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  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    No. No. And no. He is having FUN, in a GAME, that you are NOT being forced to play. Keep in mind that killing others is a huge part of this game. So he's killing you in a different way. Big deal. Get over it. Like I said before, you can either get better or stop complaining that you're not good enough to deal with it. Failing that, once again, you can quit.

    This truly is a complaint that other people are better than you and should stop killing you. That's it. If I were in this situation I would be laughing at the hilarity of it all, not complaining that it was "disrespectful" ... I mean come on.
  2. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I get what Midget is saying.
  3. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Okay, who the hell isn't a terrible sport? It is not the best time to get (as hudson states) "face-rolled" by the other team. I can tell you are a bad sport because you are a rage quitter. So before you jump to conclusions like saying i am a poor sport. Try not quiting a game, and fight it out with dignity, and honor. Not just towards yourself, but your team mates too.

    So you are saying it is my problem, for having a problem, with the other team having fun?
    Well that is the only thing i can agree with you on. Because saying it is my problem is completely true. But do you wanna know my problem? My problem is that all of you guys get on here, posting your guides, being told that you are all the best players on here by everyone, but basically they are little butt-kissers. All of you for some reason believe have to live up to your expectations that are perceived by others. That is why you gang up with your friends and pull of a victory hands down. I bet if you by yourself, where to get out there and fight the fight you guys say you do, but in turn do not, you would be "face-rolled" yourself. The only reason you guys get out there and get 20/0 a game is because you have your buddy's to protect you, to keep you safe and free from harm. Like that is all they're job is. If you guys think you are so tough, gather up a team, and go into a competition rather than facing randoms. Let them have they're fun learning the game. Rather than ruining it.
    I will give you an instance of my friend.

    I was playing with my friend one day that downloaded the demo. It was just when i got the full game myself so we were not good.
    There was a group of about 4 or 5 really high ranks. They were in the range of 80's to 99's. We that entire game were in our base, just yelling, screaming, getting mad because we did not know what to do. We were defenseless. Just like a super heavy weight wrestler against a feather weight wrestler. The massive ordeal we encountered was one specifically like the one I did today.
    I won't get into great detail.
    But the main thing of this was my buddy then decided to never get the game. He gave it up, just said and i guote "Hell no am i getting this game. This game is filled with completely self centered a holes, who do not play a game how it is suppose to be played." And if i could add on that i would say " ...who do not play the game it is suppose to be played or at least the way Uber perceived people would play it as. It changed from a Team based Arena shooter, to a Single player Death Match."
    He then quit and went to play Uno, which made him actually quite happy considering he could play that game and feel good about actually losing.

    All in all my basic point I am trying to get at is, think before you do something. Because your action, has an opposite and greater reaction.

    And what i am saying is not to be taken as offensive. I am just very aggravated with MNC and the words i may have used may have sounded mean. So do not come at me with rude comments.
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Antics such as these should be kept in private matches. If you are not getting enough of a challenge from the public games then perhaps hosting private ones is the answer. Ruining, yes ruining, the fun of others so you can have a good laugh is not something that will benefit the community.

    I do understand that there is a learning curve with MNC and when playing against newish players it is hard not to dominate but the same could be said for parties playing against randoms. Hopefully Uber does something to balance the parties when playing against randoms such as adding a Free Agent playlist where parties cannot join and friends cannot be invited.

    It is too bad that the community is so bored that they would rather ruin the game for everyone instead of finding a way to have fun privately. I played MechAssault for years and we would always play private matches to avoid the random factor. It just wan't fair to play against randoms so we invited our friends to play privately instead. To be honest we had more fun this way without worrying about players quitting or waiting for matches all night.
  5. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Okay, the words you are using are being very aggressive and hostile. If you would like to have a conversation, do not come attacking me and getting mad over a forum. The first thing that leads to people getting mad at each other are the way you use your words...

