Welcome to PA TITANS!

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by jables, August 17, 2015.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You guys are awesome, don't let the troll brigade ruin your day.
    The happy people simply are busy playing the game. Only the unhappy trolls will be in the comments.

    Okay if you, reader, are a person who is just confused after coming back due to this update and for whatever reason you did not get all info yet: I am not accusing you of trolling. I was thinking oof waaaay other people ;)
    Last edited: August 18, 2015
    tesseracta, Vernam7, stuart98 and 2 others like this.
  2. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    I feel bad for you guys taking all the negative comments about the game dying while you were working on improving everything in secret!!
    tesseracta, Vernam7, stuart98 and 4 others like this.
  3. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    that's not true, I'm busy commenting because I'm not home and it takes my laptop over 30 minutes to load planets in
    cdrkf likes this.
  4. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Oups forgot so many people ... sorry @tvinita : THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    cdrkf likes this.
  5. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    One thing I learned today is that I will definitely stop reading comment sections.
    Seriously everyone. 13 euros for such a huge update and people are still complaining that they want free stuff.
    bastianforge, cdrkf, stuart98 and 5 others like this.
  6. proudlikeagod

    proudlikeagod New Member

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    colin, who the hell do you think you are?
    I've just returned to check out PA after the PR filtered out to alert me to Titans. I was a kickstarter backer from '12, and have received no email from Uber, and the site doesn't show a damned useful thing w.r.t. my account & having Titans access or key.

    It's only by blindly obtaining a fresh launcher download and blindly logging in do I seem to have it, by virtue of being able to do a tutorial in a super-sized stompy thing. There's nothing obvious stating the version/DLC I have or am playing, w.r.t. Titans.

    Legit customers aren't here to troll, there's a serious gap in information & help between what Kickstarter backers qualified for, and those aware they currently have access to Titans for free.

    So stop antagonising and go fix up some sticky message, or even the actual account pages, so people aren't so damned confused.
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I am sorry I came over as aggressive to you, I didn't mean that. I was mostly joking about all the hate you can find on the steam forums.
    I agree there is confusion and I hope Uber will clear some things up a bit.
    I am a bit confused as well why you did not get a kickstarter update email. There should have been one. Maybe check your spam folder?
    cdrkf and cwarner7264 like this.
  8. sevmek

    sevmek Active Member

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    Amazing news. I just bought it. Now let's hope the Linux state is improved.... I'll check that...
  9. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    @cola_colin is one of the most prolific PA modder and has without a single doubt contributed to PA much more than you 4 messages :D
    cdrkf, squishypon3 and tunsel11 like this.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    please don't attack him. It's understandable that some people are confused. It's important to clearly separate between honestly confused people, people who are honestly unhappy about unlucky early access prices and real trolls.
  11. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    proeleert, cdrkf and stuart98 like this.
  12. wilhelmvx

    wilhelmvx Member

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    I expected a surprise ... got the second coming of christ.
    Thank you Uber.
    MrTBSC, theseeker2, cdrkf and 9 others like this.
  13. proudlikeagod

    proudlikeagod New Member

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    It's not just me you need to apologise to. You say you're aware of the current situation and, especially as a Moderator, should be cognisant that this is a delicate time, right at a huge global release. Yet you shoot your mouth off that 'Only trolls' will be in these comments with complaints. I'm no troll, I paid my money right back at the start when it mattered the most afaik, and have wanted to feel I got something worthwhile ever since.

    No, I've double-checked and afaik I've not missed any email from Uber. And can find no clear listing of my account status.
    https://store.uberent.com/Account/MyKeys states I've a Beta key for UberNet. 'purchased' 06/03/2013. And a button to Convert to Steam.
    https://store.uberent.com/Account/MyAccount shows only 1 purchase on 24/12/2012, of a Beta key + Theta Commander, and it's only under the billing itemisation that Kickstarter is even mentioned.

    Again, the Uber Launcher seems to list nothing clearly onscreen w.r.t. my account status or the PA version.
    Of course the background says Titans, but I honestly couldn't tell if that's just promo placement or the actual thing I have.

    This **** is not clear, that's why people are confused and angry, when they need only be shown either that they actually already have Titans (ready-to-be) installed, or for free thanks to their true, rather hidden, account status.

    I'd suggest someone official take a few screenshots of accounts in this sort of status, highlight what people should look at to know what they qualify for, and put that info in a sticky at the top of these forums, asap.

    Then go fix up & unify the actual status that the pages list.

    And also fix a few other forum bugs I've already found.
  14. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Well my kickstarter copy, that had no special handling, downloaded a patch and when I started it told me in a big pop up: You just got Titans for free.
    So I thought that was pretty obvious. If that doesn't seem to work as well for everybody for whatever technical reason then yeah that sucks. But that just means that some of the now angry people will soon be happy when the missunderstanding is cleared up. It will be cleared up, I am sure of it :)
    cdrkf likes this.
  15. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    He never said only trolls. :/
    cdrkf likes this.
  16. Mooninaut

    Mooninaut New Member

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    Uber is like "We just announced, released and delivered the expansion to you. You're welcome."


    It's like a surprise birthday party, except not even on my birthday!
    cdrkf, pownie, stuart98 and 2 others like this.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I kinda did say something that could be misread. Didn't mean it to be that serious though.
  18. proudlikeagod

    proudlikeagod New Member

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    He literally did right here, on this same page 4 if there's anything but default pagination.

    I realise I sound like I'm making a huge deal out of this, but I've not been involved in PA in probably years, and I suspect I'm one of very many that will be swinging by in the coming hours and days, and the first thing I find when seeking answers for the confusing PR, is an official mod saying only trolls will be commented and complaining about this confusing which is Uber's doing.
    I am not aware of any other system by which I might promptly contact Uber for support on these issues atm.

    I'd hardly be persuaded to drop any cash on some 66% discount if I were on the fence about it or my status and found that as the first community interaction.
  19. proudlikeagod

    proudlikeagod New Member

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    Perhaps they missed the use-case of people effectively having 'new' installs that updated directly to Titans, without being new customers that know they just bought & qualify for it. I'm fairly sure I didn't miss a giant popup, but then I'm not familiar with the launcher & that it unusually seems to keep PA in the same windowed dimentions as itself by default.

    IIRC my launcher install was <100MB, and then a ~1.7gig 'update'. Which, as a fresh install, could logically just be the current data for any given version of the game and not a sign of Titans-specific content.

    Also, the launcher won't remember my password regardless of whether I select for it to...
    Last edited: August 18, 2015
  20. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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    So I just did the first two levels of the tutorial before I crashed on level 3. So, are the titans as powerful in the tutorial or was that showcase them? :O He really instantly rekt the base and 2 hitted the commander!

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