What Makes Your Favorite Class Your Favorite?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by x Zatchmo, January 17, 2011.

  1. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Like a little female dog, if I recall your commentaries correctly.
  2. noma jean 447

    noma jean 447 New Member

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    tank, i absolutely love setting pros on fire, especially from behind,"wink wink", what does that even mean?
  3. NataVonDoom

    NataVonDoom New Member

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    Favorite class character wise, the Sniper. He's hilarious to me, between the comments he makes and the taunts. Also has wonderfully animated grapplers.

    Play wise, Assassin. I like being kind of invisible and able to smoke bomb places. Convenience!
  4. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Well, I didn't wanna wear it out but I don't mind making it a catch phrase in my commentary work if it's enough for you to recall it. If it means preserving my insignificant life, then I gotz no shame!

    "Crap, that's a revved up gunner. Time to run like a bitch."
  5. CosmicGreat1

    CosmicGreat1 New Member

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    Assault all day baby, I used to use gunner, did pretty good with it but the class felt hella boring, I used to like how savvy assaults would ring me out with their bombs and such, then turn around and wet me up with the Assault rifle, much more versatility. I picked the assault and used to suck at first cause I thought you could run n gun like a Gunner.

    Eventually I got better with the Assault to the point where I was getting as many kills as I got with a gunner, but with less deaths. Later on it got to the point that I got more kills with an Assault than I could have with a gunner, and no deaths, and then came my first uberstreak which i'd been waiting forever for...32 kills and no deaths, I could go on and on, but I don't wanna put up a huge wall-o-text.

    I'll basically try and sum it up, bombs for chunks of health gone not to mention ringouts, Assault is the king of ringouts, which net you hella money, charge bcuz of the mobility with the jetpack, and bomb jumps, and basically just being able to do whatever from pushing bots to terrorizing pros.
  6. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Tank's always been my favourite, but I'm currently having an affair with a clawing gunner.

    Tank because he can take a lot of damage but still has good offensive options against all classes.

    Clawing Gunner just because it's easy and fun to spray bullets everywhere (until you play against a good assault and he destoys you)
  7. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Support will always be my favourite but when i know theres a few assassins out to destroy everything and no one comes to help remove them I hate using him.

    Tank is my new prefered class due to the fact i hate assassins and gunners and love rail gunning/burning them to death.

    When I play gunner I go soley after assaults.

    Assassin- i hate/dread playing but I use this class to annoy and get others to chase me...

    Sniper- I can't snipe but I am a true offensive close range sniper. Guys who rely soley on headshots panic and cant defend cause they only know how to zoom/quick scope. Learn your class and how to deal damage close range.

    It's sad when I have to push bots as a sniper and use the flak/smg/ice traps while the other snipers try for headshots all day and don't even kill any bots.
  8. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    This is why I have basically given up on Sniper in pubs. I find myself doing base support like a, well, a Support.

    Given a competent team that hold one side of the map, Sniper is my first love. The synergy of his skills along with the fact that I can strike from any distance without a dropoff in damage seal the deal for me.

    I have branched out and developed a mean Assault though.
  9. x gr1m x reap3r x

    x gr1m x reap3r x New Member

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    I'd say im a bit of a jack of all trades but my strength is in sniper and assasin although i hardly ever play her
  10. mute

    mute New Member

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    Support.. but im starting to forget why.
  11. McBradders

    McBradders New Member

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    I mostly play support because I suck at shooting dudes. If there is already support running then I go tank because I suck at shooting. If there is a tank then I play gunner because I suck at shooting but he's more survivable than an assualt :lol:
  12. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    I used to hate the assassin, and I still kinda do. But I play her, anyway.
  13. McBradders

    McBradders New Member

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    The Assassin is fun though, I wish I could play her like some of the people I have run in to, they make that class look absolutely terrifyingly amazing wowsome. Me? I always end up getting shot mid backstab :(
  14. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Sniper! The headshot ping gets me all kinds of excited...
  15. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    ^ this I dont know how many times I've felt the need to say ping after I get them.

    p.s I'm really hopeing to get matched up with you agian Jraw, think the one time I did get matched up with you I was running my connection of an iphone. apparently it's not so good for the snipings, who knew?

  16. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Sniper - Killiness

    Assault - Versatility

    Tank - Skills + Durability
  17. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    for me i fell in love with the tank class the very second i used the railgun , my two favorite multiplayer games are Unreal and Quake and the tanks railgun is a perfect copy of my favorite guns from my two favorite games.

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