Who are the best ?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by dadale1990, April 19, 2011.

  1. S I G IVI A R

    S I G IVI A R New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sniper: S l G M A R
    Support: c ACE c
    Tank: xShammas
    Assassin: PU5H
    Gunner: lDeadeye
    Assault: Miracle JF

    Nuff Nuff hold the fluff
  2. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    wait who are you again?
    oh right, lol

    How about every time I change the game by utterly destroying you when you're on the other team? How about when my friends that are new to the game utterly destroy you without me even helping? I saw that rage PM you sent Royalal, lmfao

    Anyway, you said it yourself:
    juice = skill!

    Not sure if you're talking about me but the only privates I like are team vs team privates or if I'm filling in or something. I do not like privates with random people.
  3. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Royalal is a hapless noob who didnt realize what a.pubstomping douche he was rolling with, and I dont ever recall u beating me in a match where u werent backed by at least 3 party mates. Ive taunted over your corpse numerous times. Royalal dont want none without his boyfriends there to help. Ur nothing special, u just pubstomp. Good for u f5 ur

    Lol! U all hide behind each other and talk ****. I run solo, dont need anyone to carry me.

    Enjoy ur new boyfriend
    Last edited: April 25, 2011
  4. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Pubstomping? Yeah, my party of 3 people below level 30 are just a dirty bunch of pubstompers.

    I seriously can't tell if you're retarded or are trying to troll me at this point.

    Oh, and if he's just a hapless noob, what does that make you? He pooped on you.
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    hey guys! guess what!

    immortal 303 is mad because he got pubstomped, and is trying to start something with one of them on the forums. that particular someone is the same person who got himself and deadeye banned last time something like this happened!

    you guys better hurry up and make accounts on the gamefaqs board so you can go over there and complain about moderators banning you for flaming each other, or as the people who get banned call it: "nothing at all"!

    now someone set me up for a CoR type meltdown, i would love to "Nostradamus" that one next.
  6. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    That makes me the victim of being outnumbered 6 to 4 with a lvl 14 and lvl 17 splitscreeners. I suppose thatss fair in ur book.
  7. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Trying to help.
  8. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I could care less about getting pub stomped. It happens. I jusy think it weak when guys like f5 and royalal act they it was some great accomplishment cuz they got a favorable split.

    Ban me, I dont give a ****. F5 is weak, **** jim and his bitches. Keep screamin at me f5, I think its funny how u care so much about somthing i consider a trivial matter.
    Last edited: April 25, 2011
  9. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    when did they act like it was an accomplishment?
  10. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    but royalal sucks, and when you 2 got into encounters, he would usually come out on top


  11. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  12. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Yea i thought it was a pretty good word placement im no Mclovin. School cant teach me that!
  13. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    So if ur boy, royalal is so good, why wont he accepty 1 v 1 challenge?
  14. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    did you challenge someone to a 1v1?
  15. F5in

    F5in New Member

    Likes Received:
    Quote from the PM to Royal:

    oh god
  16. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    I'm now hosting 1v1 tournaments ask for inv.
    Edit: rules:
    No assault
    No juice
    No armor
  17. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    F this S. thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard! you actually want to play a 1v1 against a low level guy, as a class whose only purpose is to support others?!

    i literally laughed out loud, in my computer room at that.

    im done trying to moderate this. you guys have at it.
  18. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Based on classes they regularly play in privates:
    (the mix of 5-6ish top players would flood all classes, so only going with those they actually play in privates)

    Top players
    Assault: Teapot Yo, ExT Insanity. Two very solid assaults who always perform well and keep their opponent's ball down. not many people know about insanity because he is not on a 'top team', but he always performs pretty well.

    Assassin: Deadpool FTW, keeps his team in any game because of his annihilator awareness and cockroach-like survivability

    Sniper: F5in, Kckzi, great aim, great map pushing and control with traps. u wont see these two camping their half of the map for the sake of stats and juice

    Tank: xPayne, Hawkshade, good railguns, good product harassment, good bot control, these two know what it takes to keep bots at bay and gunners back & blind

    Support: Jacktrips, Jon#s, Ace. These three do what it takes to keep the important people alive and dont mind being at the bottom to keep their team on top.

    Gunner: Any of these gunners will kill any of these gunners in on first shot, better support, better team map control, with a head to head being a coin toss, thus being said: Gunners: Chaos, Miracle, Deadeye, Chronicle, Tom#s, ChiefSanalEx, Wildman X2K

    Clear Cut Bests
    Assault: Miracle, Kckzi
    2 Bests because Miracle is a pure slayer, does not miss his target, often leads in kills over both gunners in any game vs any mix of top players.
    Kckzi's Build Provides a large influence of map control and neverending harassment that does not show in the box score, also with a high number of kills, just generally not as many as Miracle.

    Sniper: Sigmar, for anyone who has played against him, the things he does is just unreal, period.

    Tank: Shammas, i dont care if u know a friend who knows a friend with as good of a railgun. His awareness, bot control, juice push timing, and selfless play are nearly perfect

    Assassin: PU5H, the best in the things that makes an assassin great. annihilator timing, bot control/pushes, awareness/communication, necessary slaying. Worth mentioning deadpool is a close second

    This is it as far as a serious post goes for this topic of friends and flaming alike.
    P.S. there are a few other floaters of good people in the mix of the top 3-5 teams and a player or two not on a team who hold their own, but as the topic states, these are the best
    P.S. i dont care what you do in pubs
    P.S. i dont care what you do in privates that dont include these people
    P.S. if you wonder why GP cant be beat, its because they have the 3 best players on the 3 most important classes. Its not their teamwork, its not the fact they have played together for awhile, its because sigmar push and shammas are the best at the 3 most important classes, while miracle and deadeye slay you. they could talk about the stockmarket start to finish and still make you look bad.
    P.S. i dont care about this game, but if u cant handle the truth, too bad
  19. pree3z

    pree3z New Member

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    but support 1v1s are really entertaining, you don't know what you're talking about.

    An all-support 6v6 would be even more entertaining.

    and anyway immortal303 sucks really bad
  20. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I challenged him, he predictably avoided accepting. He knows i'll stomp the **** out of him without a fucked up split in his favor. Besides, f5 is full of ****. Despite the situation, I managed to kill royalal a couple of times before f5 started airstriking the spawn room

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