When is this DLC coming?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by HOOOFARTED, September 7, 2010.

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    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    And you would know this how?
    Every person I have convinced to get this game got sick of lag, disconnects, etc and have already shelved it and wont be telling other people to get it.
    Word of mouth helps small games like this alot and they arent getting it from anyone I know.
  2. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    Good then we dont have to put up with impatient, self centred jack off's like yourself just STFU and be patient otherwise go away these threads are getting old give UBER a break they cant do everything in a moment's notice FFS and STFU about REACH this aint the Bungie forum's go over there and wank each other off over it..

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Good then we dont have to put up with impatient, self centred jack off's like yourself just STFU and be patient otherwise go away these threads are getting old give UBER a break they cant do everything in a moment's notice FFS and STFU about REACH this aint the Bungie forum's go over there and wank each other off over it..[/quote]

    Um why you soo butthurt?
    I dont care about Reach and sue me for wanting to know when a game is going to be patched.
    Its loser Uber fanboys like yourself that turn people off this forum and wanting to ask questions.
    Then you go off on a tirade about Bungie when I didnt say anything about it?
    Get a life loser.
  4. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    Um why you soo butthurt?
    I dont care about Reach and sue me for wanting to know when a game is going to be patched.
    Its loser Uber fanboys like yourself that turn people off this forum and wanting to ask questions.
    Then you go off on a tirade about Bungie when I didnt say anything about it?
    Get a life loser.[/quote]

    me butthurt? im not the one whining about patches/updates/dlc, who cant search forums for a topic thats been covered, and as for REACH i wasnt talking to u i was talking to the other fanboy's

    Your the Douche saying this game is so bad that u and your friends have shelved it.. to that i say good, it means we dont have to put up with wankers like u!!!!

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    I guess you have trouble with reading comprehension.
    I asked when.
    Didnt whine just asked.
    I didnt say I stopped playing either I said people I know got sick of the lag and shelved the game.
    Meaning if you had half a brain in your head that you would understand I WANT more people playing this game cuz I think its great.
    But alot of people are left unimpressed by the lag and disconnects etc.
    But then you get all butthurt and misinterpret what I said cuz your blind with nerd rage.
    Lurn 2 reed be 4 u get all nerd ragey and post things that dont apply to me cuz I simply asked when is the DLC coming out.
    Then you call me a douche that says the game is soo bad that I shelved it?
    Thats why I think your a moron cuz I didnt say that so you must have trouble reading or its just the nerd rage.
    Get a life loser.
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I'm itching to ban someone, maybe all of you if you don't stop behaving like idiots. Now knock it off and be civil. Since you need an admin to hold your hands, I'm locking this thread. I'd rather be working on DLC then worry about you kids.
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