What game modes should we start with?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by neutrino, January 25, 2013.

  1. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Fight for Control:
    Rather than a fight to kill the opponents commander as quickly as possible, it's a fight based firstly on map control.
    Basically, players start on different poles, and fight to "control" a percentage of the map.
    The way it would work is that control is scored off of metal points.
    If a player has a minimum of 60% of the metal points on the map captured for a certain amount of time (say, 15 minutes or so) they then have to destroy the opponent by killing the commander and destroying all units/buildings/structures.

    Oh, also Sandbox.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  2. shadowkun

    shadowkun New Member

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    Now, this idea may be a bit crazy but here it is
    Dark Army (name subject to change)
    So basically this could probably done fairly easily with handicaps and preset units and such such but not quite to the extent I'd like
    So basically what the concept is a couple really strong players vs a bunch of weak players. Hopefully this will a decent amount of lore to this game as well.

    Variation 1

    1/5 of players selected to be apart of "the dark army" increasing units attack and defense up a few notches as well as increasing resource harvest rate and giving them a starting army. Now, the other players can choose to side with or against them.

    Variation 2

    Only one player is in control of the dark army but has greatly increased production, attack, defense, and mining, but also has a fixed income that increases with each planet held. The dark army player also starts with 1-3 extra planets.

    Variation 3

    The dark army is controlled by an ai and has units spawn on barren worlds. Mostly just along the asteroid belts. And the players must work together to either destroy all the asteroids or capture them all. But be warned, if you capture one and they recapture it they will immediately attempt to convert it into a weapon and attempt to take out your best planet. The ai slowly gets stronger and stronger as its fleet gets closer and closer.

    Variation 4

    Same as 3 but the goal here is to use the wonder or gate to escape the system before the fleet gets there.
    Recaptured asteroids will be aimed at wonder worlds.
    (Note, the more asteroids they have the more units they'll send out added to the ones that spawn.)

    Special rules

    The darkness

    There will always be a fog of war surrounding all planets claimed by the dark army
    Also there can be a normal fog of war with this as well

    Scattered contact

    Basically what this would do is make it so you can't communicate with any players outside of your radio range, it would work by placing a radio beacon on your planet and it would have a varying radius depending on what you set it to and you would also have satellites with 2x - 6x the radio towers range.
    This a bit experimental so don't count on this one too much.

    There can only be one

    Players can't win with the dark army, if allied with the army after wiping all the other players out the army can choose to wipe them out or players can choose to surrender.


    The players all start out normally and after a set ammount of time a player is converted to the dark army. The player can choose to use the power to ramp up a defense or choose to wait it out until the maximum number of players have been converted. (Note can not be used with the darkness)

    Barren bliss

    All barren planets claimed by the dark army give a mild bonus to income and production though this cuts their defense in half and also eliminates the use of asteroids as planet bombs.

    The great hunger

    The dark army must kill a player after a certain interval of time or else it begins to lose its power.

    And... Until I can think of anything more that should be it. If you think it can be improved feel free to add anything.

    The dark armys stats can be worked so they're either very power or just overwhelming
    Ie. Strong and hardened units with slightly reduced production times
    Vs. Weaker units with faster production times and faster resource gather rates
    Or just a mix of whatever you guys would prefer to challeng yourselves with.

    Side note, I'm not a modder so I'm not really cappable of creating and adding this to the game myself.
    Last edited: January 9, 2014
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Have you ever played one of the "phantom" mods for Forged Alliance? They are pretty near of your concepts.
  4. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    Every Planet has lots Strategic Points. Control 66% for 5 minutes wins.
    Every Planet has a few(1 per planet scale) Critical Locations. Control 51% for 10 minutes to win.
    *Assassination. Player is kicked when the commander is lost.
    Survivor. The team with the last surviving commander wins. (Don't kick a player on commander death)
    Resource victory. Amass X resources to win.
    Economic Victory. Have income Rate X to win.
    Gluttony Victory. Waste (surplus) X resources to win.
    Escape Victory. Use Haleys to push an asteroid with your commander OUT of the system.
    Build a Wonder/Stargate/Superweapon/etc.
    Protect a Wonder/Stargate/Superweapon/etc. If it's destroyed you are kicked.
    *Last Wonder/Stargate/Superweapon/etc Standing. Players are not kicked, but the last standing wins.

    Goals can be paired with AND to make a single complex goal, or OR for a multiple win condition.

    And my favorite, a randomization system.
    The host chooses from the list of eligible conditions and selects a min and max number of victory conditions. How they are assigned is it's own game mode...

    The system chooses an appropriate number of conditions from the eligible list and applies them all players.

    Personal Goals.
    Like Random, but every player has their own goal. Goals would be listed by the player names so everyone knows what to defend.

    Hidden Agenda.
    Common goals are assigned to every player, but each player also has a secret goal that the other players are unaware of.

    Every goal is secret and randomly assigned per player.

    *Assassination and Protect a Wonder are not well suited for Personal Goals because your personal goal may not need your commander. Survivor and Last Wonder Standing work fine though.
    Last edited: January 9, 2014
  5. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    I wonder what the progress is on Uber adding additional game modes into the game.

    I personally like the game mode Greed.

    -Monetary goal ( lets say 1 million metal) You have infinite storage.

    However, you can die by normal means (commander assassinated by bots)

    Its a give or take on how much money you can store and defend before your enemy gets their goal.

    Also, the amount of funds stored in each person's storage is shown in a spectator box in the top left.
  6. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Was thinking about mass effect and thought of the 'interplanetary invasion' thingy. So how about an alien race (reapers) are coming in after 30 minutes or so and it is up to you to build strong enough defences to survive waves of incoming interplanetairy invasions. (I know it's never gonna happen, but its the idea that counts) ^^
    Infrabasse likes this.
  7. Infrabasse

    Infrabasse Active Member

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    Sounds awesome :)
    Remy561 likes this.
  8. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    It would be more interesting to have to build the storage because you can destroy them. We could give more storage per building so you don't have to spam 300 metal storages
  9. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    That's actually pretty cool.
    It'd add extra emphasis on map-control, too.

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