What would be the killer feature in an alpha?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by dantealiegri, January 14, 2013.

  1. simonhawk

    simonhawk New Member

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    Now, I don't know much about alpha (but it seems to me that they can be VERY different in how many features they have), but here is how I think it could possibly progress:

    Early alpha: That I can move my commander and ground units, as well as building basic structures and build units with them. Also it would be nice to be able to see them and have a proper way to navigate my veiw of the battlefield

    Mid alpha: More complex buildings, water and air units, enemies/AI that builds bases and tries to attack me. Basic sound effects

    Late alpha: Multiple planets, possibly different types, ways to transport between them and the KEW. Integration of music placeholders. Possibly multiplayer

    Early beta: All the planets, not necessarily fully featured, general polish and performance enhancement. Better AI. Blaceholder based menus and UI

    Mid beta: Fully featured base building and battle system, implementation of more complex planets like the metal and gas ones, as well as enhanced asteroid gameplay. better UI

    Late beta: balance, balance and balance, bugfixes, galactic war, full soundtrack

    Release: Stable server software, Bugfixes, more balance, MORE BALANCE! more bugfixes, Full menus and UI.
  2. xeno326

    xeno326 New Member

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    To keep coming back, probably customization options:
    Having the ability to change the looks/sounds of weapons like the particle effects would be cool. ex: energy plasma ball, laser, cannon projectile, etc. Keep in mind not stat changing so it doesn't change the principle of the unit but more of less a cosmetic/sound change. Maybe award certain special ones through achievements, to keep players enticed to work towards a goal while mashing out RTS games.

    Now to add on this, modifying units in game like you would a car by changing out body kits to alter the look slightly, but not to the extent where it doesn't resemble anything like the original unit would be awesome too. Changing out the look of the legs, arm, head, torso to another body kit, or mix and match bodykit styles. Again nothing changing the stats or original dynamics of the unit so it doesn't change the principle of the unit if its supposed to be close range, you cant make it equip artillery cannons to be long range or changing out legs doesn't make it alter the speed or health of the unit... Of course unless you want to go that route, but then you look into balancing issues that can be eliminated by just going strictly cosmetic.

    TA didn't have all that and I would play it for hours every day, but it also had 3rd party unit mod packs and maps that kept things interesting, but since this is a "next gen" game update to the original, we should be able to do cooler things now that we couldnt in the past, I say go all or go home lol, I like at least the ability to customize the look to a certain degree without making the unit look too ridiculous that its unrecognizable. You should be able to say, ok this is a kbot peewee, and it still looks like a kbot peewee just with a different fabricated look to its armor.
  3. vidroth

    vidroth New Member

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    Game companies sometimes define things differently than other software companies.

    Sometimes they use the term "Alpha" about as soon as the engine runs and cubes can fight other cubes. Generally in software that would be a technology test version.

    In the old days, "Alpha" meant "feature complete, not debugged." They don't usually need outsiders playing the alpha because they still finding plenty of bugs themselves. We're getting quite a treat. :)

    "Beta" meant "feature complete, all known bugs fixed or in the pipeline." This is where additional testers expose bugs the devs haven't found themselves, which is why companies frequently open it to hundreds or thousands of testers.

    I've been in a couple of significant alphas, but never one where the game assets weren't done.

    No idea what alpha means for PA... I'd be very happy with a tech test version. :)
  4. zordon

    zordon Member

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    The most killer feature for alpha is an excellent ingame bug reporting submission form, with automatic screenshot+replay and any relevant program state and computer information attachment.
  5. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Bah, we're talking about the game itself, not something as silly and relevant as an alpha-supporting feature.
  6. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    I like Firefox's nightlies, so I'm in! :D
  7. snownebula

    snownebula Member

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    I do not think mouse support made it into the stretch goal. :p
    I personly would like to play with the planet gen thing. Its already alpha. Just saying.
  8. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    actually I thought we will get it, some days after the livestream maybe..
  9. dantealiegri

    dantealiegri New Member

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    I believe the cubes actually cube other cubes, fighting is a beta feature ;)
  10. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Well i've played the Minecraft alpha (which is my only Alpha experience).

    I would say: the core of the game works. IE, you can toy around with units on a planet and have them shoot at eachother, build a couple of structures.
  11. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    I was an alpha tester for World of Warplanes, it was better than the beta... there were hitbox bugs, horrid load times, and incomplete tech trees, but it was fun.
  12. lollybomb

    lollybomb Member

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    Performance above 5 fps on my computer. Which, as it's probably pushing 5 years old with a poky little Phenom x4 9550 at its heart will be impressive I think.

    Actually I'll be happy if it's at all functional. Even if it's just one planet, two armies, and I have to control both!

    Hmm, now that I think about it, that'd probably be pretty fun. Being able to swap between some or all of the armies just for testing pathing or battle functionality.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    This. As much of the wider features implemented at a vanilla scale, so you can see the rough drawing of every type of gameplay in the game.

    Id like to see the different planet types, different biome types, different units that can work in them, different game modes, different solar systems and orbits, different things units can do within them...

    after that, it can all be dumbed down graphics and whitebox artwork.'

    I want to see as many game functions as possible, and what they do, and the ecosystem they create. Once I get to see the many game engine features, game building algorithms, unit effects, and unit uses.... then I would care what they look like.
  14. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    Killer feature in an alpha?
    'Press Start' button ofc.
  15. adecoy95

    adecoy95 Member

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    i wanna see interplanetary invasions
  16. FlandersNed

    FlandersNed Member

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    I think the best thing an alpha could offer is a bug-free test.
  17. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    I'd like to be able to tinker with the UI and how it moves from one celestial body to another. UI and interface can make/break a game, even if the rest is fine.
  18. claw55

    claw55 New Member

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    Dang, if we could get a stable alpha... that'd be amazing! Failing that, a streamlined way to report bugs?

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