assassin glitches.
  2. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    it seems the one constant is "as health reaches zero" with a few of us. Something is occuring to interrupt the death, causing the system to believe we are dead and making us stick in place, but not quite registering us as dead to start a respawn.
  3. Provolown

    Provolown New Member

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    Not sure if this will help any but...heres a vid of it happening to this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBP39kZx ... re=related

    and this is how he said it happened to him: It happened when? I was assassinating someone as an assassin and as I was doing that they left the game and I was stuck till the end. It's more about luck than anything, this was the first time it occurred to me.
    -so have a player quit as they are being assassin grappled.

    From my personal experience, I think might happen when your are being grappled by the assassin but if a teammate kills the assassin on you as they make the final hit your guy will stand back up with 0 health. I haven't had it go invincible on me, but I have gotten up with 0 health...so in other words...
    -have a teammate kill the assassin while he is grappling you.

    Hope this helps some, Dylan.
  4. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Actually thinking back when i saw that assassin get glitched the gunner did die but slammed just before that.
    Probebly not very helpfull either, oh well :p
  5. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    This definitely won't be the most useful post, but the only time that I've seen this..as far as I can remember, is when an assassin grappled my teammate..tho I'm not sure wat happened after tht xD once the grapple was over (finished or interupted) the assassin was stuck in place, but free to use her weaponary and wouldn't die.
  6. raygae

    raygae New Member

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    Alot of what I've been reading seems to happen with Assassins, so I've got one just to add to the pile.

    A Gunner reportedly died from as Assassin grapple, as the names showed up on the upper right portion of the screen when someone dies. The score for that person stayed at zero however, and it would've been the first time they died. Although I didn't actually see him die, I did see that he was stationed where he died, invincible, able to move around and still shot at people.

    I'm not sure if this data is important but I'll mention it anyway in case it can be replicated:
    Arena: Ammo Mule
    Position: near blue rockit turret on the right side of moneyball from spawn

    Also, I don't remember the beginning of their gamertag but it ended with "2nv199," all one word. Just in case you guys track data with people... somehow.

    Anyway, I know it's not much but if I come across anything again I'll be sure to drop a line.
  7. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    My cousin has had this happen to him three times, the third time I was in the game with him.

    In all cases, he tried to cloak just seconds before he died, and ended up dead but still able to fire his shurikens on the spot. The first time he described it I ended up passing it off as a random occurance due to lag.

    It almost feels as though you're stuck like a tank is during their deploy process, able to shoot but not re-aim. Odd considering he was cloaking, the same button for the tank deploy.

    In all cases, he tried to cloak just moments before dying, and had the shuriken launcher out. Besides that I cannot think of what would have caused it. I don't think this will be replicated by trying. Sorry, thats all the info I can give.
  8. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    I've had something similar to this a few times during Really hard core lag games.
  9. Kyou Kizu

    Kyou Kizu New Member

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    My theory as well.. However, we have to consider the possibility that the glitch could occur long before we even start taking damage. It could be that people just don't have a way of knowing they're glitched until they "die"..?

    I still think the glitch occurs on death though, but it might be worthwhile to look elsewhere. :)
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I just want to note that I've seen this twice in over 1000 games. It's really rare.....

    I don't think you could reliably get this to work in a game. Nor do I think if you got it to work would you end up in a spot where you want to be invincible.
  11. vrdarkone

    vrdarkone New Member

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    I had it happen to me on grenade 3 arena, as a tank I was walking up the left lane and had just fought a bot or a pro, killed whatever it was, then someone used the trap in the left lane blowing me towards the enemy base and I got stuck halfway in the wall that supports the bridge.

    I didn't die, although I was probably supposed to, and I could shoot pro's and bot's that came into my FOV. People would try to come kill me, but their weapons had no effect. I have not tried to reproduce this.

