What do you guys think about this idea (scoreboard changes)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by tinygod, February 4, 2011.

  1. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    yeah, does anyone know if this effects achievments too?
  2. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    That won't change anything. Players would rather kill players than turrets and bots. You can't force people to change bro.

    It isn't that they are "uneducated". You know what? I'll admit, when I play assassin or support, what do you think I should be doing? Having fun, or... just killing bots and helping my team.

    People sometimes want to have fun rather than be the most helpful on their team. It happens.

    You aren't going to change ANYTHING with your "proposed" scoreboard changes. The only way to get what you're proposing, is to either tell the player yourself. You know what will produce results? Experience in the game. Nobody has it. Deal with it. It's a new game. Let the new players realize that in order to win they need to escort bots to moneyball, and in order to do that they need to: A. eliminate enemy players, B. eliminate bots incoming, C. knock down turrets. Once all the players understand those fundamentals, it'll be a matter of time before the matches start getting better.

    One more thing, I've found MANY players attacking the moneyball while it's up. They don't understand the concept of "escorting bots". That's the real issue. Tutorial needs to include some sort of "practice game". Not just a tutorial of Blitz, but a tutorial on how Crossfire will be played.
  3. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I see your point, and respectfully disagree with you. I think you underestimate the amount of fun some people derive FROM seeing their name at top of something on the scoreboard.. But we will have to agree to disagree.

    And yes as the game gets older the level of skill will increase, that is inherent to almost ANY thing. The longer people do it the better they will get. I simply don't understand the opposition to adding additional columns, I guess from a "I dont think they change anything" Stand point I can see your point. But why not add them? They can only help, and in no way hurt.

    Change bots killed, to total damage done to bots, to avoid last minute kill stealing I guess, but i really dont see that as a problem.. 2 people attacking bots is good.
  4. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Uhh... no. I get on top of the scoreboard all the time. It aint kills. It's MONEY!

    How do you get money? Getting really good killstreaks, bots, moneyball, mascot. If someone is high on the scoreboard on money, typically they are your BEST player.

    You shouldn't blame the rest of the team having 1k-2k and it's late game and near OT. Those are the bad players and they WILL get better.

  5. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    This is why I said "at the top of something" and not just "at the top of THE" Many people look at K/D over Money, regardless of the ORDER of names, I would love to have 4 coloumns like suggested and have it sortable.. Also adding these columns would not effect anything negatively, it would only add positives to the game, even if those positives do not effect you in any way.

    meh.. either way you are not going to sway me and I am not going to sway you. I think we've spent enough time attempting.. I will simply say, you are as entitled to your oppinion as i am to mine.

    Good Day
  6. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    It won't change how players view the game and decide to play it.

    In other words, if I decided one game to try for grimbars 50-0 sniper record, then I'll do so even if it means I'm at the bottom of the list. :D

    Uhhh... what? I'll just stop here and say that even though K/D doesn't matter, the amount of $ a player has really does impact the game. Like I said before, they are usually the TOP players. Changing the scoreboard will provide ZERO positives except you get "Your" scoreboard the way you like it. People will still be be playing for kills and money. Not to mention the UBER STREAK and OVER 9000!!! Protags.
  7. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Unless they are support and are spending all their time making sure everyone ELSE is making money by healing them.
  8. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    The issue with adding the bot kill counter is, that it doesn't differentiate against bots. I could get 100 slimbot kills and not touch a blackjack and make very little difference in a game. I can kill 20 laser turrets but, that's just pretty much the other team giving me money anyways. Money is the most effective way to display your contribution to the team and the match. I've topped 50-0 snipers with 25-10 by over 2k just because I bot farm and take out the most skilled pro.

    This has been discussed in length and has no real adverse affect on the community as a whole. The problem is that nobody reads the playbook. Read the damn playbook and than maybe people will get it through their thick neanderthal skulls that k/d means very little while earnings means everything.

    Also, all this bitching about adding more tutorials. Do you really expect the developers to put in an hour long tutorial or more to explain the finer details of each class when you can look at the playbook, practice on blitz, or look online. Really, remember that this is still a new developing company with limited resources and man power. Hell, you would only have maybe 1% actually have the patience to sit through the tutorials anyways if they were anywhere longer than 10 minutes.
  9. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    You gotta have kills on a scoreboard, people will go crazy if you don't.

    I think the scoreboard is fine. If an adjustment were to be made, I'd say make the Money column more pronounced; make it bolder, larger, and/or a different color or something to make it stand out. Then people will more easily realize it's about money more than anything else (just like real life! :lol:).
  10. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    No offense by this, but isn't that their problem?

    I mean, i see no reason to change an already established formula only to cater the ego of people who aren't even understanding the concept behind the game. That is like lying on your first date. People should know what this game is about from the get go.

    I know that sometimes one would want to just hunt down pros for fun. I try to do it too from time to time so i'm not condemning you for that, however i can't complain if it leaves me on the lower part of the scoreboard because that's not how this game was designed, especially for my choice of class.

    I think total earnings do a pretty well job on determining the overall performance and how "Busy" a player was, and that's way more important than any K/D ratio that you could amass. But again, this is were we differ in opinions.

    One thing i do have to say about tutorials. My GF is a high school teacher and if i have learned anything with her, is that people don't all learn at the same speed, at all. Not that i'm asking for an long *** deep tutorial, but something like this trailer could be incorporated from within in-game for people who want to take some quick pointers on Crossfire.
  11. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Ever tried looking at the locker room? That video is in there.
  12. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    To be honest i didn't saw it, my bad. Figured it wasn't since it seems that there are people still confused by how crossfire works.

    Yesterday alone i saw about 4 people shooting at an protected moneyball.
  13. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I've mentioned this before, and it would be a good idea. The current scoreboard has a ton of space. All 5 would probably be overkill, but bot kills and turret kills should absolutely go on there. They are already tracked and easy to fit. Moneyball damage would be nice, but I don't think it is currently tracked, so it would take more effort to implement.
  14. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    agreed I think there is space for bots/turrets its already tracked and can ONLY HELP the game.. i dont understand the opposition to this, but they are entitled to their oppinions.
  15. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Last I checked you were trying to remove kill / death ratios from the scoreboard. You also proposed sorting via turret or bot kills or something.

    If you want them to add all this crap that isn't really interesting info to the scoreboard, fine. I'd rather not see it. If the player wants to know extra stats like this, consult the end-game board. It has multiple pages.
  16. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    End game board cannot be seen by other players, you could use that argument to say "why even display anything except money on the scoreboard?" A huge part of adding turrets or bots kills to the scoreboard is that other players could see them. Hopefully they will catch on that there is more to the game that KDR.

    Bot kills and Turret kills is just as interesting information as kills and deaths.
  17. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    No i wasnt, I said I wouldnt mind it personally, but that doing so would piss off most players so it wasnt nessecery.

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