What's your biggest worry about this game?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by qwerty3w, November 1, 2012.

  1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I don't think anyone here is purposefully trying to suggest bad ideas, But we should still investigate many possibility's before we chose the best solution to a problem.

    And try to not punish the people who do suggest bad ideas, they are tiring to help and most of the time they are greeted by sarcasm and insults.

    See if you can't correct the problems people are facing respectfully otherwise you may end up with a bunch of people who will never heed your advice because of it.

    You are not to blame for this but this 'community' here certainly doesn't seem to tolerate a lot of the newer players coming here and its really kinda silly to see, you should be encouraging people to speak their mind, that way you can help correct their mistakes and improve the community as a whole.
  2. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I agree. Other concerns:
    * Will there be enough experimental style units? (Mods will probably solve this if there aren't enough in the base game)
    * Will all of this new stuff come crashing down on Uber's heads and make the entire thing fall apart?
    * A wave of elitism engulfing the forums and preventing design from being discussed since it gets shut down by "is it balanced? yes? stfu noob l2p baddie".
    * How hard it will become to suggest anything because everyone is focused on shooting ideas down instead of finding cool offshoots and ways to make ideas work. =/
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    The tiring aspect comes from having to deal the same story every week to a few new faces. From there, we just get dismissive and condescending towards others.

    I mean, someone just asked about how many factions there'd be. Yes, the forum search isn't ideal, but we do have xedi's epic thread.

    In any case, my biggest concern doesn't come from anything Uber has said or done - it comes from the community.
  4. zordon

    zordon Member

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    google.com site:forums.uberent.com

    search problem solved.
  5. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Tried it. Doesn't work as well as it does for the GPG forums.
  6. zordon

    zordon Member

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    yeah but its still a heck of a lot better than the built in search. If only for the fact that you can look at the second page of results without waiting a minute.
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Isn't that just the norm for forums?

    I would have thought people would be used to it by now, no need to become stressed. :)
  8. mar3usmc

    mar3usmc New Member

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    1. Metal Makers or anything equivalent to them. I hate them. They turn the RTS into sim city and spam. If defenses end up being really good then it is even worse. This is one reason I stop playing Spring TA: Balanced Annihilation mod. That one mechanic would just kill all intensity mid game to the point where you wouldn't even hear a shot being fired. I don't want to see any form of the metal maker in this game. It should be expand, conquer, or die.

    2. Huge multiplayer battles if metal makers also exist. It just compounds the above problem. Players hide behind other players and just eco until they die. Then they blame the player in front of them for their death. Optimal game size should be from 2v2 to 6v6, or 12 player ffs. Anything more than that becomes a mess and the game ends up being more about chance than skill.

    3. Multiplayer Balancing. I am not a fan of starcraft, and I refuse to even call it a RTS. However, one thing they did really well was balancing their 1v1 matches. I would like to see something equivalent, but can be used for larger games as well. After wins the appropriate adjustment in "standings" should be proportional to what you did. i.e. most kills, most metal reclaimed, etc...

    4. Dgun. I have some reservations on this fun, but brutal commander ability. I am sure many of you Spring TA players know what I am talking about. e.g. rush a t1 transport and fly into enemy base, dgun all his stuff, and fly away to next base, repeat until dead or all bases dgunned. That is one thing, and I feel really bad for noobs when that happens to them. Another one is I just don't feel that a commander should be able to one hit kill EVERYTHING. There should be a respectable cap, say 1000 dmg. Therefore you could one hit kill most or all t1 units, but not t2 and above.

    5. Energy. Mixed feelings on this. Not sure why it is even needed. If it were continued I would like to see energy to be a local source, from a nearby building. Units should, AND WOULD, have their own power generators, and wouldn't interact with any local energy sources. Thus, a Dgun would have a cooldown, or cloaking maybe would have a time limit depending on the unit. Requiring power sources to be built nearby the buildings using the energy also keeps things more strategic. Perhaps you can't destroy that bertha, but you can destroy the power plant near it. That would buy you some time at least, or perhaps turn off any defenses around it.

