What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital combat)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ekulio, December 17, 2012.

  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    If anything, the rocket science is the easy part!

    Teleporting within a million miles of your target planet, given the absurd RL scale of the galaxy, is akin to the difficulty of shooting a string from earth, through a needle on the dark side of the moon, using a camera with a 10+ year delay. It's a pretty damn good shot. ;)
  3. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    From this we know that there will but combat within the Orbital Layer (ie. Orbital units fighting orbital units) and that there will be units that can move from the planet into the orbital layer and then to the orbital layer of another planet (lander).
  4. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    I would like to emphasise from the above points that we do NOT know if there will be the capability to move things from one orbital layer to another.

    This is very important, as the addition of this capability would lead to the positional play of capturing and moving to worlds to be somewhat degraded.

    It is my hope that once launched into an orbital layer, players cannot then move an orbital unit to a different orbital layer. However, when launching, players can send units into different orbital layers, depending upon the gravity well of the current body, and the technology of the launcher. Thus a T1 launcher on a large body may only be able to launch into the large body's orbital layer, while the same launcher on the smaller orbiting moon may be able to access the moon's orbital layer, the larger bodys layer, and possibly other bodies' orbital layers as well. This is important, as it requires positional play, and fighting over terrain as claiming successive bodies allows players to reach yet more parts of the solar system. By comparison, if units in orbit can fly off to other orbital bodies by themselves, then there is little reason not to just focus purely on orbital units, and bombard enemies into submission with a single orbital deathball.
  5. aerospacefanatic

    aerospacefanatic New Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    I think that it should be possible to change the orbit of something once it's there, but it would take a huge amount of energy (if you even sent it up with thrusters) compared to planes, or have a finite amount of fuel.
  6. kobeast98

    kobeast98 New Member

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    what about shooting right below them?

    I think it should be like a laser system so they shoot right below them. or like G.I. joe and drop fuel rods straight down but does a lot more damage than the laser. and that the satellites have a set path when launched. but you can sacrifice the satellite and crash it anywhere if you don't need it anymore:].
  7. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    That blew my mind ! where did you get that ? did you write that ? more !
  8. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    Sorry, double post
    Last edited: July 31, 2013
  9. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    My question was "What types of methods will be available at launch for players to send armies to other planets?" and he listed 3. We already know the unit cannon works only from moons to planets. The Teleporter is a structure form what I gather, making it viable for land, sea and possibly air. That leaves the Lander. From what I can tell the lander is only ground units... So we can say right now there have been no confirmations of any methods by which purely orbital units can travel.
  10. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    "So the stages are basically: Get this working, get orbital working, and then get interplanetary orbital units working that can traverse between planets"
    -Mavor 22:12 of the July 30th Livestream

    So this means orbital units that can move between orbital layers is confirmed :D
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    You're jumping to conclusions.
  12. menchfrest

    menchfrest Active Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    there may be some orbital units that go between planets, we have to have some way of getting fabbers and commanders to other orbital bodies. It does not mean everything can though.

    Making a spy satellite interplanetary capable is a waste of resources, when instead you could use the extra satellite mass to make a better spy satellite. *unneeded fluff logic*
  13. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

  14. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    I'm imagining a super-egg that you load up with units, then launch to other planets for invasions, and that's basically as far as I see trans-orbital units going.
  15. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    A Drop-Pod?

    Basically what the Unit-Cannon is going to fire?
  16. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    More of a T3 unit sort of thing. Built by engineers on planet 1, a bunch of tanks drive up the loading ramps which then fold up, it launches and flies to planet 2 and lands, then deploys its cargo and recharges its engines.

    The unit cannon seems like more of a short range thing, like in the concept video where it reinforces the battle on the main planet with units from the moons.
  17. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    So exactly like the Unit Cannon then. The Unit Cannon's range is only limited by the gravity of it's parent planet.
  18. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    Well, no, the super-egg wouldn't be limited by the gravity of its parent planet since it has its own engines, and it's more front-loaded in terms of unit delivery, so it can handle invading hot zones. You can imagine a stream of unit cannon delivered bots being plinked one-by-one on arrival either by AA or ground defenses. And then, once the super-egg has landed, it's sitting all the way out there and you have to wait for it to return to send it out again, or just build a second one.
  19. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    As I recall, the only thing said about this particular topic in the recent stream was an offhand mention of launching an attack from an asteroid you put engines on, and then possibly smashing it into the planet. Basically, it seems like whatever the short-ranged high-capacity inter-body unit transit system will be (likely the unit cannon), asteroids or other movable objects will be the way to go about assaulting a planet.
  20. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: What does no space combat/spaceships mean? (Orbital comb

    I think the idea Neutrino has in his head is that you can't just attack planet to planet, unless they're very close. You have to go via a moon or an asteroid.

    I like that idea personally. It adds pacing to a game and stops units just appearing out of nowhere.

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