What defines thread hostility? (Able commander controversy aside)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by drewsuser, July 12, 2014.

  1. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    The community. As a whole, and as of now, wants more interaction. I'm not trying to place the blame on Uber, the community is equally responsible. Perhaps this very thread is part of the problem, but I think that even if that is so, it still forces Uber to turn their heads in our direction... The right direction?
  2. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Indeed, you guys might be right about the forum. I thought I've read it somewhere that the access to the forum was part of the Early Access package. My bad.

    About revoking the license, I believe they need my consent (and request) for doing so.

    But if they do that would play in my favor. I would get my money back, and simply will re-purchase the game later on, at a huge discount (Summer sale 2015?) and I bet with quite a good number of re-skinned *exclusive* Commander models ;)

    Beside, I need only one Commander to play, and I hardly usually see how it looks.

    I'm discussing the people's right to express what they need without censorship. If they want to complain about the Able Commander, they should be able to do so, specially if no verbal offense is made.
    cmdandy likes this.
  3. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    I'd assume most unique artwork to be observed in the end product requires prototyping, and prototyping without a concept is a bit premature, no? Doesn't necessarily have to be a sketch of course.

    For that commercial, no changes were made to the body. The requirements will have been documented, and there will have been very little room for personal intepretation ("he needs a tuxedo" is pretty clear-cut).

    If you can do three different and unique Commanders by tomorrow, would that include textures? What are you basing these three Commanders on? Would you be happy with your initial design? Are they similar to existing Commanders?

    I don't doubt your competency, but I think your company works on a different project to the one Uber is with Planetary Annihilation. I get the comparison (I'm a software dev. myself as well), but I think the particulars are important here.
  4. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Haha, nice one (the comic).

    But, none of my content has been censored (apart one post in which I admittedly lost my temper - I did not complain - I actually apologized).

    I'm just saying here that censorship never helps in the long run, and it shows a bad management of a Community. Of course Uber has the power to delete content. What I'm discussing is if this power has been lately abused in the effort to shut off complains from the users.

    If so, that's bad, and shouldn't be passively accepted.

    ps: Edit. Also locking threads feels bad. I experienced it few times. In the past no answer came from Uber to some specific questions. I finally assumed that the answer was the worst I could imagine. What other reason could it be to methodically lock down thread after thread as soon as those questions arose?
    cmdandy likes this.
  5. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    "censorship" is using a rather strong word with negative connotations as a synonym for "forum management".

    Locking a thread serves a purpose. Is it censorship when a stickied thread is locked so people can't post in it? Or is it only censorship when people can't continue a debate anymore? What if the debate has reached an end? What if tempers are flaring? What if people insult each other?

    Moderation tools exist to help a forum run smoothly in the absence of RL punishments for people being douches. For example, if someone tells you to go a do something to a goat with your mother in Real Lifeā„¢, you'd either punch them, respond in kind (preferably with bedroom joke) or get someone else to handle the problem.

    You're objecting to moderation on the vague principle that all censorship is bad, because all speech is inherently good. This is false. Speech can be good or bad. Therefore, moderation can be good or bad. It is bad when it becomes censorship. However, I feel that it has yet to reach that stage on this forum.
  6. thepilot

    thepilot Well-Known Member

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    For the kind of work done to the commander to make the Able one, sketching would take more time that actually try it on the model directly.

    Or the artist took a week to iterate over his idea to get to the new texture he made, but it's really unlikely (it's not like that new design is remarkable, original or complicated).

    Changes were made to the body, to the geometry of the suit, and in the grooming.
    I'm the guy who is interviewed if you are wondering, so I'm pretty that what I'm saying happened :)

    Well, I guess you never dealt with a client demands :)

    I think the look of the fur on the ears, and only that, took 5 iterations after the initial groom was validated.
    And these 5 iterations happened in the course of a single day (because the deadline doesn't change).

    Search "tuxedo" in google image :)

    I'm talking of model unique like the able one. Meaning taking the existing model, and do changes that doesn't affect the rigging.
    So probably just the texture or some basic re-shaping.

    I will give you the same level of originality that the Able commander has.
    I'm not saying that a brand new commander can be done in an afternoon.
    I'm saying that you can propose three alternatives like the Able commander in a afternoon.

    We indeed work on different kind of project. But I can fairly say that the job done on the Able commander doesn't requires a week, unless they are recoding tools for changing the texture.
    vyolin and carlorizzante like this.
  7. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Ahh, sorry, by "documented" I meant internally as a design spec. Working with clients is, yeah. An interesting journey, to be sure :)

    But yeah, the point is there was iteration here. Most likely, anyhow. You don't just arrive at a variant Commander instantly; these things can take time to polish.

    Sorry for assuming you didn't know about that linked project, I've been handily corrected there!
    vyolin likes this.
  8. devoh

    devoh Well-Known Member

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    My question is this.. Do people think there could be a point that Uber says screw this, ships what they have and moves on to something different? We are well beyond beating a dead horse here.. and there is no sign of it stopping and people moving on to real technical discussions.

    So say you keep pushing this able commander issue.. Uber relents and reverses their decision, and ships the game as is and closes development. Yea you have a unique commander and a game that feel unfinished.

    How do we move forward from here? or are we just trying to destroy this game based on principal? And please don't tell me they would never do that, because everyone has a breaking point.

    Uber's original plan was to continue development well after release. To help the modding community.. etc.. Regardless of who started this crap, how do we fix it! How do you move forward and mend the bridges?
  9. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    You stop it by doing this: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/able-commander-officially-postponed.61963/
    Last edited: July 15, 2014

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