    It wasn't fun b/c I couldn't respawn or die, My buddy confirmed that I was visibly sticking out of the wall over xbox live chat. After the game ended everything was fine.
  12. TELOMOT0

    TELOMOT0 New Member

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    If you haven't already figured it out, which I assume you have. If you go on YouTube you can find it, if you'd like links pm me. But I highly doubt anyone is that lazy.
  13. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    I believe if you just stop the lag it should be fine. Cause I back out of laggy matches or ask the host to leave so someone better can get it unless the migration backs out. PS: Is the dlc or anything going to fix the hacked Assassin's? Cause I am tired of getting into matches where the assassin is like 10x speed to where you cant even touch em or anything.. :/ If there is anymore I can do i'd love to help.
  14. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    as much as I dont want to mention tf2 in these forums, I saw this for the first time today on an assassin. It looked a lot like the old "Useless Scout" sadly I have no clue what this assassin was doing, outside of it grappling a blackjack on accident.
  15. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    It has some similarities to TF2. But this rocks it. Trust me I love TF2, and just orange box period. But this game tops it.
  16. Organous

    Organous Member

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    For me, this happened in Steel Peel. I was an Assassin performing a back grab (dagger, level 2 passive) against a Gunner. I was basically between their base's glass and their left doorway. I was out of sight of their rocket while doing the grab, but my natural position would be visible to it as soon as I was done. I'm pretty sure that I was killed by the rocket just before my grab animation ended, but given the inherent lag in any game, it could've been exactly at the end or even after. I found myself able to only shoot, reload, and switch weapons. I was unable to move or aim.
    I decided to leave the game and return, both because I know I could be banned from XBL for continuing to run with it and because I felt I could be more constructive were I to be actually mobile.
  17. dredd

    dredd Member

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    I've only had it happen once or twice to me in a game i just started to grapple an assassin i was a sniper with level 3 grapple after it went thru the golf club swing there was a lag spike and she was just stuck infront of me about 5 or so feet off the ground i could shoot the assassin but no damage even tho her health bar was gone... :x

    hope this helps
  18. GLR b0x

    GLR b0x New Member

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    I saw this one time on an assassin one month ago on Lazer Razer Arena. It really was impossible to kill her, grapply didnt work, survived Air Strike Bacon (was playing support, it was possible to put that thing on her head like its always possible but she didnt die), nothing worked to kill her and when the moneyball went down, our team lost because the Assassin.

    I have no idea why this glitch is even possible, dieing hasnt to do anything with lag I think. Maybe its like other people are saying here: If you attack somebody while he is grappling, his power bar goes 0 doing that..but grapple still goes on and he dies AFTER the grapple. Maybe, when you hit somebody at the "perfect" moment, he is surviving that..4 ever.
  19. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    This happend to me twice today. Both times it was an assassin that grappled me and was "killed" before the animation ended. her health was in red and she could swing the sword. Hope this helps.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    if lag is producing it, it would be hard to know how. but, a few suggested ways to attempt to fix it without knowing too much more than these incidences, is perhaps to do something to make the game keep track of health better, or make death take higher priority over other things.

    one occurance of the glitch may be that the game things something else is taking priority over their death at 0 health. so what other things have a higher priority than death? i know if you die while being grappled, the animation will finish before your death. could the game think your in a grapple animation infinitely, or a flying animation infinitely?

    another occurance of the glitch may be that the game records your health incorrectly. have you guys tried making a character at -1 or less health in your generators, and seeing if they will die? or producing some form of invincibility (like juicing or grapple start) the same second the character dies? if they dont, maybe the game is causing instances like this.

    lastly, the game could also be confused on your death over your in-game position. it could be trying to push you out of a floor or non-existant piece of matter (like turret nubs reanimating), and is making you invincible over that. someone could try to mess with turret nubs while someone else is on top of or nearby the turret. destroy, upgrade, or build a turret while someones on top, or get someone on top of a destroyed nub until it becomes useable again. i think tom did this glitch once in blitz by accidentally getting on top of the moneyball.

    OH, AND ORGANOUS, you could have invincibly richocetted shurikens into their moneyball until game over, but tanks for not abusing a glitch?

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