When MNC used to be fun (update: old days relived)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Ke77e, November 22, 2010.

  1. Roy Campbell

    Roy Campbell New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    Nowadays, any time I muster up the courage of booting up MNC and clicking on Crossfire, my stomach literally drops. I know what is to come, pretty much. The juicing (oh if I could somehow disable that feature, ohhhhh), the stacked teams, the disproportionate matchmaking, host advantage, laggy players (yeah, that's "not fixable"; it's still a problem for me)...

    I guess it's those few seconds of joy I can get out of the game. Seeing a teammate just stop randomly to taunt or end up grapple-killing someone only for that someone to smack into a wall or ceiling. Don't get me wrong, though. I don't play the game only to watch other people act silly. It's sort of just come to that.
  2. ababypenguin

    ababypenguin New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    I have to agree with the author. I remember when MNC first came out, the point of the game was to escort your bots, and kill any opposition. Now, the game isn't about bots at all. Whether I win or lose, games that last 1-3 minutes are NOT fun. I miss the matches where the push of the bots would go back and forth, a true even match. The only objective of MNC now is, everyone get juiced and rush the moneyball.
    I truly hate games that end with a lone tank or gunner shooting up the moneyball when everyone else is fighting it out.
    There is no bonus cash for winning, so why not enjoy the game?
    I am always frustrated when I play MNC nowadays, games are completely unbalanced. Pros rush into the enemy base and destroy turrets within the first two minutes of gameplay, then when the shields are down, the game is already won.
    I say bring back the old days of pushing bots back and forth, no more juice rushing.
  3. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    @ababypenguin - I don't mean to be rude but what the hell are you talking about?

    That's not a problem with the game, that's one team being better at completing the objective that the other.

    So wait, you want a return to the days when players went for the objective (pushing bots to down the moneyball) but you also don't like people.... going for the objective?

    Because that's the objective. Push bots, down turrets, kill moneyball. What game do you want to be playing here?

    BIONICxSHADOW New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    You get an extra 1000 dollars when you win
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    MNC was fun when I played it 3 days ago, and will be fun when I play it this evening. :)


    Could use a skill balancing system (if the community could support it).

    Also, what Rhine said. :)
  6. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    There are some things that really annoy me about this game, the entire juice system being one of them.

    However, i can't say i'v really got angry at whats happening to the OP.

    Im sure that most level 99's are uber-hardcore, however i find that most of them are 99 just because they have played long enough. Thats why i mostly ignore ranks. In a system where you cant go down levels, those numbers mean nothing.

    I trust MNC has paired me up matching some sort of invisible trueskill system, and if the game is unbalanced then each player on each team isn't living up to their peak skill they have demonstrated in other games.

    Though that is just from my experience. I'v had games where its been uber balaned, then next match, same teams, ones steam rolled the other.

    There are way to many human factors involved when it comes to pairing people up for a game to get the perfect result every time.
  7. ababypenguin

    ababypenguin New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    That IS what I am saying, the game doesn't create balanced teams. I definitely understand how this might happen a couple times every once in awhile. But I played about 10 games yesterday and EVERY one I played had a dominating team, and a fail team. Games never even hit 10 minutes. I tried joining new hosts after nearly every game, but they were all unbalanced.

    When one tank or gunner can unload on a moneyball so much that it ends the game within one minute, something should be done. I am saying that Pros shouldn't be able to do so much damage to the moneyball so quickly. A team could be out pushing bots and before they can return to defend their base, the tank/gunner has already destroyed the moneyball.

    This again, is done without the use of bots. The team uses two bots to down the shields, then the rest of the damage is done by the pros.

    >>edit About getting extra $1000 for winning, I actually never noticed that :p :oops: But, short games end with guys in the top of the leaderboard with maybe $2500. When a really good game can have more like $5000.
  8. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    Then I agree with that. though there are 2 problems; it might not be that game unbalancing the teams, it might be the parties that everyone is in. You could always go out and GET a team.

    Juiced moneyball damage is a bit high for my taste as well. of course, if your ball is dropped in the first place then it was a lack of defense and map control. Also, the second you hear your moneyball drop you should probably get on the case and defend or hunt pros close to your base.

    Since the patch you can't drop the MB without bots. If they took out turrets, they attacked your base effectively. If your ball is dropped, they pushed bots effectively.
  9. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    Yeah i'd love togo back to the first week(s) where juice rushing wasnt so common and where you actually spend time pushing bots, really loved that Dota touch on it.
    Nowadays most games are either won in the first few minutes or last 15m 30seconds, there isn`t much Dota left, just Deathmatch with a flavour.

    The game is still awesome offcourse but somethings are just really damping the fun to a point where it doesnt always make up for the frustration/dissapointment it gives.

    Still when that DLC hits somewhere in december (thanks, MicroShit) i'm definetly going to shoot for 99 again and just go with it i guess, MNC is still one of the best games this generation.
  10. ababypenguin

    ababypenguin New Member

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    Re: When MNC used to be fun

    I'm glad you see my point. And I understand that there are parties who will obviously have more communication/tactics/fun which leads to more wins. I will try to find a party to play with and see if my experience improves.

    Again I am glad you are on my side, and I also agree that the team should head back to base as soon as the shields drop. Unfortunately I am usually the only member of my team to do so. But I cannot blame MNC for the ignorance of my teammates. A party would solve this problem as well.

    I would prefer that bots be more of an asset to winning than that, but I see your point.

    I guess I've come to the conclusion that parties are necessary for MNC, I have always played solo. I'll give it a try.

    >>edit @Hudson I watched the OxyTeam vid and it was great! haha that's an awesome move.

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