    Stop telling to get over it. And no this is not a complaint that people are better than me. Cause honestly, i really do not care to much about it. Yes it might get me mad, but i don't cry at night over the fact that people killed me too much. I am not telling people to stop killing me. I am telling people when you know you are killing the other team a lot, just take down the shields already and get the game over. No reason to drag it on and humiliate the other team just so you can get a good chuckle. Like you could go pick on some fat kid and tell him to go eat some more cookies. But you do not choose to (hopefully) because you are not that type of person. Heres another thing i really do not like about most people on live. The fact that you guys change the way you act just so you can fit in. Like saying LUL, or ROFL MAO. Who the heck says that kind of stuff in real life? Or picking on people because of they're ethnic background, or skin color, or weight. Anything you can think of JUST to get a laugh. You guys are cyber jerks who do not know how to be themselves.
  6. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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  7. Rickshaw

    Rickshaw New Member

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    Are you crying?
  8. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Uhm, me?
    If so, no i am not.
    Are you?
  9. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Yeah, everyone posting in here is right. It would be much more fun for the other team if we played our best and steamrolled them in 60 seconds. Then everyone either quits or gets to stay with us as we wait another 15 minutes for the lobby to fill up.

    Also, if the other team can't kill us when we are doing stupid ****, how are they going to kill us when we play our best?
  10. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Or you could just not play as a team against pubs. It really isn't that much fun to keep doing that anyways. Isn't it more fun to play against good opponents, ie. each other? I'm not saying you have to keep it contained to private matches, but you don't have to party up and then join a game all the time. I understand part of the issue is non-randomization of teams and shitty hosts who quit, but those things occur even if you are partied up. I don't understand why your group of friends is getting so defensive about this when you know that what you are doing actively causes other people to have less fun. I'm not talking so much about the surrounding and meleeing, because that actually sounds kind of hilarious, but it does not lessen the issue of teams pub-stomping all day.
  11. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Go play a private and stop spamming the pubs with your so called "awesomeness."
    Oh so you don't get misconcepted, i am not calling you awesome. You are calling yourself awesome..
  12. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    To be honest i have always wanted to melee people to their death. But i don't usually get the chance to because i am too busy playing the game..... o_O
  13. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I did actually play a private game with the Shammas crew. I was a total randy tryhard. Pushed both bot lanes as an assassin, blew up all of the other team's turrets, and managed to go 10/2 K/D. Did I have fun? Not really.
  14. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    i dont see anyone calling themselvs awsome. we have fun when we play sry if that makes it harder for you to enjoy yourself but no one put a gun to your head and told you to stay in the lobby. were not deadeye and the rest of the competitive players we dont care if you back out. as for other ppl not haveing fun when we play the way we do..... thats like telling us we cant play the game and should only be limited to private matches. which is fun but we like what we do. again it was never meant to be offensive. really we all giggle like school girls when we mass melee ppl.
  15. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Not once did I say we are awsome. But don't get misconcepted, we are awsome. If you don't like the way we play, leave.
  16. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    The sniper technically doesn't need to hold the gun to my head, just be within a mile...
  17. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Apparently it is fun to them. But i agree, i would have more fun in a balanced match, more so against friends.
    I also agree that the opposing party is not having fun most of the time, which is a bad thing.
    When i am solo (most of the time) i hate it when i get put with all the other 99's EVERY single time. I do try to end the game as quickly as possible, hoping the MNC-balancer might do its job next time, but it never has.
    That said, i have played with parties, but if it were my choice i would not party up in the game itself, the others prefer to though. It doesn't matter anyway, because the balancer would put us in the same team anyway.

    <edit> the melee-ing isn't such a bad thing. Those who know what the melee-thing is appreciate it i guess. Those who have no idea what the melee-thing is have no idea their opponent is deliberatly not playing optimal and it does give them better odds, more fun for both sides.
    Last edited: October 19, 2010
  18. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    I know exactly what goes on in the party, no need to tell me.
    And i am not saying to keep your boundaries in privates. i am just saying if you are going to do some crazy antics that you know will make the others feel ashamed or not so good about themselves, to keep it in a private. But by all means if you guys go for strictly the mission of the game, you should average about 10 kills a game. Not 20 to 30. Like i say time and time again, the game is about pushing bots down the lanes, destroying the enemy moneyball, and killing anyone who tires to stop you.

    The order when as follows:
    1. Push bots...
    2. Kill the moneyball (untill you come across a enemy pro then you...)
    3. Kill anyone that tries to stop you.

    Spam there doors with traps and melee them to death...
  19. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    You may not be saying that, but with the way you guys go around with that so high of an attitude that you have, it makes you come off as snobby or a much more easy way of saying it "awesome" because that is what it has turned into.
  20. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    You may not be saying that, but with the way you guys go around with that so high of an attitude that you have, it makes you come off as snobby or a much more easy way of saying it "awesome" because that is what it has turned into.
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