I sense new class judging by the fact that the 4th picture is not currently a gun of any of the 6 classes. Looks very biological, much like the drudge weapons of The Conduit...except green. http://wii.ign.com/articles/984/984821p1.html Possibility of a biological warfare based character? Also the possibility of it just being a redesign of another classes weapon or even new weapons for the classes (ala TF2). I am hoping for new weapons however the idea of a new class is even more hype. The color green and me go hand and hand. I would probably stack teams EVERY GAME just to be on the green team if that is whats its insinuating. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: EDIT: the first picture doesn't look like the gunner's shoulder at all iirc.
Personally, I would love to see new weapons or a new character! Especially seeing as how they still havent ironed out the issues in the current ones.
Your talking xbox right? Because the PC version is pretty well ironed if you ask me. excluding sniper of course
New banner = Engine update and MNC new look = that? And maybe Danger Zone too plus new balance. WHAT IF THE GAME WAS TOTALY CHANGED? Does anyone have the logo before this one?
Think this is a pretty legit guess. With the announcement of CS:GO coming out for XBLA and knowing the past bad blood between Valve and Microsoft on their update policies with TF2 I think it's conceivable that something has changed for the better to make Valve even consider another 360 release.
True but Portal 2 doesn't require consistent updating like TF2, CS:GO would. Maybe a couple minor bug fixes here and there, but not the constant balancing and re-balancing that you see Valve doing on steam with TF2 and CS:S.
Grrr, I already made a new thread about this http://www.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic ... 66#p166466 I think that I discovered something :mrgreen: EDIT : Third pic fits perfectly in the old logo
If you guys are just sitting there watching this topic grow and NOT working on OUR update, so help me God...