What game modes should we start with?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by neutrino, January 25, 2013.

  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    not neccesarily for the start but maybe later-

    read about building something like "buildwonder" kind of thing?
    how about making that "build spaceark" that turns the sun in the system nova with whiping the other commanders out ?
    then as someone told a suddendeath last comm standing game were you have to kill the enemy commanders before a non catchabble lavaplanet (with a evil scathisface ^^) crashes into the planet you are battling on?
  2. robintendo

    robintendo New Member

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    I like the idea of a bunch of players on many planets attempting to CAPTURE a metal planet manned by an enemy team.

    The metal planet would provide huge resources to the second team and be relatively easy to defend.

    The first team would have access to roughly the same resources, just spread among a few different planets.

    I'll say for the sake of making in interesting that the first team wants to CAPTURE the metal planet, not destroy with it an asteroid. The metal planet team might go ahead and fling asteroids at all the attacking planets.

    EDIT: to give it some urgency, there is a timer until the metal planet team gets access to the metal planet super weapon.
  3. slimexpert

    slimexpert New Member

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    My ideas:

    • Space odyssey - first to find the buried obelisk on one of the moons, there will be lots of fun weapons on each moon, which will help you defeat your enemies
    • gold digger - be the first to stored 100,000 metal (or whatever is a goodly amount) but allow stealing of metal, to 'encourage' fighting
    • china syndrome - be the first to expose the planet core, via asteroid bombardment, you need to get you commander down to the core to win
    • painted desert - you 'paint' sections of the planet, with you commander drawing a line where it walks, closing the loop, paints that area, be the first to cover 75% of the surface

  4. slimexpert

    slimexpert New Member

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    One more idea

    • king of the castle - a central metal planet controlled by an AI with a 10,000 unit cap, surrounded by 5 planets, containing 5 players who must work together to kill the AI that is super aggressive, however players are not allowed to throw their own moon at the AI. But they can launch raiding missions as the AI does not occupy the whole planet, so player can setup a a beach head base

  5. sauceboss

    sauceboss Member

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    Choose one of the following when the map starts

    Assassination: kill the enemy commander and support commanders (if they are in PA)

    Domination: Kill all commanders, support commanders, factories, and engineers.

    Annihilation: Kill every enemy unit

    Sandbox: match never ends

    In addition add one or more these as extra victory conditions before a match starts.

    'Wonder' victory: victory achieved by the player who builds a new commander/interstellar transport/something, should represent significant resource expenditure.

    King of the Hill/territory control: whoever holds a specific location for x amount of time wins

    Capture the flag: player who reaches the specified number of flag caps wins. Make the flag only capture able by the commander for interesting gameplay.
  6. Draighven

    Draighven New Member

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    Not sure if this is covered in the previous 17 pages of posts but the original post also talked about modes and mods expanding the lobby and that got me thinking about the mods themselves and the biggest blockade I had using them in SC:FA which was I never had the same mods my friends did, we would all find new ones separately and want to try them out. With so many options and places to find mods there were many we were never able to find again and at the time we didn't have a very reliable way of transferring files to each other.

    So my lobby feature would be a way to sync the mods required for a game to the players computers if they don't already have it. This way you don't have to have a mod already installed or hunt it down in order to join a match, when you join you get a pop up asking you to download mods in order to join this game, from there it Peer 2 Peers the needed files to anyone who needs them and off you play.

    It's a time saver that doesn't use Uber's server resources and allows literally anyone to join any game regardless of modding experience. Of course the option to auto-delete downloaded files after the end of a match should be made available as well as the option to keep the mods to use and practice with on your own time.

    I know some mods can be quite large and this may not be viable for those mods that convert the whole game or add large numbers of custom units, but it would go a long way towards opening up match making for everyone..

    Just my 2 cents.
  7. savvon

    savvon Member

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    I would like to have a (for example) 4v4 FFA game.

    One solar system.

    Each player starts on their own planet.

    There is an empty big 'middle' planet.

    The goal is to take over that planet.

    Maybe have a 5 minute count down timer so that when your team is the only team on the planet, that is when your timer counts down. Once the timer reaches 0:00, you win.

