When do we get New Units?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Zenotheory, June 23, 2013.

  1. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Lets all take bets on how many patches it will take for a new unit to come out.

    I say Mex points will be working in 20 patches. Because the devs keep getting pulled and put on other stuff :evil:
    And with an average of 1 to 2 patches a week...........

    So my final bet is in 30 patches and 18 weeks. Putting it well into beta.
  2. deso88

    deso88 Member

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    Beta is supposed to be feature complete. We will maybe not see all the new units but at least some, like satellites, before beta starts.
  3. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    So what you're saying is the more systems you support the longer it will take before the patch updates are larger than "a few new sound effects", and bugfixes.

    Not to say the sound effects aren't welcome, but when the patch notes basically looked like a list of fixes for other operating systems (especially the amount of work required for linux), you realize just how much work is required to support systems of people who don't have windows.

    It makes me stand up even more to make sure that this game doesn't spend a second helping people running XP.

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