What game modes should we start with?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by neutrino, January 25, 2013.

  1. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Boats and subs get stuck on the receding shoreline. It'd be hilarious. Everyone would vie for choice places to put their now-immobile point defence, or duke it out in a shrinking battlefield (which parallels Uber's image for the game).
  2. parge

    parge Member

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    I haven't read the whole thread, so not sure if this has been posted already, but I'd like to suggest two victory conditions

    1) 'Galactic Suicide'

    It's essentially the same as first to build a 'wonder', with the wonder in question being a particle accelerator that creates a supermassive black hole that sucks in and destroys the entire galaxy.

    The way you 'win' this scenario, is that for the first ten seconds or so of the creation of the black hole, a worm hole opens and you are able to load your commander into the worm hole and escape. If you aren't paying attention, or you are under attack and not able to load into the wormhole, you are destroyed along with the rest of the galaxy.

    (alternatively, the wonder could be already built, and there is a counter counting down to when the wormhole is going to appear,this would focus all arms into one place at one time making for an epic battle as each commander tries to enter the wormhole first)

    2) 'Supernova'

    In this victory condition, the solar systems star is going to go Supernova! As anyone with a little astrological knowledge knows, before a Star explodes, it swells to many times its original size, engulfing entire planets as it does so (our sun will one day engulf the earth). This game type is a little bit like a race, with players being given a certain window of time to establish a base, build troops, and throw them at the enemy, and then another window to jump from planet to planet to escape the stars expansion. The winner will be the last player to survive!
  3. Frosty3k

    Frosty3k Member

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    I've always enjoyed a risk-style game mode. Would be especially fun in MP (so long as the other players don't have to wait to take their turn while you're in combat).

    Also, survival would be fun; you are restricted to a certain amount of space (maybe you don't have warp drives so you can't hop out of the solar system? Or maybe just stuck on a planet?) This could even tie into one of the previous ideas regarding the building of commanders and a warp gate to send them places.
  4. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    Its not my idea but I love it anyway.
    - When the hp of a unit drops below 10% it becomes neutral.
    - Neutral units can be assimilated (by engineers or something)
    - Very long building time encourages assimilation.
    - When out of combat fast healing/assimilation by engineers
    - Engineers have more hp
    - All your bases are belong to us.

    Assimilate Unsuspecting Worlds
    - Cant build, start with only units
    - Assimilate with 1-2 players unsuspecting AIs

    Assimilate VS
    - Assimilate your enemies before they assimilate you.
  5. veta

    veta Active Member

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    Diplomacy gamemode as described here:


    Assimilation mode like this post as well:
  6. dynamicecho

    dynamicecho New Member

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    Not sure whether it's been mentioned and it's not so much a gametype as a setting but I'd like a full set of units restrictable. Ideally would like to be able to say, disable air combat units but still allow for air transports, that kind of thing. The real trick would be having an AI opponent that can cope with such rules restrictions, as the AI in FA tends to flail a bit on a lot of maps if you disable air units. In a similar vein having a skirmish lobby either retain your last settings (including AI present in slots) or some quick way of filling slots with AI would be good.
  7. aispina

    aispina New Member

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    I don't know if anyone had this idea, but I'd like a slider for energy/metal produced by commander. You could set this high if you wanted a faster build up to war or set it low (the default) if you wanted collection to matter more.
  8. esqmo

    esqmo New Member

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    King of the planet

    Each player/team spawns on their own smallish planet and has to build the tech to fly to a middle planet. The centre planet is dotted with sectors which (if a team is the soul occupier) score points for that team.

    The game ends when the planet in the middle is destroyed by any player. The team that causes the destruction of the centre planet gets extra bonus points.

    Team with the most points wins.