    6. Game Length. Some of this ties into the above mentioned, but I just don't have the desire, or the time, to play 8 hour long games. I would like to games in general last around 20min to 2 hours maximum. Perhaps adding a Super Nova mode that requires you to win before the star super novas would help motivate players more. Should players be able to play those epic 8 hour long matches? Sure, if they can make a huge solar system/ galaxy to do so, fine. However, I would like to see the game mechanics promote the above mentioned time frame.

    These are just some of the problems I had with Spring TA. I am sure some of you who played with me in the past would agree, or maybe not. However, modding software is a must if the game balance doesn't quite fit our preferences. Then, each to his own, and everyone is happy.
  9. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    How do you hide behind someone on a sphere?
  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    The terrain might allow you to 'hide' but I agree, you can't really block yourself off on a sphere.
  11. mar3usmc

    mar3usmc New Member

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    Yea, I thought of that while writing it, but even a player on a sphere could be surrounded by other allies, though it would be more difficult.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I don't agree with the problems with the D-Gun if it were to have a cool down or high power cost of use, the ability to 1 hit kill an opponent with your commander is just so damn well useful at turning the side on a battle.

    Is there is a unit that can survive it, then let it be the commander who also wields one, possibly even make commanders immune to it.
  13. ronybeck

    ronybeck New Member

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    What is your concern? I don't see any cause for concern yet. If a software house plans to support multiple platforms from the outset, they significantly reduce the barrier to porting the game game to additional platforms later. Windows, OSX and Linux all have capable APIs available for doing all the things Game Devs need, with many supporting all three platforms by default. It is simply a matter of being smart about what APIs you use.

    5 Years ago people would laugh if you suggested linux was a potential profit source for games publishes. But there is now genuine acceptance from many games publishers that Linux is platform worth investing in. This has only been fuelled by the disdain of the general media for Windows 8.

    I am very keen to see this game on Linux. Windows has nothing more to me than a means to play games and would love to see this game running on Linux. It would be a great day when I could finally free up my windows partition because all the games I like are on Linux. PA just looks awesome. I am a huge fan of the Supreme Commander series. The promise of this game on linux was the sole reason I pledged money.
  14. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Same here, and that's the reason why I haven't supported games like Star Citizen or Nexus 2 on KS.
    My concerns revolve around how the game is packaged (not everyone uses a Debian based package manager), library linking, installation in general, etc. Nothing of major importance, but it's still stuff I think about.
  15. drgonzo86

    drgonzo86 New Member

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  16. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    That thread has so many mistakes its sad, it says things are confirmed and then links to a thread were they say that they might do it. For example the teleportation, its links to a post were he says "It will most likely be in late game", MOST LIKELY isent a confirmation.

    Btw, they havent said no to factions, they have said no to more then one unit pool, theres a difference. There might be 47 different factions, but they all use the same unit pool and the difference is just visual/story.

    My biggest worry is that people dont get there facts straight and end up getting disappointed in the final game becuse they envision something different based on loose statements and made up facts.
  17. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Well correct them.

    Are you standing there, letting it get worse with time?
  18. lordvaderhun

    lordvaderhun New Member

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    My major concern is economy. SupCom and FA had great economy. You had to have map control to extract mass from mines therefore rushing and the use of acu was vital, tho everything was pretty much balanced. On the other hand SupCom 2 was horrible, there was no need from map control, basically all u needed is 4 mexes at spawn point, build research centres and unlock mass converter and convert energy to mass and just turtle in ur base. Also the acu is well overpowered making rushing impossible.

    So my concern and question is what will PA eco be like? FA or SC2.

    My other question is Upgrade or Tech Tree?
    ( Tech Tree also sux )
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    While I can see what your talking about with the economy, but the commander was not OP.

    And rushing is more then possible in SupCom2.

    Overall the economy for PA will be like total annihilation.
  20. wolfdogg

    wolfdogg Member

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    This whole statement seems contradictory. Perhaps I have misunderstood your sentiment, but upgrade was the way SupCom2 operated and yet you just said that was a horrible game. Research and upgrades go hand in hand I'm afraid.

    As for SC:FA, there was nothing wrong with that game apart from the moho engine IMO. I'm a big fan of tech levels too by the way.

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