What game modes should we start with?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by neutrino, January 25, 2013.

  1. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    This immediately made me think of the re-designed "original" Risk, that had objectives randomly assigned at the start of the game, and random bonus for achieving them (like extra units etc.). The aim was to score 3 objectives before anyone else, and certainly made the game a lot less predictable, and more winnable by players that would otherwise have been steam rolled in original Risk.
    Therefore, this sounds like a VERY GOOD THING.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  2. Infrabasse

    Infrabasse Active Member

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    Not really a game mode, but the ability to choose on which celestial body you will spawn would tremendously change the game dynamics and for me this kind of qualifies as a game mode.
    Players would probably need to individually select their starting planet manually.
    Maybe there could be a random allocation system too.

    The sooner the better. We are currently jumping through hoops to achieve exactly that. We're doing orbital rushing, agreeing to not attack each other, so that we start on different planets. It's tedious.
    Last edited: December 3, 2013
    Timevans999 and cptconundrum like this.
  3. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    Needs to change the nature of hitting planets with big rocks. It may not be true to life but as you say, it will make for good game play. Reduce the damage of planet bomb so just a massive area gets chopped and not the whole plant, then the starting on different planets idea would work brilliantly.
  4. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    I disagree with this. I would go into detail why but this is a game modes thread :D
  5. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    I'm not asking for a defined line in the sand just open your mind.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    uhmm AAAACtually, that's the way it's going to be anyways, the current destruction is placeholder.

    it's not supposed to wipe the planet clean regardless of what you send at it.
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Which stream is that from? Certainly the trailer shows total destruction.
    nick2k likes this.
  8. omniao

    omniao Active Member

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    I'd like to see a game based on how many times a commander can be resurrected. Like multiple "lifes"

    Nuclear winter= you have 10 nukes at start, and nukes do 1/10 of health damage. (I mean 1/10 of the life.of.the unit, not 1/10 of the damage of the nuke.) You need to pay 10000 mex to launch one and you can't build anything else but eco, except tier one air bombers, at 1/4 the speed.

    Time attack = Time countdown, different settable goals, eco, last commander standing, most planets colonized, most units.

    One man army = one team is defensive (can use everything but nukes) the other team is offensive (one commander with super regen, two health bars, faster uber cannon reload.)

    One type of unit only, land, naval, bot, orbital, or air.

    KEW mania= many asteriods, Halleys are extremely cheap, and only offensive unit/building avaliable. Engineers allowed.

    Fortress = all defesive turrets are automatically surrounded by walls, defensive turrets and walls are extremely cheap. Unit damage may be increased for balance.

    Bellaphobic = winner has created the most units. Ends when a adjustable amount of units have been created. -1 per unit destroyed.

    Bellaphile = winner has destroyed the most units. Ends when a adjustable amount of units have been destroyed. -1 per unit built.
    Last edited: December 4, 2013
  9. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I believe the damage is subjective..... depending on the size of planet used for smashing vs the size of planet being smashed....

    Anyhow! New game mode, provided planets get small cities of ruins. Someone suggested indigenous people's existing civ rev style. So my wish list game mode would be defend or destroy the indigenous peoples or perhaps help them accomplish some task like inhabiting different planets or something of the sort. I know lots of extra work but sounds like a great dlc addition!!!
  10. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    uhmmm AAAACtually, (1:36) sure you can say thats just the trailer, blah blah. More reasons and scientific facts on why this would happen on this thread https://forums.uberent.com/threads/unrealistic-biome-after-planetoid-impact.54168/ but hey anything can happen in a game. I didn't say that the planet WILL be fully wiped out all I said is that I disagreed with it not BEING wiped out. I would like to see where they said that "that's the way it's going to be anyways, the current destruction is placeholder. it's not supposed to wipe the planet clean regardless of what you send at it." Not saying they didn't or anything :p.
  11. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    Nicky your not being one hundred percent constructive but I do like you.
  12. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    Battle Tatics: every one get X metal points(decided on the match) and then they buy units/defenses and other things, but w/out the commander(he would be OP w/ the 12500HP or he get a HP= 4000)
    also, you can't buy Turtle units(Pelter/ Holkins/ Catapult)...
    Last edited: December 17, 2013
    z4c likes this.
  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    oh Yipidi! this became relevant again!
  14. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    Snow ball fight.