    Solar King
    Same but replace planet with solar system and replace sector with planet.
  9. razzmahjazz

    razzmahjazz New Member

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    i think a fun mode would be were you have constant reinforcements and the goal is the destruction of all commanders
  10. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    I made a post titled "ongoing massive galactic war", a kind of PA MMO I would say... What if new players could "rent" commanders from occupied planets. Maybe you'd have to build another commander to conquer a new world.
  11. jetda

    jetda New Member

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    homeworld: if your homeworld is destroyed you lose (fancy vip)

    renegade: players have asteroids they can use to travel(like giant ships) and if captured or destroyed they lose (making the pathing system for this might be impossible haha)

    origin: the world the commander AI and robots where made on is discovered and a player has to hold this relic planet for XX amount of time while other players can only invade but can't use planet destroying weapons. (capture and hold or king of the hill style)

    Tug of asteroid: players land units to control an asteroid that will slowly move toward the opponents base while he controls it.

    Sorry if these are already submitted its late and i didn't want to browse 15 pages lol
  12. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    -King of the Hill
    -Attack/Defense (one player attacks, the other defends an objective)
    -Control Points (couple of control points, first to conquer all wins)
    -Asteroid tennis
  13. rabbit9000

    rabbit9000 Member

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    Assimilation +1

    Could start with 4 players per planet, 16 players total.

    Commander explosions need to be big enough to take out other Commanders though so no easy kills where a commander is slightly damaged then another commander turns up and Uber-Cannons them and survives the blast.

    It would lead to some interesting strategy over when you exactly attack the enemy commanders, do you wait for them to have a sizeable army you could grab but risk them becoming too powerful? Do you hold back from the fight and attack while everyone else is fighting?
  14. dmii

    dmii Member

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    Nomad / Asteroid Belt - There are no planets, just asteroids. Basically a lot of jumping between asteroids in a low economy scenario (because I guess, that asteroids aren't as rich in resources as planets because size ;))
  15. stephen10188

    stephen10188 New Member

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    Basically if you can choose your options the more the merrier in terms of variety. 3 thoughts on the above ideas are
    1. There should be an option for a victory condition (like assassination or annihilation etc) to be either completed or completed within a certain amount of time.
    2 Time limits allow for defensive style victories too, ie hold them off for x amount of time.
    3. Although some objectives would be mutually exclusive others wouldn’t necessarily be, so a check box system might be nice to suggest, for example, that a player must both kill the enemy commander AND build a galactic gate to win (this would help reduce turtling/boredom in the galactic gate scenario)
    4. The greater the extent for modders to alter it the better.

    I do have 1 fresh (it think) idea: When i used to play TA with my bro we would try to set records for number of kills per match, but rushing in full belt meant u beat the AI before that total could be reached. Farming the enemy seems a bit off unless you consider that in a galaxy wide war an intentionally diversionary battle to waste an opponents time and res could be ultimately beneficial so I would like to pitch something along these lines (A sort of keep them busy for at least X time, and ensure you kill at least Y units/z resource value).
  16. dacite

    dacite Member

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    A last stand mode might be nice. You and 3 other allies defend a system from some sort of encroaching menace.
  17. jetda

    jetda New Member

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    hop - 12 players 5 planets objective is to survive constant meteor and astroid impacts while fighting each other or building defenses. Planets would slowly die from the impacts and explode after certain amount of hits forcing players to relocate early or near the end last commander alive wins. you could also make it more intense by allowing each planet to have 1-2 neutral radars that would be the only way of knowing where the impacts would be making these highly contested for survival and when to flee.
  18. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Regarding commander on commander battles, if one commander explodes before the other one, the surviving one barely survives but the battle still goes on for a couple of minutes or another set amount of time and if the one without a commander manages to murder the surviving commander, the battle ends in a draw. (the condition would be valid ONLY if a commander was destroyed with the weapon from another commander)

    I think that would be very interesting in the case of commander assassination mode.
  19. xnavigator

    xnavigator Member

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    1v1 automatch

    no fancy customization
    simple mode: destroy all enemy builds and you win
  20. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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    Multiplayer galactic war?

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