What do you think of Assault only players?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by aflyingtaco, February 8, 2012.

  1. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    I just see so many things for the support to have the upper hand

    Shotgun>AR in ot juiced
    Supports can punch bots, passive them and have a firebase as an extra weapon.
    shotgun is the strongest weapon in the game.
    Gapshots take out all the turrets
    3.3 firebases all over with air strikes in the right hands can be unstoppable especially with shavice in the right spots.
    Overhealing supports with the shotgun or group hurt beams can be fatal

    You got 6 of a class with the strongest weapon in the game, ability to modify any turret, hack or destroy them easily (air strike/gapshot), a deployable gun which has the best range and healing aura as well.

    Firebases can also be deployed in hard to shoot spots which the assault might have trouble with if 2 supports over heal them.

    Basically if each support runs rate/armor/skill and 2 others run skill/armor/rate everything gets hacked and stays hacked, theres 6 firebases that assaults need to worry about. Any 3.3 on the map is a huge advantage and any bot over healed or passived is a +
  2. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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  3. skayeyeelel

    skayeyeelel New Member

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    Assaults W. Notta Doubt

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