    A 'king of the hill' type game.
  8. scorbiot

    scorbiot New Member

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    Ozone hole: players starts at one planet, that has so dense atmosphere it is impossible to fly through it without making a hole in sky. If players started at volcano planet, we have game accelerator: the planet will be soon destroyed/flooded with LAVA, so players must hurry not to being burned and escape planet as soon as it's possible.
    King of a cannon: there is a space cannon that could destroy entire planets! There could be some configurations like the space cannon is the entire metal planet, so we only have to capture it and blow up enem or the space cannon floats somewhere in space, and the control center is on planet, reactor to power the cannon on asteroid in asteroid belt, another reactor on another planet's moon... Something like that.
    Ringworld: construct an entire ringworld! Shitload of time, resources and patience makes epic megastructure! Well, at first glance this idea looks great, but in fact IMHO it's too complicated for winning condition because of incredible difficulty of building that.
    Searching for treasure: system has plenty of small asteroids, moons etc., just many places to hide various treasures.
    Invasion: hostile aliens attacking from outer space. Never ending waves. Last man standing wins.
    I also want classic game modes (assassination, annihilation, sandbox etc.) :)
    Sorry for my english.
  9. Gardentwine

    Gardentwine Member

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    It seems most of the ideas all seem to point at PVP conditions any chance for some COOP and single player game modes like Defend - Assault - Objective - Stop enemy Reinforcements
  10. k3n58

    k3n58 Member

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    It may have already been mentioned or described at some point, but I think it would be great to bring back what was in TA with the Galactic war within Boneyards. Where you had red vs blue planets attempting to win over the planets. Well we don't have the Arm vs. Core, i'm sure we could figure out just "teams" of one match in attempt to capture them all. Now this would truly be a galactic war!

    Or "king of the hill" of a middle planet teams or players rush to maintain majority for the longest time w/ their commander on the planet.
  11. plannihilator

    plannihilator Member

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    I like the idea of Alien invasion from outer-space.

    - Pioneer : be the first to send a satellite out of the system
    - Apollo : be the first to settle on the moon.
    - Full Metal Planet (NB: it's a copyrighted board game) : be the one that has gather the most metal on the main planet before the gigantic cataclysmic flood. Also, have a live base outside of the planet to survive the flood.
    - Pilgrim : everyone starts on a different, small planet. The goal is establish a base on the main planet and have the majority of units or buildings (or gathered the most resources?) there after X minutes.
    - Capture the Alien Artifact
  12. vipez

    vipez Member

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    You have to survive with your base as many wave attacks from spawning enemys as you can. For the record, you can expand your base :p

    You and your partner share a base and have to survive with your bases as many wave attacks from spawning enemys as you can. And you can expand your base.
  13. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Perhaps an arcade mode, where modders who have created their own mods could be browsed on?
  14. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Game mode called Planetary Annihilation.

    Two teams, set amount of planets in the galaxy. First team to blow up xx number of planets wins.
    You cannot blow up a planet where a commander is stationed.

    Would make stuff very fun :D
  15. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Planet Z

    Your Commander is stranded on a planet where a nanovirus has tempered with the friend/foe system of all units. The Infected roam on the surface of the planet and attack everything that is not infected. Any form of weapons fire will immediately alert the Infected in a wide range

    The commander needs all his generated resources to defend himself from the onslaught of the virus which makes him incapable of building anything or use his Uber Gun. His only hope is to capture infected engineers, repair their command systems and use them to build radars and replenish his health. It might be possible to order them to build defense towers and draw the attention from the Infected away from the commander.

    The goal is to find and repair a form of transport to the next large asteroid and crash it into Planet Z to destroy all Infected and the remaining nanovirus.

    Well, that's probably a bit much for an alpha game mode. Sounds more like something for a mod or expansion.
  16. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    While we're at it, how about some Planetary Minelation? Where all the planets are cubes and rather than destroying stuff, your commander can pick up cubes and place them ;).
  17. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Fine by me but it needs fishing and tamable cats too! :D
  18. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Well of course cats. What kind of game would it be without cats?
  19. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    Sounds awesome though :p
  20. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Annihilation: All enemy units must be destroyed to ensure victory.
    Supremacy: All enemy factories and builders must be destroyed to ensure victory.
    Assassination: All enemy Commanders and Sub-Commanders must be destroyed to ensure victory.
    Sandbox: No victory conditions.

    Leave anything gimmicky up to the specific map you choose to play on.

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