    All teams or players would start on separate planets that are at the same distance from the sun and spaced equally around the orbital path. All planets would be the exact same planet with one moon for each opponent. For example in a two team match each planet would have one moon. In a 4 team match each planet would have 3 moons.

    The goal is to smash your opponents planets first. Commanders are restricted to their starting planet. This would be a game based purely on economy and build power.

    Victory would go to the team that was the last to go down. Even if a moon is on it's way but has not landed yet.

    In the current state of the game this could still be managed using one planet to launch from. When you leave the start planet you cannot return and all structures left behind must be destroyed to prevent carrying any economy over to the main part of the game.

    The different teams would not be allowed to return to the starting planet and no new economy can be built until all teams have landed on the secondary planets.
  15. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    Commander of the Hill :)

    Should be self explanatory.

    Commander on a specific hill gains score, the first to reach x score wins. Game mode forces you to make units to try and keep commander on the hill as long as possible and as quickly as possible.
    z4c likes this.
  16. BigMonD

    BigMonD Member

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  17. BigMonD

    BigMonD Member

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    One thing I thought of in some older RTS games is it would be really cool to have the ability to take manual first person control of any unit.

    I understand it would take some huge technical additions to the game but the ability to take over a single unit and go on a one man army killing spree using skills to overpower large forces would be amazing.
  18. arthursalim

    arthursalim Active Member

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    I like a lot of the ideas around here i suggest something


    A huge planetary city has one of it´s neighborhoods take by zombies, you are assigned to contain the treath with whatever means you can, each bot you lose the enemy gains one, tanks and planes are very expensive and have a limit, as the time goes by the enemy army increases as well as the city panic


    If you let even a single zombie escape from the quarentine area it will spread to another region and infect there raising panic


    The more infections are related the more the panic raises and riots begin to spread trought the city, you also get more resources to help fight the plague but the infection keeps getting bigger


    The AI gives you metal and energy, the ammount they give you raise with the panic level, you also need to protect the economic fields of the city,since each metal extractor, power plant you lose less income you get

    Winning condition

    You contain the plague enought time or you anihilated it

    Lose condition

    The plague reaches the city control building and infect the rulers of the city

    Time increase

    Every time an outbreak happens and panic increases the time for your win also increases

    Another options

    You can play without time were your only objective is to destroy the plague

    You can play co-op with your friends and try to contain the plague

    Special options

    Those options can be triggered by you (TBY Trigered.By.You)
    Or by the AI goverment (NTBY Not.Trigered.By.You)

    Call in the emergency state(TBY)
    Citizens stay at home but panic increases a lot

    Call in the reserves(TBY)
    Many bots apear at the goverment building but they have less hp than the normal ones

    Evacuate a district(TBY)
    Removes all citizens from a district but increases panic a little bit

    Increases resource share(NTBY)
    Increases the ammount of resources you recieve based on panic

    Block Media(TBY)
    Increases panic a lot but prevent futher increase of panic for 15 minutes

    I think thats all i have please comment your opnion i know its a bit late but i just had this idea

    Happy New Year :)
  19. fissure

    fissure Member

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    Gametype: Orbital start

    Basic detail:
    Instead of starting on a planet, everyone starts in orbit around the sun, and can launch themselves to any planet they want. In a team game, this would mean that an entire team could decide to try and target a single planet, or they could try to spread out and take over multiple planets, not risking all for one piece of rock.

    Link for further detail regarding everything: pros, cons, travel times/game start length, pros, how to mitigate cons, etc.
  20. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    blind mode
    for the really hard-core players out there
    it is a normal system, but the size of the planet, the terrain and the number and position of mex spot are unknown, until you scout it. everything is covered by an extremely dark fog of war that blocks out even terrain until you scout. orbital is impossible until you have a deep space radar to tell you where the planets are and how big they are.
    you do not even know how many players are on the planet or even in the game. until you find them

    my other idea is to give a certain number of metal points to the players and let them pick their army.
    turrets and ground/sea radars would be allowed, but would be much more expensive.
    there would be no nukes or orbital.

    when you spawn, you would have all your units with you and there are no builders of any kind
    also this is just units, no commanders.

    this can be used I conjunction with blind mode on a single planet.
    Last edited: January 9, 2014

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