I recently created an uber account, and it has been doing that ever since. Do I need to manually register PA: Titans with uber net or something?
And when you got to Settings -> Gameplay, is there an option called "Active Product" you can set to Titans?
Thanks for your response. I checked the game play tab when I launch the game from steam and when I do it from the launcher and I don't see an Activate Product button, checkbox, or tab under "Gameplay" in the settings menu
It sounds like there is something wrong with your account data then and you'll need to contact support@uberent.com to get it fixed, I'm afraid. I'm a bit confused as to what happened though. Did you have classic PA on Steam and then bought the expansion through Steam to get PA: Titans? Which worked? And how did you then make an Uber account?
I bought classic PA through a humble bundle purchase, and activated it on steam, and then I purchased Titan on Steam. The game was working fine, until it crashed earlier today and when I relaunched the game it was asking for login info (which the game wasn't doing previously) As far as I know, the game was automatically logging me in to a user account called something like "Steam1102301341401" every time I played the game, although I don't remember the exact name. Since I never actually created this account, and PA Titans did it automatically, I didn't have the password. So I created an Ubernet account, and linked it to my steam account. Ever since I created the ubernet account, when I launch PA Titans it automatically reverts to PA Classic. It's kind of weird to explain, but hopefully that makes sense.
I submitted a ticket to support, so hopefully it gets resolved soon. Are they still very busy resolving these problems?
Ah, yeah, that explanation makes sense. The linking probably did some bad stuff. I think Uber Support is still chewing its way through all of those mail, but I haven't heard how far they got in a while. Eleven days ago they were twelve days behind. But, yeah, that info isn't very recent anymore.